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Created March 14, 2013 07:13
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srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:4283', 'EPSG:28350']
title: srss-ows MapProxy
srs: 'EPSG:900913'
# grid_full_example:
# tile_size: [512, 512]
# srs: 'EPSG:900913'
# bbox: [5, 45, 15, 55]
# bbox_srs: 'EPSG:4326'
# min_res: 2000 #m/px
# max_res: 50 #m/px
# align_resolutions_with: GLOBAL_MERCATOR
# another_grid_full_example:
# srs: 'EPSG:900913'
# bbox: [5, 45, 15, 55]
# bbox_srs: 'EPSG:4326'
# res_factor: 1.52:41 PM 17/07/2012
# num_levels: 25
# # coordinate transformation options
# srs:
# # WMS 1.3.0 requires all coordiates in the correct axis order,
# # i.e. lon/lat or lat/lon. Use the following settings to
# # explicitly set a CRS to either North/East or East/North
# # ordering.
# axis_order_ne: ['EPSG:9999', 'EPSG:9998']
# axis_order_en: ['EPSG:0000', 'EPSG:0001']
# # you can set the proj4 data dir here, if you need custom
# # epsg definitions. the path must contain a file named 'epsg'
# # the format of the file is:
# # <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs <>
# proj_data_dir: '/path to dir that contains epsg file'
# # cache options
# where to store the cached images
# base_dir: './cache_data'
base_dir: 'e:\mapproxy\keith\cache'
# where to store lockfiles
#lock_dir: './cache_data/locks'
lock_dir: 'e:\mapproxy\keith\locks'
# request x*y tiles in one step
meta_size: [3, 3]
# add a buffer on all sides (in pixel) when requesting
# new images
meta_buffer: 80
# image/transformation options
# Support 24bit PNGA files
paletted: false
#colors: 0
#mode: RGBA
#transparent: true
#resampling_method: bilinear
# quantizer: fastoctree
# resampling_method: nearest
# resampling_method: bilinear
# resampling_method: bicubic
# jpeg_quality: 90
# # stretch cached images by this factor before
# # using the next level
# stretch_factor: 1.15
# # shrink cached images up to this factor before
# # returning an empty image (for the first level)
# max_shrink_factor: 4.0
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