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Last active July 19, 2017 15:39
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Recursively crawl outgoing transactions from an origin bitcoin address
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const rp = require('request-promise');
const sb = require('satoshi-bitcoin');
const d3 = Object.assign({},require('d3-array'));
// the address to start crawling outgoing transactions from
const START_ADDRESS = '1Ftixp78FjTWFi3ssJjBw5NqKf5ZPQjXBb';
// the starting timestamp to compare transactions against
const START_DATE = new Date(1499413652000);
// collect transactions within this number of hours from start
const HOUR_LIMIT = 8;
// millisecond delay between hits to the API
// keep this number high, do not abuse the API
const RATE_LIMIT_MS = 2000;
// before crawling, be sure to create an empty tx.json in same folder
let transactions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname+"/tx.json", 'utf8'));
let usedOrigins = [];
let usedAddrs = [];
let step = 0;
const getTransactions = (address) => {
// do not crawl from same origin twice
if (usedOrigins.indexOf(address) === -1) {
} else {
let newTransactions = [];
rp({url:""+address, json: true})
.then(body => {
// loop through all of this wallet's transactions
for (let tx of body.txs) {
// check if this is a withdraw by looking at inputs
const OUTGOING_SATOSHI = d3.sum(tx.inputs,(input) => {
// if the input address matches this wallet, add it to sum
if (input.prev_out.addr == address) {
return +input.prev_out.value;
// check if transaction occurred within x hours
const HOURS = Math.abs(new Date(tx.time*1000) - START_DATE) / 36e5;
// does it meet both requirements
if (OUTGOING_SATOSHI > 0 && HOURS >=0 && HOURS <=HOUR_LIMIT && tx.out.length > 0) {
for (let out of tx.out){
// is a spent output
if (out.spent == true) {
// check if this output address has shown up before
// if so, mark it has multiple parents and give unique id
let outAddress = out.addr+"-"+step;
let hasMultiple = true;
if (usedAddrs.indexOf(out.addr) === -1) {
outAddress = out.addr;
hasMultiple = false;
out_addr: out.addr,
address: outAddress,
parent_address: address,
value: out.value,
value_btc: sb.toBitcoin(out.value),
tx_hash: tx.hash,
unix_time: tx.time,
num_parent_txs: body.txs.length,
has_multiple_parents: hasMultiple
console.log("returning "+newTransactions.length);
return (newTransactions.length > 0) ? newTransactions : null;
.then(data => {
// add new data to saved transactions and write to file
if (data) {
transactions = transactions.concat(data);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname+"/tx.json", JSON.stringify(transactions), 'utf8');
return data;
.then(data => {
// queue newly obtained outgoing addresses for crawling
if (data) {
let i = 0;
let intId = setInterval(() => {
if (data[i].out_addr) getTransactions(data[i].out_addr);
if (i >= data.length) clearInterval(intId);
.catch(err => {
console.log("ERROR FROM "+address);
console.log("ERROR CODE "+err);
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