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Last active May 17, 2023 01:06
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var API_Meta = API_Meta || {};
API_Meta.dltool = {
offset: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
lineCount: -1
}; {
try {
throw new Error('');
} catch (e) {
API_Meta.dltool.offset = (parseInt(e.stack.split(/\n/)[1].replace(/^.*:(\d+):.*$/, '$1'), 10) - (7));
on('ready', () => {
const version = '1.0.7';
log('-=> Dynamic Lighting Tool v' + version + ' is loaded. Base command is !dltool');
const processInlinerolls = (msg) => {
return msg.inlinerolls
.reduce((m,v,k) => {
let ti=v.results.rolls.reduce((m2,v2) => {
m2.push(v2.results.reduce((m3,v3) => [...m3,(v3.tableItem||{}).name],[]).join(", "));
return m2;
},[]).join(', ');
return [...m,{k:`$[[${k}]]`, v:(ti.length && ti) || || 0}];
.reduce((m,o) => m.replace(o.k,o.v), msg.content);
} else {
return msg.content;
const getPageForPlayer = (playerid) => {
let player = getObj('player', playerid);
if (playerIsGM(playerid)) {
return player.get('lastpage') || Campaign().get('playerpageid');
let psp = Campaign().get('playerspecificpages');
if (psp[playerid]) {
return psp[playerid];
return Campaign().get('playerpageid');
const L = (o) => Object.keys(o).forEach(k => log(`${k} is ${o[k]}`));
const decodeUnicode = (str) => str.replace(/%u[0-9a-fA-F]{2,4}/g, (m) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m.slice(2), 16)));
var cmdName = "!dltool";
let theCommand = '';
let theOption = '';
let lines = '';
let pageInfo = '';
let tokenInfo = '';
let lightInfo = '';
let tokenData = '';
let repeatCommand = `
const onButtonSmall = `<div style = 'background-color:#3b0; height:14px; width:25px; position: relative; top:2px; display: inline-block; border-radius:10px;'><div style = 'background-color:white; height:10px; width:10px; margin:2px 2px 2px 13px;display: inline-block;border-radius:10px'></div></div>`;
const offButtonSmall = `<div style = 'background-color:#888; height:14px; width:25px; position: relative; top:2px; display: inline-block; border-radius:10px;'><div style = 'background-color:white; height:10px; width:10px; margin:2px 12px 2px 2px;display: inline-block;border-radius:10px'></div></div>`;
const onButtonLarge = `<div style = 'background-color:#3b0; height:18px; width:30px; position: relative; top:2px; display: inline-block; border-radius:10px'><div style = 'background-color:white; height:14px; width:14px; margin:2px 2px 2px 14px;display: inline-block;border-radius:10px'></div></div>`;
const offButtonLarge = `<div style = 'background-color:#888; height:18px; width:30px; position: relative; top:2px; display: inline-block; border-radius:10px'><div style = 'background-color:white; height:14px; width:14px; margin:2px 16px 2px 2px;display: inline-block;border-radius:10px'></div></div>`;
let offStyle = `'background-color:#333; color:#ccc; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold; font-size: 10px; border:0px solid transparent; border-radius:3px; margin: 2px 2px; padding:1px 6px; display:inline-block'`;
let onStyle = `'background-color:#3b0; color:#fff; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold; font-size: 10px; border:0px solid transparent; border-radius:3px; margin: 2px 3px; padding:1px 6px; display:inline-block'`;
let disableStyle = `'background-color:#888; color:#fff; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight:bold; font-size: 10px; border:0px solid transparent; border-radius:3px; margin: 2px 3px; padding:1px 6px; display:inline-block'`;
const openSection = `<div style = 'background-color:#ccc; border: 1px solid black; padding:3px; border-radius:15px;margin-top:10px;'>`
const openHeader = `<div style = 'display: block; background-color:#333; color: #3b0; font-weight: bold; padding:2px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center;'>`;
const openSubhead = `<div style = 'background-color:#333; color: #ccc; font-weight: bold; padding:2px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center;'>`;
const openSubheadMargin = `<div style = 'background-color:#333; color: #ccc; font-weight: bold; padding:2px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center; margin-bottom:5px;'>`;
const openPageHead = `<div style = 'background-color:#aaa; color: #111; font-weight: bold; padding:2px; margin-bottom:6px; border-radius:20px; text-align:center;'>`;
const openReport = `<div style = 'display: block; position:relative;left: -5px; top: -30px; margin-bottom: -34px; background-color:#888; border-radius:18px; text-decoration:none;color:#000; font-family:Arial; font-size:13px; padding: 8px;'>`;
const closeReport = `</div>`;
const manualWarning = `<a style='background-color:transparent; border:0px solid transparent; font-size:11px; position:relative;top:-5px;padding:0px;color:#289500; font-family:pictos; text-decoration:none;' title='Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod Script system, you may need to open and close the settings manually for the changes to take effect.' href = '!dltool --message -- Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod Script system, you may need to open and close the settings manually for the changes to take effect.'>S</a>`;
const spacer = `<div style="width:100%; height:1px; background-color:transparent; margin:5px 0px;"></div>`;
const stop = `<div title="This is an issue that will prevent this token from being able to utilize dynamic lighting." style = "background-color: red; display:inline-block; height:8px; width:8px; margin: 8px 4px 0px 0px; border: 1px solid #111 "></div>`;
const caution = `<div title="This may or may not be an issue. It means that the token will be able to use dynamic lighting but only under certain conditons. A light source token on the map layer for instance will work as intended, but a player token will be blind and inaccessible to players." style = "background-color:#ffbf00; display:inline-block; height:8px; width:8px; margin: 8px 4px 0px 0px; border: 1px solid #111 "></div>`;
const go = `<div title="The token has passed this particular test for dynamic lighting. There is no issue here." style = "background-color: #3b0; display:inline-block; height:8px; width:8px; margin: 8px 4px 0px 0px; border: 1px solid #111 "></div>`;
const HR = `<div style="width:100%; height:1px; background-color:#fff; margin:5px 0px;"></div>`;
const toggle = (size, value, pageProperty) => {
let toggleButton = '';
if (size === "large" && (value === true || value === "true" || value === "basic")) {
toggleButton = onButtonLarge;
if (size === "large" && value === false) {
toggleButton = offButtonLarge
if (size === "small" && (value === true || value === "true" || value === "basic")) {
toggleButton = onButtonSmall
if (size === "small" && value === false) {
toggleButton = offButtonSmall
if (undefined === pageProperty) {
pageProperty = '';
let finalButton = `<a style='background-color:transparent; border:0px solid transparent; padding:0px;' href = '!dltool --${pageProperty}|${((value === "true") ? "false" : "true")}${repeatCommand} --report'>${toggleButton}</a>`;
if (pageProperty === "explorer_mode") {
finalButton = `<a style='background-color:transparent; border:0px solid transparent; padding:0px;' href = '!dltool --${pageProperty}|${((value === "basic") ? "off" : "basic")}${repeatCommand} --report'>${((value === "basic") ? onButtonSmall : offButtonSmall)}</a>`;
return finalButton;
const colorButton = (pageOrToken, property, value) => {
if (null === value) value = "transparent";
finalButton = `<a href = "!dltool --colorpicker|${pageOrToken}%%${property}" style ="display:inline-block; width: 18px; height:14px; position:relative; top:1px; border: 1px solid #111; border-radius:3px; padding:0px; margin-top:1px; margin-left: -2px; color:transparent; background-color:${value}">&nbsp;</a>`;
return finalButton;
const toggleToken = (value, tokenProperty, offCode, onCode) => {
let toggleButton = '';
if (value === true || value === "true" || value === "on") {
toggleButton = onButtonSmall;
buttonCode = offCode;
} else {
toggleButton = offButtonSmall;
buttonCode = onCode;
if (undefined === tokenProperty) {
tokenProperty = '';
let finalButton = `<a style='background-color:transparent; border:0px solid transparent; padding:0px;' href = '${buttonCode}${repeatCommand} --report'>${toggleButton}</a>`;
return finalButton;
const dlButton = (label, link) => {
let finalButton = `<a style='background-color:#333; color:#eee; text-decoration: none; border:1px solid #3b0; border-radius:15px;padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;display:inline-block' href = '${link}'>${label}</a>`;
return finalButton;
const dlSmallButton = (label, link) => {
let finalButton = `<a style='background-color:#333; color:#eee; text-decoration: none; border:1px solid #3b0; border-radius:15px;padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;display:inline-block; font-size:9px' href = '${link}'>${label}</a>`;
return finalButton;
const lightButton = (label, dimLight, brightLight, arc, onCode) => {
let totalLight = dimLight + brightLight;
let cautionText = ((label.includes("Bullseye")) ? " Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod Script system, you may need to open and close the token settings manually for the changes to take effect." : "");
let finalButton = ``;
let conditionalStyle = onStyle;
let conditonalLink = `!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|off light_angle|360${repeatCommand} --report`;
if (tokenData.get("low_light_distance") === totalLight && tokenData.get("bright_light_distance") === brightLight && tokenData.get("directional_bright_light_total") === arc) {
if (tokenData.get("emits_bright_light") === false) {
conditionalStyle = disableStyle;
conditonalLink = "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on light_angle|360" + repeatCommand + " --report";
finalButton = `<a style=${conditionalStyle} href = '${conditonalLink}'><span title = "dim light ${dimLight}ft. bright light ${brightLight} ft.${cautionText}">${label}</span></a>`;
} else {
finalButton = `<a style=${offStyle} href = '${onCode}${repeatCommand} --report'><span title = "dim light ${dimLight}ft. bright light ${brightLight} ft.${cautionText}">${label}</span></a>`;
return finalButton;
const visionButton = (label, has_bright_light_vision, has_night_vision, night_vision_distance, hoverText) => {
let finalButton = ``;
let conditionalStyle = onStyle;
let conditonalLink = `!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|off light_angle|360${repeatCommand} --report`;
if (tokenData.get("has_bright_light_vision") === has_bright_light_vision && tokenData.get("has_night_vision") === has_night_vision && tokenData.get("night_vision_distance") === night_vision_distance) {
conditonalLink = "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|false has_night_vision|false " + repeatCommand;
finalButton = `<a style=${onStyle} href = '${conditonalLink}'><span title = "${hoverText}">${label}</span></a>`;
} else {
conditonalLink = "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|" + has_bright_light_vision + " has_night_vision|" + has_night_vision + " night_vision_distance|" + night_vision_distance + ((night_vision_distance === 60) ? " night_vision_effect|nocturnal" : " ") + repeatCommand;
finalButton = `<a style=${offStyle} href = '${conditonalLink}'><span title = "${hoverText}">${label}</span></a>`;
return finalButton;
const setValue = (value, property, setCode) => {
//Edge cases and Roll20 bug correctors
if (value === '') {
value = "0"
if (value === null) {
value = "None"
if (value === undefined) {
value = "&nbsp;-&nbsp;"
if (value.toString().includes('"')){
value = value.replace(/"/g,'');
log("value = "+value);
let openTitle = "";
let closeTitle = "";
if (property === "night_vision_effect") {
let mode = tokenData.get("night_vision_effect");
switch (value) {
case "None":
openTitle = `<span title = "The token sees everything within the night vision range as bright light.">`;
closeTitle = `</span>`;
case "Nocturnal":
openTitle = `<span title = "Nocturnal Vision is a mode that mimics DnD5e and PF2e rules for Darkvision. When enabled, tokens will have Low Light in No Light areas, and Low Light areas will appear Brightly Lit.">`;
closeTitle = `</span>`;
let dimmingDistance = parseFloat(tokenData.get('night_vision_effect').replace(/^Dimming_/, '')) || 0;
dimmingDistance = Math.round(dimmingDistance * tokenData.get('night_vision_distance'));
openTitle = `<span title = "Dimming causes the vision area of the selected token to become dim Night Vision. ${dimmingDistance} feet of Dimming will have the inner ${dimmingDistance} feet of Night Vision appear bright while any amount left over will appear dim from that distance onward to the end of the night vision area.">`;
closeTitle = `</span><BR>` +
`<span style="margin-left:28px;">Dimming Distance starts at: ${openTitle}<a style='background-color:#333; min-width: 15px; text-align:right; color:#eee; border:1px solid #3b0; border-radius:3px;padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;display:inline-block' href = '!token-mod --set night_vision_effect|dimming|?{Set dimming dropoff distance in feet|${dimmingDistance}} ${repeatCommand} --report'>${dimmingDistance}</a>${closeTitle}</span>`;
value = "Dimming";
if (property === "fog_opacity" || property === "daylightModeOpacity" || property === "dim_light_opacity") {
value = value * 100; //for display. We want the user to see percentages, not decimals
let finalButton = `${openTitle}<a style='background-color:#333; min-width: 15px; text-align:right; color:#eee; border:1px solid #3b0; border-radius:3px;padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;display:inline-block' href = '${setCode} ${repeatCommand} --report'>${value}</a>${closeTitle}`;
return finalButton;
const label = (phrase, helptext) => {
let finalLabel = `<span title = "${helptext}">${phrase}</span>`
return finalLabel;
const pictos = (character, color) => {
let pictosChar = `<span style = "font-family:pictos; ${((undefined !== color) ? 'color:' + color : '')}">${character}</span>`
return pictosChar;
//GENERATES Arc of Light
const lightArc = (degrees) => {
let imgPosition = `style= "position:relative; top:-2px;" `;
let finalButton = "";
if (degrees < 361) {
finalButton = `<img ${imgPosition} src = "">`
if (degrees < 290) {
finalButton = `<img ${imgPosition} src = "">`
if (degrees < 220) {
finalButton = `<img ${imgPosition} src = "">`
if (degrees < 150) {
finalButton = `<img ${imgPosition} src = "">`
if (degrees === 0) {
finalButton = `<img ${imgPosition} src = "">`
return finalButton;
//The Aaron's Page Funcctions
// eslint-disable no-unused-vars
const getActivePages = () => [ Set([
type: 'player',
online: true
.filter((p) => playerIsGM(
.map((p) => p.get('lastpage'))
const getPlayersOnPage = (pageid) => {
let pages = {};
let ribbonPage = Campaign().get('playerpageid');
let psp = Campaign().get('playerspecificpages');
type: 'player'
.forEach(p => {
if (playerIsGM( {
const lp = p.get('lastpage') || Campaign().get('playerpageid');
pages[lp] = pages[lp] || [];
} else if (psp.hasOwnProperty( {
pages[psp[]] = pages[psp[]] || [];
} else {
pages[ribbonPage] = pages[ribbonPage] || [];
if (pageid) {
return pages[pageid] || [];
return pages;
const getGMPlayers = (pageid) => findObjs({
type: 'player'
.filter((p) => playerIsGM(
.filter((p) => undefined === pageid || p.get('lastpage') === pageid)
.map(p =>;
const stringToBoolean = function(string) {
switch (string.toLowerCase().trim()) {
case "true":
case "yes":
case "1":
return true;
case "false":
case "no":
case "0":
case null:
return false;
return Boolean(string);
const utilityInfo = openSection +
((tokenData !== '') ? dlButton("Why can't this token see?", "!dltool --report|checklist") : dlButton("Why can't this token see?", "!dltool --report|checklist")) +
dlButton("Other things to check for", "!dltool --checklist") +
dlButton("Help Center", "https&#58;\/\/\/hc/en-us\/articles\/360045793374-Dynamic-Lighting-Requirements-Best-Practices") + `&nbsp;&nbsp;` +
dlButton("DL Report ", "!dltool --report") + `&nbsp;|&nbsp;` + dlButton("Vision", "!dltool --report|vision") + dlButton("Light", "!dltool --report|light") + dlButton("Page", "!dltool --report|page") + dlButton(" + ", "!dltool --report|extra") +
on('chat:message', (msg) => {
if ('api' !== msg.type) {
msg.content = processInlinerolls(msg);
var msgTxt = msg.content;
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool`;
let pageData = getObj('page', getPageForPlayer(msg.playerid));
if (msg.content.match(/report\|extra/m)) {
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool --report|extra`
if (msg.content.match(/report\|setscale/m)) {
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool --report|setscale`
if (msg.content.match(/report\|light/m)) {
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool --report|light`
if (msg.content.match(/report\|vision/m)) {
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool --report|vision`
if (msg.content.match(/report\|page/m)) {
repeatCommand = `&#10;!dltool --report|page`
let repeatCommandChecklist = `&#10;!dltool --report|checklist`;
const daylightButton = (label, value, code) => {
let finalButton = "";
let conditionalStyle = onStyle
if (pageData.get("daylightModeOpacity") * 100 === value) {
if (pageData.get("daylight_mode_enabled") === false) {
conditionalStyle = disableStyle;
finalButton = `<a style=${conditionalStyle} href = '${code}${repeatCommand} --report'>${label}</a>`;
} else {
finalButton = `<a style=${offStyle} href = '${code}${repeatCommand} --report'>${label}</a>`;
return finalButton;
const cellWidthButton = (label, value, code) => {
let finalButton = "";
let conditionalStyle = onStyle;
if (pageData.get("snapping_increment") === value) {
if (pageData.get("snapping_increment") !== value) {
conditionalStyle = disableStyle;
finalButton = `<a style=${conditionalStyle} href = '${code}${repeatCommand} --report'>${label}</a>`;
} else {
finalButton = `<a style=${offStyle} href = '${code}${repeatCommand} --report'>${label}</a>`;
return finalButton;
// if ((msg.type == "api" && msgTxt.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1 && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) || (msgTxt === "!dltool --pcchecklist")) {
if (msg.type == "api" && msgTxt.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1) {
let APIMessage = msg.content;
if (APIMessage === "!dltool" || APIMessage === "!dltools") {
APIMessage = "!dltool --report"
let args = APIMessage.split(/\s--/);
// let commands = args[1].split(/\s+/);
let commands = args[1].match(/(?:[^\s"]+|"[^"]*")+/g);
let theMessage = args[2];
let checkLightButton = "";
tokenData = '';
if (msg.selected) {
tokenData = getObj('graphic', msg.selected[0]._id)
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
commands.forEach(c => {
theCommand = c.split(/\|/)[0];
theOption = c.split(/\|/)[1];
switch (theCommand) {
case 'report':
if (tokenData !== '') {
let lightData = '';
if (typeof checkLightLevel != "undefined") {
lightData = checkLightLevel.isLitBy(tokenData.get("id"));
checkLightButton = HR +
"<b>" + `<span title="This is the amount of light currently falling on the token. Without night vision, a token needs to have a light source in order to be able to see. A zero value means the token is in darkness.">` + "Token is in " + ( * 100).toFixed() + "% total light</span></b>&nbsp;" +
dlButton("Report", "!checklight");
} else {
let scriptLoc = 'https&#58;//';
checkLightButton = '<br>' + dlButton("Check Amount of Light on the Token", "!dltool --message --If you want this functionality, you will need to install checkLightLevel, an external script by Oosh. You can find it in One Click install on your Mod page.");
let controllerNames = "";
let controllers = '';
let char = false;
if (tokenData.get("represents")) {
char = ((tokenData.get("represents")) ? getObj("character", tokenData.get("represents")) : false);
} else {
char = false;
if (char) {
controllers = char.get("controlledby").split(",");
if (char.get("controlledby")) {
controllers.forEach(c => {
controllerNames = controllerNames + ((c === "all") ? "All players" : getObj("player", c).get("_displayname")) + " • ";
} else {
controllers = tokenData.get("controlledby").split(",");
if (tokenData.get("controlledby")) {
controllers.forEach(c => {
controllerNames = controllerNames + ((c === "all") ? "All players" : getObj("player", c).get("_displayname")) + " • ";
controllerNames = controllerNames + "•"
controllerNames = controllerNames.split(" • •")[0].replace(/\s•\s/g, ", ").replace(/•/, "");
if (controllerNames === '')(controllerNames = "None (GM only by default)");
let tokenName = (tokenData.get("name") || "unnamed");
tokenInfo =
openSection +
openSubhead + 'Token Vision</div>' +
openPageHead + '&quot;' + tokenName + '&quot; <span style ="font-size:12px; font-weight:normal;">' + ((char) ? ' (' + char.get("name") + ')' : '<span title = "This token does not represent a character">(generic)</span>') + '</span><BR><span style = "font-size=10px; font-weight:normal;" title="This is a list of people who control this token. If a name is not here, no player but the GM can use this token\'s vision settings.">Controllers: ' + controllerNames + '</span></div>' +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_bright_light_vision"), "has_bright_light_vision", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|off has_night_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_limit_field_of_vision|false") + ' <span title = "If this is on, the token has vision enabled. It will still need either Night Vision, or a nearby lightsource, otherwise it will see only blackness. A GM can test this by selecting the token and pressing Cntrl/Cmd-L. This is only an approximation. For true testing, it is recommended to use a Dummy Account. You can find out more about this in the Roll20 wiki. NOTE: Sometimes default values in token light can cause a token to see nothing regardless. Try toggling a light preset for this token on and off."> <b>Vision</b></span> &nbsp;' + '<BR>' +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_night_vision"), "has_night_vision", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_effect|nocturnal") + ' <span title = "This defaults to night vision with the Nocturnal settin. No distance is set. Choose that in the fields to the right.">Night Vision</span> ' +
setValue(tokenData.get("night_vision_distance"), "night_vision_distance", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_effect|nocturnal night_vision_distance|?{Input new Night Vision distance in feet}") + "ft " +
((tokenData.get("has_night_vision") && tokenData.get("night_vision_distance") < 1) ? `<span style='font-size:11px; position:relative;top:-5px;padding:0px;color:#ff0000; font-family:pictos;' title='This token has night vision, but the distance is set to zero, and it will not be able to see anything. You can set a deistance, or use one of the Vision Preset buttons below.'>*</span>` : "") +
'<BR>' +
'<span title="Use sparingly. Too many tokens with tinted light can lead to a confusing view for the GM, and may give unexpected results where they overlap." >&nbsp;Tint:' + setValue(tokenData.get("night_vision_tint"), "night_vision_tint", "!token-mod --set night_vision_tint|?{Use sparingly. May interact poorly with colored light. Input in hex, rgb or hsv format.|transparent}") + "</span> " +
colorButton("token", "night_vision_tint", tokenData.get('night_vision_tint')) +
//`<div style ="display:inline-block; width: 18px; height:14px; position:relative; top:1px; border: 1px solid #111; border-radius:3px; margin-top:1px; margin-left: -2px; background-color:${tokenData.get('night_vision_tint')}">&nbsp;</div>` +
`<span title="The mode provides alternative functionality to the Night Vision effect.Dimming causes the vision area of the selected token to become dim Night Vision. Nocturnal mimics DnD5e and PF2e rules for Darkvision.">&nbsp;Mode: ` + setValue(tokenData.get("night_vision_effect"), "night_vision_effect", "!token-mod --set night_vision_effect|?{Choose Mode|None,None|Nocturnal,Nocturnal|Dimming,Dimming } ") + `<BR>` +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_limit_field_of_vision"), "has_limit_field_of_vision", "!token-mod --set has_limit_field_of_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_limit_field_of_vision|on") + ' <span title = "This toggles the field of view for a token, and is mostlly useful for systems which have a facing rule. For directional lighting, like a flashlight beam, use Directional Light in the lighting section. Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod Script system, you may need to open and close the token settings manually for the changes to take effect.">Field of Vision</span> &nbsp;' +
`&nbsp;<span title="Arc of Light.">` + setValue(tokenData.get("limit_field_of_vision_total"), "limit_field_of_vision_total", "!token-mod --set limit_field_of_vision_total|?{Input arc of light in degrees}") + "</span>° Arc " +
lightArc(tokenData.get("limit_field_of_vision_total")) + `&nbsp;${manualWarning}` + '<BR>' +
checkLightButton + HR +
`<b>${label("Vision Presets:", "These buttons will handle the most common vision cases for DnD 5e.")} <b><br>` +
visionButton("normal", true, false, tokenData.get("night_vision_distance"), "Standard vision for humans and other characters without darkvision") + " | " + visionButton("Darkvision 60ft", true, true, 60, "Standard darkvision for most characters with this trait") + visionButton("90", true, true, 90, "Many monsters have 90ft of darkvision. Example: Trolls or Night Hags") + visionButton("120", true, true, 120, "Enhanced darkvision used by races such as Drow or Duergar") +
let lightOnTOken = ((lightData) ? : -1);
let objectsLayerButton = `<a style='background-color:#333; color:#eee; text-decoration: none; border:1px solid #3b0; border-radius:15px;padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;display:inline-block' href = '!token-mod --set layer|objects'>Move Token to Token Layer</a>`
checklistTokenInfo =
openSection +
openSubhead + 'Token Vision Checklist</div>' +
((tokenData.get("has_bright_light_vision")) ? label(`${go}<b>${tokenName}</b> has vision, but may require a light source. ` + ((lightData) ? `${tokenName} is in ${( * 100).toFixed()}% total light` : ''), `Although this token has sight, it still may require a light source from itself or an outside source, or for page settings to grant daylight.`) : label(`<b>${stop}${tokenName}</b> has its vision turned off. It cannot see.` + `<div style = "display:inline-block">` + ((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ? toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_bright_light_vision"), "has_bright_light_vision", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|off has_night_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_limit_field_of_vision|false") + ' <span title = "If this is on, the token has vision enabled. It will still need either Night Vision, or a nearby lightsource, otherwise it will see only blackness. A GM can test this by selecting the token and pressing Cntrl/Cmd-L. This is only an approximation. For true testing, it is recommended to use a Dummy Account. You can find out more about this in the Roll20 wiki. NOTE: Sometimes default values in token light can cause a token to see nothing regardless. Try toggling a light preset for this token on and off.">Vision</span>' : '') + '</div>', `Without sight turned on, a token cannot utilize dynamic lighting. This is the recommended setting for most NPCs. Too many tokens with sight on the VTT can lead to confusing areas of apparent brightness for the GM`)) + `<BR>` +
((tokenData.get("night_vision_distance") !== 0) ?
((tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? label(`<b>${go}${tokenName}</b> has ${tokenData.get("night_vision_distance")}ft of Night Vision, and does not require a light source`, `You may still need to check if it has a non-zero distance on its night vision. Certain modes may affect how it interacts with existing light. For instance, Nocturnal mode can change dim light to bright within the token\'s Night Vision range.`) : label(`<b>${caution}${tokenName}</b> has Night Vision turned off. It cannot see without a light source.`, `Night Vision allows a token to see without a light source.`) + `<div style = "display:inline-block">` + ((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ? toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_night_vision"), "has_night_vision", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_effect|nocturnal") + ' <span title = "This defaults to night vision with the Nocturnal settin.">Night Vision</span>' : '') + '</div> ') :
((tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? label(`${stop}<b>${tokenName}</b> has Night Vision, but the distance is set for ${tokenData.get("night_vision_distance")}ft. It can see light sources, but if you wish it to see in the dark, you must specify a distance.`, `Certain modes may affect how it interacts with existing light. For instance, Nocturnal mode can change dim light to bright within the token\'s Night Vision range.`) : label(`<b>${caution}${tokenName}</b> has Night Vision turned off. It cannot see without a light source.`, `Night Vision allows a token to see without a light source.`))
) + `<BR>` +
((tokenData.get("represents") && typeof getObj('character', tokenData.get("represents")) !== "undefined") ?
((controllerNames !== "None (GM only by default)") ?
`${go}This token represents the character <b>${char.get("name")}</b>, and is under the control of the following players: <b>${controllerNames}</b>. They are the only ones who can use this token for dynamic lighting.` :
label(`${caution}This token represents the character <b>${char.get("name")}</b>, but has no specified controller. Only the GM can use it for dynamic lighting vision, by pressing Cmd/Ctrl-L.`, `It does not represent a character sheet. If you are setting up a PC, be sure to assign the sheet to the token before saving this as the default token for the sheet. Saving as default should always be the last step. If this is meant to be an NPC it is fine as-is, but you may want to consider assigning control to the GM to avoid some transparency issues when using Exploration Mode.`)) :
((controllerNames !== "None (GM only by default)") ?
`${caution}This generic token is under the control of the following players: <b>${controllerNames}</b>. They are the only ones who can use this token for dynamic lighting. It does not represent a character sheet. If you are setting up a PC, be sure to make all settings and assign the sheet to the token <i>before</i> saving this as the default token for the sheet. Saving as default should always be the last step.` :
`${caution}This token has no specified controller. Only the GM can use it for dynamic lighting vision, by pressing Cmd/Ctrl-L.`)
) + `<BR>` +
((tokenData.get("lightColor") !== "transparent" && tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? label(`${caution}<b>${tokenName}</b> is emitting tinted light, but also has Night Vision. Night Vision trumps tinted light, and the color will not appear within its limits.`, `Colored light should be used sparingly. It interacts in unexpected ways with other light sources and with night vision. Colored vision is not recommended.`) + `<BR>` : ``) +
((tokenData.get("limit_field_of_vision_total") < 360 && tokenData.get("has_limit_field_of_vision")) ? label(`${caution}<b>${tokenName}</b> has a limited field of vision. It is directional and may not show entire area around token. If the directional value is set to 0, the token will not be able to see anything. ` + ((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ? `You can turn OFF limited field of view with this switch, but due to a Roll20 bug, you will need to open and close the token settings manually for it to take effect.<BR>` + toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_limit_field_of_vision"), "has_limit_field_of_vision", "!token-mod --set has_limit_field_of_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_limit_field_of_vision|on") + '&nbsp;<span title = "Turn this off to restore a full field of view to the token.">Turn off Limited Field of View</span> &nbsp;' : ``), `Turn this off to restore a full field of view to the token.`) + `<BR>` : ``) +
((tokenData.get("layer") === "walls") ? `${caution}This token is on the Dynamic Lighting layer.<BR>Dynamic Lighting will only work for the GM, by using Cmd/Ctrl-L, but players are only able to access tokens on the Token layer.<BR>Light emitted by tokens on the Dynamic Lighting Layer can be seen by tokens on the Token layer. ${dlButton("Move token to Token Layer", "!token-mod --set layer|objects")}<BR>` : '') +
((tokenData.get("layer") === "gmlayer") ? `${stop}This token is on the GM layer.<BR>Dynamic Lighting will not function on the GM layer, nor will any light sources provide light.<BR>Players are only able to access tokens on the Token layer. ${dlButton("Move token to Token Layer", "!token-mod --set layer|objects")}<BR>` : '') +
((tokenData.get("layer") === "map") ? `${caution}This token is on the Map layer.<BR>Dynamic Lighting will only work for the GM, by using Cmd/Ctrl-L.<BR>Light emitted by tokens on the Dynamic Lighting Layer can be seen by tokens on the Token layer.<BR>Players are only able to access tokens on the Token layer. ${dlButton("Move token to Token Layer", "!token-mod --set layer|objects")}<BR>` : '') +
((pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled")) ? `${go}Dynamic Lighting is on. All Dynamic Lighting features should be available.` : `${stop}Dynamic Lighting is <b>OFF</b> for this page. No Dynamic Lighting features will function until this is turned on.` + ((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ? `<div style = "display:inline-block">` + toggle("small", pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled"), "dynamic_lighting_enabled") + '<span title = "Toggling this setting to off will toggle off all settings below, but they will return to their previous state when you turn Dynamic Lighting back on."> Dynamic Lighting</span> (May require game refresh)</div>' : ``)) + `<br>` +
((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ?
((pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled") && pageData.get("daylight_mode_enabled")) ? `${go}Daylight Mode is on. No tokens need a specific light source. Daylight Opacity level has been set for ${Math.round(pageData.get("daylightModeOpacity") * 100)}%. Low levels indicate a darker overall light.` : ((lightOnTOken === 0 && !tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? stop : caution) + `Daylight Mode is off. Any token without Night Vision will need to have line of sight to a specific light source. ` + ((lightData) ? `<b>${tokenName}</b> is in ${( * 100).toFixed()}% total light${((tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? ", but has Night Vision." : ", and has no Night Vision. " + `<div style = "display:inline-block">` + toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_night_vision"), "has_night_vision", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|off", "!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_effect|nocturnal") + ` <span title = "This defaults to night vision with the Nocturnal settin.">Night Vision</span></div> `)} ` : '') + `<div style = "display:inline-block">` + toggle("small", pageData.get("daylight_mode_enabled"), "daylight_mode_enabled") + ' <span title = "When Daylight Mode is on, tokens with Vision do not need specific light sources in able to see. You can adjust the amount of daylight to simulate fog, twilight, a moonlit night or a shadowiy interior. Higher values are brighter.">Day Mode</span></div>') + `<br>` :
((pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled") && pageData.get("daylight_mode_enabled")) ? `${go}Daylight Mode is on. No tokens need a specific light source. Daylight Opacity level has been set for ${Math.round(pageData.get("daylightModeOpacity") * 100)}%. Low levels indicate a darker overall light.` : ((lightOnTOken === 0 && !tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? stop : caution) + `Daylight Mode is off. Any token without Night Vision will need to have line of sight to a specific light source. ` + ((lightData) ? `<b>${tokenName}</b> is in ${( * 100).toFixed()}% total light${((tokenData.get("has_night_vision")) ? ", but has Night Vision." : ", and has no Night Vision. " )} ` : '')) + `<br>`
) +
// ID of page the sender is on : ID of GMPlayers on this page
((getPageForPlayer(msg.playerid) === getPageForPlayer(getGMPlayers(getPageForPlayer(msg.playerid)))) ? `` : `${caution} GM is either not logged in, or is not on the same page this token is on. If testing vision or light for token against the GM's report, please make sure that both GM and player are on the same page, and that the token has not been <a style = "color:##7e2d40; background-color:transparent; padding:0px;" href="https&#58;\/\/">split from the party</a>.<BR>`) +
((playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) ? dlButton("Token settings don't stick?", "!dltool --default") : '') +
`${HR}<b>Key:</b><br>` +
`${go} No problem.<BR>` +
`${caution} Caution. This may give problems in some circumstances.<BR>` +
`${stop} Problem that will likely prevent this token from using Dynamic Lighting.<BR>` +
checklistTokenInfo = checklistTokenInfo.replace(/&#10;!dltool/g, "&#10;!dltool --report|checklist");
} else {
tokenInfo = `<div style="text-align:center; font-style: italic;">No token is selected.</div>`;
checklistTokenInfo = `<div style="text-align:center; font-style: italic;">No token is selected.<br>Please select a token and try again.</div>`;
if (tokenData !== '') {
let char = ((tokenData.get("represents")) ? getObj("character", tokenData.get("represents")) : false);
lightInfo = openSection +
openSubhead + 'Token Light</div>' +
spacer.replace(`margin:5px`, `margin:2px`) +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("emits_bright_light"), "emits_bright_light", "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|off light_angle|360", "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on light_angle|360") + ' <span title = "This toggles whether or not the selected token emits light. You can set those values below, and they will persist and be restored if lighting is turned off and back on."><b>Light</b></span> &nbsp;' +
`<div style= "float:right; margin: 2px 5px 0px 0px; "><div title="This is a graph which shows the proportion of bright to dim light" style = "width: 60px; height:12px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #aaa, #999, #444); display:inline-block; border: 1px solid #111"><div style = "width:${(Number(tokenData.get("bright_light_distance")) / Number(tokenData.get("low_light_distance"))) * 100}%; height:12px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #eee, #ccc);"></div></div></div>` + '<BR>' +
spacer.replace(`margin:5px`, `margin:1px`) +
'Bright: <span title="The amount of bright light emitted by this token. Bright light is generated from the center of the token.">' + setValue(tokenData.get("bright_light_distance"), "bright_light_distance", "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on bright_light_distance|?{Input Bright light in feet}") + "</span>ft " +
'&nbsp;|&nbsp;Dim: <span title="The amount of dim light emitted by this token. Dim light begins at the end of the brght light range.">' + setValue(tokenData.get("low_light_distance") - tokenData.get("bright_light_distance"), "low_light_distance", "!token-mod --set emits_low_light|on low_light_distance|?{Input Bright light in feet}") + "</span>ft " +
`<span title="this is the brightness of the dim light emitted by the token. 75% is the default.">Intensity: </span>${setValue(tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity"), "dim_light_opacity", "!token-mod --set dim_light_opacity|?{Set Brightness of Dim light|75}")}%` +
`<br>` + HR +
//############ Use this section when Roll20 ads directional dima and bright light to the GUI
`<b>${label("Directional Light: ", "This section limits the arc of emited light, like a flashlight beam. You can set different values for bright and dim light. Due to a Roll20 bug, you may need to open an close the settings for the token for the change to take effect.")}</b><br>` +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_directional_bright_light"), "has_directional_bright_light", "!token-mod --set has_directional_bright_light|off", "!token-mod --set has_directional_bright_light|on") + ' <span title = "This toggles whether or not the selected token emits directional light, like a flashlight. You can set those values below, and they will persist and be restored if lighting is turned off and back on.">Bright</span>&nbsp;' +
`&nbsp;<span title="Arc of Light.">` + setValue(tokenData.get("directional_bright_light_total"), "directional_bright_light_total", "!token-mod --set directional_bright_light_total|?{Input arc of light in degrees}") + "</span>°" +
lightArc(tokenData.get("directional_bright_light_total")) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" +
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_directional_dim_light"), "has_directional_dim_light", "!token-mod --set has_directional_dim_light|off", "!token-mod --set has_directional_dim_light|on") + ' <span title = "This toggles whether or not the selected token emits directional light, like a flashlight. You can set those values below, and they will persist and be restored if lighting is turned off and back on."> Dim</span>&nbsp;' +
`&nbsp;<span title="Arc of Light.">` + setValue(tokenData.get("directional_dim_light_total"), "directional_dim_light_total", "!token-mod --set directional_dim_light_total|?{Input arc of light in degrees}") + "</span>°" +
lightArc(tokenData.get("directional_dim_light_total")) +
//############ Use this section when Roll20 ads directional dima and bright light to the GUI
//############ Remove this section when Roll20 ads directional dima and bright light to the GUI
toggleToken(tokenData.get("has_directional_bright_light"), "has_directional_bright_light", "!token-mod --set has_directional_bright_light|off", "!token-mod --set has_directional_bright_light|on") + ' <span title = "This toggles whether or not the selected token emits directional light, like a flashlight. You can set those values below, and they will persist and be restored if lighting is turned off and back on.">Directional Light</span>&nbsp;' +
`&nbsp;<span title="Arc of Light.">` + setValue(tokenData.get("directional_bright_light_total"), "directional_bright_light_total", "!token-mod --set directional_bright_light_total|?{Input arc of light in degrees}") + "</span>° Arc " +
lightArc(tokenData.get("directional_bright_light_total")) + ' <span title = "Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod system, you must open and close page settings for this to take effect.">' + manualWarning + '</span>' +
//############ Use this section when Roll20 ads directional dima and bright light to the GUI
'<BR>' +
`<div style="margin-top:0px; display:inline-block">` +
'<span title="Use this sparingly, as light colors can interact in unpredicatble ways. Tinting vision is not always optimal, since the interaction is problematic.">&nbsp;Color:' + setValue(tokenData.get("lightColor"), "lightColor", "!token-mod --set lightColor|?{Use sparingly. Input in hex, rgb or hsv format.|transparent}") + "</span> " +
colorButton("token", "lightColor", tokenData.get('lightColor')) +
// `<div style ="display:inline-block; width: 18px; height:14px; position:relative; top:1px; border: 1px solid #111; border-radius:3px; margin-top:1px; margin-left: -2px; background-color:${tokenData.get('lightColor')}">&nbsp;</div>` +
'&nbsp;&nbsp;<span title="This should be at 100% in most cases. Some systems, like Pathfinder, and D&D 4e have Low Light Vision, which can increase the effective light of a light source for that token. For example, a token with a light multiplier of 200 would see the light from a campfire as twice as big than a token with the default 100 would.">Multiplier:' + setValue(tokenData.get("light_sensitivity_multiplier"), "light_sensitivity_multiplier", "!token-mod --set light_sensitivity_multiplier|?{Sometimes called Low Light Vision. 100% is recommended for most RPG systems|100}") + "%</span> " +
`</div>` + `<br>` +
HR +
`<b>${label("Light Presets: ", "Presets for most common cases. These are geared toward 5e definitions, but are simple to redefine in the code. Clicking a preset name will also toggle the state of light being on or off. The preset will restored if you toggle the master token light switch off and on.")}</b><br>` +
lightButton("Spotlight", 0, 5, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on bright_light_distance|5 low_light_distance|0 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("Candle", 5, 2, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|2 low_light_distance|5 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("Lamp", 15, 15, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|15 low_light_distance|15 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("Torch", 20, 20, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|20 low_light_distance|20 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("Hooded Lantern", 30, 30, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|30 low_light_distance|30 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
"<div style = 'display: inline-block;'>" + lightButton("Bullseye Lantern " + pictos("!"), 60, 60, 90, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|60 low_light_distance|60 has_directional_bright_light|on directional_bright_light_total|90 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) + "</div>" +
lightButton("<i>Light<i>", 20, 20, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|20 low_light_distance|20 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("<i>Daylight<i>", 60, 60, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|60 low_light_distance|60 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("<i>Dancing Light<i>", 10, 0, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|0 low_light_distance|10 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("<i>Faerie Fire<i>", 10, 0, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|0 low_light_distance|10 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
lightButton("<i>Flametongue<i>", 40, 40, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|40 low_light_distance|40 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
// lightButton("<i>Gem of Brightness<i>", 30, 30, 360, "!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|30 low_light_distance|30 has_limit_field_of_vision|off limit_field_of_vision_total|360 dim_light_opacity|" + tokenData.get("dim_light_opacity")) +
} else {
tokenInfo = `<div style="text-align:center; font-style: italic;">No token is selected.</div>`;
pageInfo =
openSection +
openSubhead + 'Dynamic Lighting for Page</div>' +
openPageHead + '&quot;' + pageData.get("name") + '&quot;</div>' +
toggle("small", pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled"), "dynamic_lighting_enabled") + '<span title = "Toggling this setting to off will toggle off all settings below, but they will return to their previous state when you turn Dynamic Lighting back on. NOTE: Due to a bug in the Roll20 system, toggling Dynamic Lighting on and off while using Ctrl/Cmd-L to check a token\'s line of site can cause Dynamic Lighting to seem unresponsive. The fix is to deselect all tokens and toggle Dynamic Lighting off and then back on. If this fails, just open the dynamic lighting settings for the page and do it manually."> <b>Dynamic Lighting</b></span>' +
'&nbsp;&nbsp;' + toggle("small", pageData.get("showdarkness"), "showdarkness") + '<span title = "This will toggle manual fog of war. Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting are mutially exlusive. To permanently hide or reveal areas where sight is manually restricted, use the Darkness Tool in the toolbar to the left."> Fog of War</span>' +
'<BR>' +
'<span title = "This is how dark unlit areas appear to the GM. Keeping this value very low will lead to less confusion. Many Night Vision using tokens in one area can make that area look brightly lit.">&nbsp;GM Dark Opacity: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("fog_opacity"), "fog_opacity", "!dltool-mod --fog_opacity|?&#123;Input value between 0 and 100?|35}") + "% <BR>" +
toggle("small", pageData.get("daylight_mode_enabled"), "daylight_mode_enabled") + ' <span title = "When Daylight Mode is on, tokens with Vision do not need specific light sources in able to see. You can adjust the amount of daylight to simulate fog, twilight, a moonlit night or a shadowiy interior. Higher values are brighter.">Day Mode</span> &nbsp;' +
setValue(pageData.get("daylightModeOpacity"), "daylightModeOpacity", "!dltool-mod --daylightModeOpacity|?&#123;Input value between 0 and 100?|100}") + "%<BR>" +
toggle("small", pageData.get("lightrestrictmove"), "lightrestrictmove") + ' <span title = "Due to a bug in the Roll20 Mod system, you must open and close page settings for this to take effect. NOTE: Since this setting also affects the legacy lighting system, it is on the first tab of the Page Settings panel.">Barriers Restrict Movement</span>' + manualWarning + '<BR>' +
toggle("small", pageData.get("lightupdatedrop"), "lightupdatedrop") + ' <span title = "When Update on Drop is turned on, a token\'s view does not change while it is being moved, but only when that move is completed. This can keep players from scouting a map surreptitiously. Turning this on can also help performance, as the system does not need to continuously update.">Update on Drop</span>' + '&nbsp;' +
toggle("small", pageData.get("explorer_mode"), "explorer_mode") + ' <span title = "Explorer Mode will keep previously seen areas visible in a darkened gray style. It will not display tokens that cannot currently be seen. Commonly called Fog of War in video games. Turning this off can improve performance if lag is noticed.">Explorer Mode</span>' + '<BR>' +
HR + `<b>${label("Daylight Presets:", "When Daylight Mode is on, tokens with Vision do not need specific light sources in able to see. These presets simulate regular daylight, a moonlit night, and a starlit night. Can also be used for buildings or dungeons with dim interiors.")} <b>` +
`<span style = "Full brightness over entire map. Simulates a normal day.">` + daylightButton("Day", 100, "!dltool --daylight_mode_enabled|true" + repeatCommand + " --daylightModeOpacity|100") + `</span>` +
`<span style = "Half brightness over entire map. Simulates a bright moonlit night.">` + daylightButton("Moon", 50, "!dltool --daylight_mode_enabled|true" + repeatCommand + " --daylightModeOpacity|50") + `</span>` +
`<span style = "20% brightness over entire map. Simulates a clear, moonless night.">` + daylightButton("Star", 20, "!dltool --daylight_mode_enabled|true" + repeatCommand + " --daylightModeOpacity|20") + `</span>` +
let diagonalType = pageData.get("diagonaltype");
switch (pageData.get("diagonaltype")) {
case "foure":
diagonalType = "DnD 5e-4e";
case "pythagorean":
diagonalType = "Euclidean";
case "threefive":
diagonalType = "PF 1&2-Dnd3.5";
case "manhattan":
diagonalType = "Manhattan";
diagonalType = pageData.get("diagonaltype");
pagePlusInfo =
openSection +
openSubhead + 'Additional Page Settings</div>' +
toggle("small", pageData.get("showgrid"), "showgrid") + '<span title = "This control toggles the grid on and off. While the grid is on, tokens will snap to the intersections."> <b>Show Grid</b></span>' + '<BR>' +
'<span title = "this is a scale of how opaque the grid is. 0 = Transparent. 1 = Opaque.">Grid Opacity: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("grid_opacity"), "grid_opacity", "!dltool-mod --grid_opacity|?&#123;Input value between 0 and 1?|1}") +
'<span title = "The color of the grid lines, in hexadecimal format">&nbsp;Color:' + setValue(pageData.get("gridcolor"), "gridcolor", `!dltool-mod --gridcolor|?{Input value in Hex format|}`) + '</span> ' +
colorButton("page", "gridcolor", pageData.get('gridcolor')) + '<BR>' +
'<span title = "Choose between various grid types">Grid Type: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("grid_type"), "grid_type", "!dltool-mod --grid_type|?&#123;Choose grid type|Square,square|Hex(V),hex|Hex(H),hexr|Dimetric,dimetric|Isometric,isometric}") +
(((pageData.get("grid_type") === "hex" || pageData.get("grid_type") === "hexr")) ? "&nbsp;" + toggle("small", pageData.get("gridlabels"), "gridlabels") + '<span title = "Display numbers the hex grid">&nbsp;Show Labels</span>' : "") +
(((pageData.get("grid_type") === "square")) ? "&nbsp;<span title = 'Choose how diagonal movment is measured'>&nbsp;Diag.:&nbsp;</span>" + setValue(diagonalType, "diagonaltype", "!dltool-mod --diagonaltype|?&#123;Choose diagonal measurement method type|Dnd5e-4e,foure |Pathfinder-DnD3.5,threefive|Euclidean,pythagorean|Manhattan,manhattan}") : "") +
'<BR>' +
'<span title = "Set scale and unit. Typical for 5e or PF2 battlemat is \'5\' and \'ft\'.">Page scale: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("scale_number"), "scale_number", "!dltool-mod --scale_number|?&#123;Input numerical measurement for one grid unit|5}") + '&nbsp;' +
setValue(pageData.get("scale_units"), "scale_units", "!dltool-mod --scale_units|?&#123;Input type of unit, example: ft. for feet|ft.}") + '&nbsp;' +
dlButton("Get from map", "!dltool --report|setscale") + '<BR>' +
HR +
'<span title = "The color of the background, in hexadecimal format">Background Color: ' + setValue(pageData.get("background_color"), "background_color", `!dltool-mod --background_color|?{Input value in Hex format|}`) + '</span> ' +
colorButton("page", "background_color", pageData.get("background_color")) + '<BR>' +
'<span title = "You can re-name the page here. This function is not santized for problemtic characters, so it\'s best to keep it to simple alphanumeric characters. If you need accents or parentheses, use the regular Roll20 interface.">Change Name: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("name"), "name", "!dltool-mod --name|&quot;?&#123;Input new name for page|" + pageData.get("name") + "}&quot;") + '<BR>' +
HR + `<b>${label("Cell Width Divisions:", "How many times is one cell divided. This is the same as setting the Cell Width in the Page Settings, but is perhaps more intuitive. 2 divisions is the same as setting the cell width to 0.5. 8 divisions corresonds to 0.125.")} <b><BR>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 1">` + cellWidthButton("1", "1", "!dltool --snapping_increment|1") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.5">` + cellWidthButton("2", "0.5", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.5") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.33333">` + cellWidthButton("3", "0.33333", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.33333") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.25">` + cellWidthButton("4", "0.25", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.25") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.2">` + cellWidthButton("5", "0.2", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.2") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.16666">` + cellWidthButton("6", "0.16666", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.16666") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.142857">` + cellWidthButton("7", "0.142857", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.142857") + `</span>` +
`<span title = "Cell Width = 0.125">` + cellWidthButton("8", "0.125", "!dltool --snapping_increment|0.125") + `</span>` +
//Set Map from scale
scaleInfo =
openSection +
openSubhead + 'Set Scale from Printed Measurement</div>' +
'Often a map will have a printed scale that does not correspond to a grid setting. This is typically true of city and overland maps. To set the page scale to correspond to the printed scale, first use the Measurement Tool to measure the printed scale. You may need to hold down the alt/opt key to avoid snapping and get a precise measurement. Remember this number, then press the button below and enter that number into the dialog box. <BR>' +
dlButton("set scale", "!dltool-mod --scale_number|&#91;&#91;(round((" + pageData.get("scale_number") + "/?{Input value measured from printed scale})&#42;?{Input value as displayed on printed scale}&#42;100))/100&#93;&#93;") + "&nbsp;" + setValue(pageData.get("scale_units"), "scale_units", "!dltool-mod --scale_units|?&#123;Input type of unit, example: mi for miles|mi}") + '&nbsp;' +
//Determines which report to send
if (undefined === theOption) {
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
tokenInfo + lightInfo + pageInfo + utilityInfo +
} else {
switch (theOption) {
case "vision":
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
tokenInfo + utilityInfo +
case "light":
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
lightInfo + utilityInfo +
case "page":
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
pageInfo + utilityInfo +
case "extra":
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
pageInfo + pagePlusInfo + utilityInfo +
case "setscale":
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
scaleInfo + utilityInfo +
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
checklistTokenInfo + utilityInfo +
let toWhom = '/w gm ';
if (!playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) {
lines = openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool' + `</div>` +
checklistTokenInfo +
toWhom = '/w ' + getObj("player", msg.playerid).get("_displayname") + ' ';
sendChat('DL Tool', toWhom + openReport + lines + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'message':
if (undefined !== theMessage) {
theMessage = '<span style ="margin: 2px 10px 2px 10px; color:#111">' + theMessage + '</span>';
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openSection + theMessage + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'default':
theMessage = `${openHeader}Dynamic Lighting Tool</div>${openSection}${openSubhead}Saving a Default Token</div>${spacer}Users can become frustrated when they set up a token perfectly, but the next time they pull it from the Journal Tab, none of the settings seem to have saved.<br>Setting a default token is like taking a snapshot of a token exactly as it is, and saving it to the character journal. Any changes you make to a token on the VTT will not affect the default token at all.<br><span style ="font-size:16px; font-weight:bold">Therefore, setting the journal's default token must always be done as the <i>last</i> step.</span></div>` +
`${openSection}${openSubhead}Three Ways to Set a Default Token</div>${spacer}<b>1) From the Token Settings</b><br>Open the token's Token Settings panel. Click the "Update Default Token" button.<br>${HR}<b>2) From the Journal</b><br>Open the journal for the character the token represents. Click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner. On the edit screen, there are three buttons.<br><b>${pictos('L')} Edit Token Properties: </b>Calls up the Token Settings panel for making other changes you wish to become new defaults.</b><br><b>${pictos('L')} Use Selected Token: </b>Sets the selected token as the new default token for that journal.<br><b>${pictos('L')} Apply Token Defaults: </b>Overwrites all tokens in play that represent this character to the new defaults. <i>Caution:</i> if you have edited tokens on the board (say, by numbering them), this can overwrite those changes.${HR}<b>3) </b>${dlButton("Save Token as Default", "!token-mod --set defaulttoken")}</div>`
//theMessage = '' + theMessage + '</span>';
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theMessage + utilityInfo + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'checklist':
let VS = `<div style="height:8px">&nbsp;</div>`; //Vertical spacer
theMessage = `<BR>Check that token is not blocked off by DL lines from seeing the immediate surroundings.${VS}If testing with the player present, make sure the player is looking at their token\'s immediate area. Shift-Click and hold on the token to pull the player\'s view to that area. Check the permission settings manually or with with the report to ensure they have control over the token.${VS}Check that the player has not been <i>Split from the Party</i> (Check the Help Center if this is unfamiliar)${VS}If Fog of War or Explorable Darkness (Dynamic Lighting feature that lets the token retain a memory of map areas it has seen) is being used, check that the area the token is in has been cleared. Both of these can be cleared using the darkness tool on the control palette to the left.${VS}Try toggling a light source preset on and off. Sometimes unset default values can cause a DL glitch.${VS}Can you see a rotating cube in <a style = "color:##7e2d40; background-color:transparent; padding:0px;" href="https&#58;\/\/">this URL</a>? If not, the browser needs to be WebGL compatible (99%+ are).<br><br>${HR}<b>Golden Rule: If things don't seem to be working or responding properly,<br>1) Open and close the token settings manually, and/or 2) Reload the game.</b> `;
theMessage = `${openSubhead}Other things to check for</div><span style ="margin: 2px 10px 2px 10px; color:#111">` + theMessage + '</span>';
if (msg.selected) {
tokenData = getObj('graphic', msg.selected[0]._id)
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + openHeader + 'Dynamic Lighting Tool</div>' + openSection + theMessage + closeReport + utilityInfo + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'fog_opacity':
if (theOption >= 1 && theOption <= 100) {
theOption = theOption / 100;
} else {
if (theOption === "0") {
theOption = 0;
} else {
theOption = 1.0;
case 'daylightModeOpacity':
if (theOption >= 1 && theOption <= 100) {
theOption = theOption / 100;
} else {
if (theOption === "0") {
theOption = 0;
} else {
theOption = 1.0;
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
case 'showdarkness':
if (theOption === "false" || theOption === "true") {
} else {
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
theOption = false;
if (pageData.get("dynamic_lighting_enabled") && theOption === "true") {
pageData.set('dynamic_lighting_enabled', false);
case 'dynamic_lighting_enabled':
if (theOption === "false" || theOption === "true") {
} else {
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
theOption = false;
if (pageData.get("showdarkness") && theOption === "true") {
pageData.set('showdarkness', false);
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
case 'daylight_mode_enabled':
if (theOption === "false" || theOption === "true") {
(theOption === 'true') ? true: false;
} else {
theOption = false;
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
case 'lightrestrictmove':
if (theOption === "false" || theOption === "true") {
(theOption === 'true') ? "true" : "false";
} else {
theOption = false;
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
case 'lightupdatedrop':
if (theOption === "false" || theOption === "true") {
(theOption === 'true') ? true: false;
} else {
theOption = false;
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'explorer_mode':
if (theOption === "off" || theOption === "basic") {
(theOption === 'basic') ? 'basic' : 'off';
} else {
theOption = 'off';
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + theOption + ' is not a valid value for ' + theCommand + ' It has been set to false.' + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
case 'colorpicker':
let dataSet = theOption.split("%%")[0]
let theProperty = theOption.split("%%")[1];
let opacityButton = "";
let colorList = ["#000000", "#434343", "#666666", "#C0C0C0", "#D9D9D9", "#FFFFFF", "#980000", "#FF0000", "#FF9900", "#FFFF00", "#00FF00", "#00FFFF", "#4A86E8", "#0000FF", "#9900FF", "#FF00FF", "#E6B8AF", "#F4CCCC", "#FCE5CD", "#FFF2CC", "#D9EAD3", "#D0E0E3", "#C9DAF8", "#CFE2F3", "#D9D2E9", "#EAD1DC", "#DD7E6B", "#EA9999", "#F9CB9C", "#FFE599", "#B6D7A8", "#A2C4C9", "#A4C2F4", "#9FC5E8", "#B4A7D6", "#D5A6BD", "#CC4125", "#E06666", "#F6B26B", "#FFD966", "#93C47D", "#76A5AF", "#6D9EEB", "#6FA8DC", "#8E7CC3", "#C27BA0", "#A61C00", "#CC0000", "#E69138", "#F1C232", "#6AA84F", "#45818E", "#3C78D8", "#3D85C6", "#674EA7", "#A64D79", "#5B0F00", "#660000", "#783F04", "#7F6000", "#274E13", "#0C343D", "#1C4587", "#073763", "#20124D", "#20124E"]
let colorTable = openHeader + "Pick a color for this property:</div>" +
openPageHead + theProperty + `</div>`;
colorList.forEach(c => {
colorTable = colorTable +
((dataSet === "page") ? `<a href ="!dltool-mod --${theProperty}\|${c}"` : `<a href ="!token-mod --set ${theProperty}\|${c}"`) + ` style = "display:inline-block; height:18px; padding:0px; width:18px; margin:0px 1px; border-radius:5px; background-color:#${c}; border:1px solid #111;"> </a>`
colorTable = colorTable + `<BR>`;
TransparencyButton = `<a style = "display:inline-block; height:18px;padding:0px; margin:0px 1px; border-radius:5px; color:#eee; background-color:#111; border:1px solid #111;"` + ((dataSet === "page") ? ` href ="!dltool-mod --${theProperty}\|transparent">` : ` href ="!token-mod --set ${theProperty}\|transparent">`) + `&nbsp;Transparent&nbsp;</a>`;
switch (theProperty) {
case 'gridcolor':
opacityButton = '<span title = "this is a scale of how opaque the grid is. 0 = Transparent. 1 = Opaque.">&nbsp;Grid Opacity: </span>' +
setValue(pageData.get("grid_opacity"), "grid_opacity", "!dltool-mod --grid_opacity|?&#123;Input value between 0 and 1?|1}");
case 'night_vision_tint':
opacityButton = "";
//TransparencyButton = `<a style = "display:inline-block; height:18px;padding:0px; margin:0px 1px; border-radius:5px; color:#eee; background-color:#111; border:1px solid #111;"` + ((dataSet === "page") ? ` href ="!dltool-mod --${theProperty}\|none">` : ` href ="!token-mod --set ${theProperty}\|none">`) + `&nbsp;None&nbsp;</a>`
case 'lightColor':
opacityButton = '';
// opacityButton = '<span title="Use this sparingly, as light colors can interact in unpredicatble ways. Tinting vision is not recommended, since the interaction is problematic.">Color:' + setValue(tokenData.get("lightColor"), "lightColor", "!token-mod --set lightColor|?{Use sparingly. Input in hex, rgb or hsv format.|transparent}") + "</span> " +
//`<div style ="display:inline-block; width: 18px; height:14px; position:relative; top:1px; border: 1px solid #111; border-radius:3px; margin-top:1px; margin-left: -2px; background-color:${tokenData.get('lightColor')}">&nbsp;</div>`;
// Nothing here. :)
opacityButton = opacityButton.replace(" &#10;!dltool --report", " &#10;" + msg.content);
colorTable = colorTable + TransparencyButton;
//TransparencyButton = `<a style = "display:inline-block; height:18px;padding:0px; margin:0px 1px; border-radius:5px; color:#eee; background-color:#111; border:1px solid #111;"` + ((dataSet === "page") ? ` href ="!dltool-mod --${theProperty}\|transparent">` : ` href ="!token-mod --set ${theProperty}\|transparent">`) + `&nbsp;Transparent&nbsp;</a>`
colorTable = colorTable + opacityButton;
sendChat('DLTool', '/w gm ' + openReport + colorTable + utilityInfo + closeReport, null, {
noarchive: true
//pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
// Nothing here. :)
if (theOption === "false") {
pageData.set(theCommand, false);
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
} else {
if (theCommand.includes("name")) {
theOption = theOption.toString().replace(/"/g, "");
pageData.set(theCommand, theOption);
pageData.set('force_lighting_refresh', true);
try {
throw new Error('');
} catch (e) {
API_Meta.dltool.lineCount = (parseInt(e.stack.split(/\n/)[1].replace(/^.*:(\d+):.*$/, '$1'), 10) - API_Meta.dltool.offset);
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