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Last active October 12, 2017 05:49
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#Requires -Version 3
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
TPM Infineon Riemann Check
Checks the status of TPM on the local machine and returns status as a PowerShell object.
Must be run at elevated permissions.
PSCustomObject with several properties.
C:\PS> .\Test-TPMReimann.ps1
hasTPM : True
ManufacturerId : 0x53544d20
ManufacturerVersion : 13.12
FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision :
NeedsRemediation : False
Reason : This non-Infineon TPM is not affected by the Riemann issue. 0x53544d20
C:\PS> icm -scriptblock { iwr '' | iex } -RunAsAdministrator -ComputerName PC1,PC2
Given the URL path to this script ( to get the script, click on the raw link above ), will run the command on the machines and collect the results locally.
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")){
Throw "Not Administrator"
$TPM = try { Get-Tpm } catch { $Null }
$FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TPM\WMI" -Name "FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | % FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision
#region Infineon version test routines
function Test-RiemannVersion ( [string[]] $version ) {
# Returns True if not safe
switch ( $version ) {
4 { return $version[1] -le 33 -or ($version[1] -ge 40 -and $version[1] -le 42) }
5 { return $version[1] -le 61 }
6 { return $version[1] -le 42 }
7 { return $version[1] -le 61 }
133 { return $version[1] -le 32 }
default { return $False }
#region Test Logic
if ( !$TPM ) {
$Reason = "No TPM found on this system, so the Riemann issue does not apply here."
$NeedsRemediation = $False
elseif ( $TPM.ManufacturerId -ne 0x49465800 ) {
$Reason = "This non-Infineon TPM is not affected by the Riemann issue. 0x$([convert]::ToString($TPM.ManufacturerId,16))"
$NeedsRemediation = $False
elseif ( $TPM.ManufacturerVersion.IndexOf('.') -eq -1 ) {
$Reason = "Could not get TPM firmware version from this TPM. $($TPM.ManufacturerVersion)"
$NeedsRemediation = $False
elseif ( Test-RiemannVersion ( $Tpm.ManufacturerVersion -split '\.' ) ) {
$reason = "This Infineon firmware version TPM is not safe. $($Tpm.ManufacturerVersion)"
$NeedsRemediation = $true
elseif (!$FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision) {
$Reason = "We cannot determine what the firmware version was when the TPM was last cleared. Please clear your TPM now that the firmware is safe."
$NeedsRemediation = $true
elseif ($FirmwareVersion -ne $FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision) {
$Reason = "The firmware version when the TPM was last cleared was different from the current firmware version. Please clear your TPM now that the firmware is safe."
$NeedsRemediation = $true
} else {
$reason = 'OK'
$NeedsRemediation = $False
#region Output Object
[PSCustomObject] @{
# Basic TPM Information
hasTPM = $TPM -ne $null
ManufacturerId = "0x" + [convert]::ToString($TPM.ManufacturerId,16)
ManufacturerVersion = $Tpm.ManufacturerVersion
FWVersionAtLastProv = $FirmwareVersionAtLastProvision
# Does the machine need Remediation for Riemann issue?
NeedsRemediation = $NeedsRemediation
# Reason String
Reason = $Reason
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