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Last active March 14, 2019 02:33
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Save keitetran/ddf60a8beb455802aa43ccffd1bf5fd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class CustomFanCard extends Polymer.Element {
static get template() {
return Polymer.html `
<style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>
:host {
line-height: 1.5;
.speed {
min-width: 35px;
max-width: 35px;
margin: 7px 0px;
ha-entity-toggle {
margin-left: 10px;
<hui-generic-entity-row hass="[[hass]]" config="[[_config]]">
<div class='horizontal justified layout' on-click="stopPropagation">
<paper-icon-button on-tap='setSpeed' disabled='[[_isLowSpeed]]' raised noink name=this._speed.low icon="mdi:numeric-1-box"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button on-tap='setSpeed' disabled='[[_isMedSpeed]]' raised noink name=this._speed.medium icon="mdi:numeric-2-box"></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button on-tap='setSpeed' disabled='[[_isHghSpeed]]' raised noink name=this._speed.high icon="mdi:numeric-3-box"></paper-icon-button>
<ha-entity-toggle hass="[[hass]]" state-obj="[[_stateObj]]"></ha-entity-toggle>
static get properties() {
return {
hass: {
type: Object,
observer: "hassChanged"
_config: Object,
_stateObj: Object,
_isLowSpeed: Boolean,
_isMedSpeed: Boolean,
_isHghSpeed: Boolean,
_speed: {
off: "off",
low: "low",
medium: "medium",
high: "high",
setConfig(config) {
this._config = config;
hassChanged(hass) {
const stateObj = hass.states[this._config.entity];
let speed;
if (stateObj && stateObj.attributes) {
if (stateObj.state == {
speed =;
} else {
speed = stateObj.attributes.speed ||;
_stateObj: stateObj,
_isLowSpeed: speed === this._speed.low,
_isMedSpeed: speed === this._speed.medium,
_isHghSpeed: speed === this._speed.high
stopPropagation(e) {
setFanSpeed(_speed) {
return this.hass.callService("fan", "set_speed", {
entity_id: this._config.entity,
speed: _speed
}).then(r => {
console.log("COPY chỗ này cho t xem", r);
return r;
}).catch(err => console.error("HOANG VL", err)); // Nếu lỗi thì in ra lỗi
turnFanOscil(_status = true) {
let service = (!_status) ? "turn_off" : "turn_on";
return this.hass.callService("switch", service, {
entity_id: "switch.fan_oscil"
}).catch(err => console.error("HOANG VL", err)); // Nếu lỗi thì in ra lỗi
setSpeed(e) {
const speed = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("name");
const stateObj = this.hass.states[this._config.entity];
const currentSpeed = stateObj.attributes.speed;
// turn off fan
if (speed === {
return this.setFanSpeed(
.then(() => this.turnFanOscil(false));
// turn on fan
if (currentSpeed == {
// low => set fan low sau đó gọi fanoscil
if (speed === this._speed.low) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low)
.then(() => this.turnFanOscil());
// medium
if (speed === this._speed.medium) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low)
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.medium))
.then(() => this.turnFanOscil());
// high
if (speed === this._speed.high) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low)
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.medium))
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.high))
.then(() => this.turnFanOscil());
// change speed from low
if (currentSpeed == this._speed.low) {
// to medium
if (speed === this._speed.medium) return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.medium);
// to high
if (speed === this._speed.high) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.medium)
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.high));
// change speed from medium
if (currentSpeed == this._speed.medium) {
// to high
if (speed === this._speed.high) return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.high);
// to high
if (speed === this._speed.low) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.high)
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low));
// change speed from high
if (currentSpeed == this._speed.high) {
// to high
if (speed === this._speed.low) return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low);
// to high
if (speed === this._speed.medium) {
return this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.low)
.then(() => this.setFanSpeed(this._speed.medium));
customElements.define("custom-fan-card", CustomFanCard);
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