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Last active October 11, 2017 05:13
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Select a disk based on BusType
<job id="ZTISelectBootDisk">
<script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/>
<script language="VBScript" src="ZTIDiskUtility.vbs"/>
<script language="VBScript">
' // ***************************************************************************
' //
' // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' //
' // Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator
' //
' // File: ZTISelectBootDisk.wsf
' //
' // Version: <VERSION>
' //
' // Purpose: Given a collection of Storage Devices on a machine,
' // this program will assist in finding the correct
' // device to be processed by "ZTIDiskPart.wsf"
' //
' // Currently hard coded to select the *FIRST* drive that is
' // Not iSCSI, Fibre Channel, Storage Spaces, nor NVMe.
' //
' // REQUIRES that you install the correct WinPE Storage Components!
' //
' //
' // WARNING: If there are any *other* disks that need to be Cleaned
' // and formatted, they should be processed first.
' // And this the global Variable OSDDiskIndex should be
' // set to <blank> when done being processed by ZTIDiskPart.wsf.
' //
' // Variables:
' // OSDDiskIndex [ Output ] - Disk Index
' //
' // Usage:
' // cscript.exe [//nologo] ZTISelectBootDisk.wsf [/debug:true]
' // cscript.exe [//nologo] ZTIDiskPart.wsf [/debug:true]
' // cscript.exe [//nologo] ZTISetVariable.wsf [/debug:true] /OSDDiskIndex:""
' //
' // ***************************************************************************
Option Explicit
'// Main Class
Class ZTISelectBootDisk
'// Main routine
Function Main
Dim oWMIDisk
Dim bFound
Dim oDiskPartBoot
Dim oContext, oLocator, objQuery, objStorageWMI, objStorage
oLogging.CreateEntry "---------------- Initialization ----------------", LogTypeInfo
IF oEnvironment.Item("DEPLOYMENTTYPE") <> "NEWCOMPUTER" Then
oLogging.ReportFailure "Not a new computer scenario, exiting Select Boot Disk.", 7700
End If
bFound = FAILURE
' 1st Pass - Find any disk that matches the Query "Select * From Win32_diskPartition %OSBootDiskOverrideWQL%"
Set oContext = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
oContext.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", 64
Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
set objStorageWMI = oLocator.ConnectServer("","root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage","","",,,,oContext)
set objQuery = objStorageWMI.ExecQuery("select Number,Size,BusType,Model from MSFT_Disk where BusType <> 6 and BusType <> 9 and BusType <> 16 and BusType <> 17")
If objQuery.Count = 0 then
oLogging.CreateEntry "No Disk Drives Found!?!?! Dude, did you install the right storage drivers into WinPE 0x7b.",LogTypeError
exit function
End if
For each objStorage in objQuery
oLogging.CreateEntry "Found Device: N:" & ObjStorage.Number & " S:" & ObjStorage.Size & " M:" & ObjStorage.Model & " T:" & ObjStorage.BusType & " " , LogTypeInfo
oEnvironment.Item("OSDDiskIndex") = ObjStorage.Number
bFound = SUCCESS
exit for
' 2nd pass - Use the 1st Partition larger than 15GB on the first disk with a bootable partition.
If bFound = FAILURE then
oLogging.CreateEntry "No drive was found using search parameters, Use the 1st \Windows Partition found.", LogTypeInfo
set oDiskPartBoot = GetBootDriveEx( false, oEnvironment.Item("ImageBuild"), false )
If not oDiskPartBoot is nothing then
oEnvironment.Item("OSDDiskIndex") = oDiskPartBoot.Disk
bFound = SUCCESS
End if
End if
TestAndLog bFound = SUCCESS, "Verify OSDDiskIndex was found and set: " & oEnvironment.Item("OSDDiskIndex")
Main = bFound
End Function
End class
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