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Created February 3, 2024 22:29
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Styles the text notification in the chat
var HandsUp = (() => {
'use strict';
* The hand-raising state for a player.
* @typedef {object} HandState
* @property {number} intervalId
* @property {string} origColor
* A mapping of player IDs to their hand-raising state. The presence of a
* key-value mapping for a player ID indicates that the player's hand
* is raised.
* @type {map<string, HandState>}
let raisedHands = {};
* Gets the current speaking name for a player.
* @param {Player} player
* @return {string}
function _getSpeakingAsName(player) {
// If speaking as a character, get the character's name.
let speakingAs = player.get('speakingas');
if (speakingAs) {
let [type, id] = speakingAs.split('|');
if (type === 'character') {
let character = getObj('character', id);
return character.get('name');
// Otherwise, get the player's name.
return player.get('_displayname');
* Lowers a player's hand.
* @param {Player} player
function lowerHand(player) {
let playerId = player.get('_id');
let handState = raisedHands[playerId];
// Restore the player's original state and remove them from the
// raisedHands map.
player.set('color', handState.origColor);
delete raisedHands[playerId];
let playerName = _getSpeakingAsName(player);
HandsUp.utils.Chat.broadcast(`${playerName} lowered their hand.`);
* Raises a player's hand.
* @param {Player} player
function raiseHand(player) {
let playerId = player.get('_id');
let origColor = player.get('color');
// Start an interval that makes the player's icon color cycle through a
// sequence of colors to get the GM's attention.
let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
let millis =;
let frequency = 1000;
let alpha = (millis / frequency) % 1;
let [r, g, b] = HandsUp.utils.Colors.hsl2rgb(alpha, 1, 0.7);
let color = `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;
player.set('color', color);
}, 100);
// Track the raised hand in our map.
raisedHands[playerId] = {
let playerName = _getSpeakingAsName(player);
HandsUp.utils.Chat.broadcast(`${playerName} raised their hand.`);
* Toggles a player's state for whether their hand is raised or not.
function toggleRaisedHand(player) {
let playerId = player.get('_id');
let handState = raisedHands[playerId];
if (handState)
on('ready', () => {
log('--- Initialized Hands Up v1.0.0 ---');
return {
(() => {
'use strict';
const RAISE_HAND_CMD = '!HandsUp_raiseHand';
* Process a command from a player to raise or lower their hand.
* @param {ChatMessage} msg
function cmdRaiseHand(msg) {
let player = getObj('player', msg.playerid);
* Process commands for this script.
on('chat:message', msg => {
try {
if (msg.type === 'api') {
let argv = msg.content.split(' ');
if (argv[0] === RAISE_HAND_CMD)
catch (err) {
HandsUp.Commands = {
(() => {
'use strict';
* Installs a macro for a player.
* @param {Player} player
* @param {string} macroName
* @param {string} action
function _installMacro(player, macroName, action) {
let playerId = player.get('_id');
// Check for an existing macro.
let macro = findObjs({
_type: 'macro',
name: macroName,
_playerid: playerId
// Update if it exists.
if (macro)
macro.set('action', action);
// Otherwise, install it.
else {
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: playerId,
name: macroName,
action: action
* Module for installing this script's macros.
HandsUp.Macros = class {
* Installs or updates the 'RaiseHand' macro for all players.
static _installMacroRaiseHand() {
let players = findObjs({
_type: 'player'
// Install the macro for each player.
_.each(players, player => {
_installMacro(player, 'RaiseHand', HandsUp.Commands.RAISE_HAND_CMD);
static installMacros() {
* utils package
(() => {
'use strict';
HandsUp.utils = {};
(() => {
'use strict';
const FROM_NAME = 'HandsUp';
* This module provides chat-related functions.
HandsUp.utils.Chat = class {
* Displays a message in the chat visible to all players.
* @param {string} message
static broadcast(message) {
let handsUpStlye = `<div style = 'display: block; background-color:#d11002; border-radius:18px; text-decoration:none;color:#fff; font-family:Arial; font-size:13px; padding: 8px; font-weight: bold;'>`;
let handsDownStlye = `<div style = 'display: block; background-color:#888; border-radius:18px; text-decoration:none;color:#333; font-family:Arial; font-size:13px; padding: 8px;font-style: italic;'>`;
let alertStyle = handsUpStlye
if (message.includes("lowered")){
alertStyle = handsDownStlye
message = alertStyle + message + `</div>`;
sendChat(FROM_NAME, message);
* Notify GMs about an error and logs its stack trace.
* @param {Error} err
static error(err) {
log(`HandsUp ERROR: ${err.message}`);
`ERROR: ${err.message} --- See API console log for details.`);
* Fixes the 'who' string from a Message so that it can be reused as a
* whisper target using Roll20's sendChat function.
* @param {string} who The player name taken from the 'who' property of a
* chat:message event.
* @return {string}
static fixWho(srcWho) {
return srcWho.replace(/\(GM\)/, '').trim();
* Whispers a message to someoen.
* @param {Player} player The player who will receive the whisper.
* @param {string} msg The whispered message.
static whisper(player, msg) {
let name = player.get('_displayname');
let cleanName = HandsUp.utils.Chat.fixWho(name);
sendChat(FROM_NAME, '/w "' + cleanName + '" ' + msg);
* Whispers a message to the GM.
* @param {string} message
static whisperGM(message) {
sendChat(FROM_NAME, '/w gm ' + message);
(() => {
'use strict';
* A module for color computations.
HandsUp.utils.Colors = class {
* Convert a color from the HSL in the range [0, 1] to
* RGB in the range [0, 255].
* @param {float} hue hue
* @param {float} sat saturation
* @param {float} lum luminescence
* @return {vec3}
static hsl2rgb(hue, sat, lum) {
let hue360 = hue * 360;
// Algorithm stolen from
function f(n) {
let k = (n + hue360/30) % 12;
let a = sat * Math.min(lum, 1 - lum);
let rgbNorm = lum - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9-k, 1), -1);
return Math.floor(255 * rgbNorm);
return [f(0), f(8), f(4)];
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