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Created September 16, 2017 03:34
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Save keithga/bcf98a2bf354125333b61805c653ccca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update CustomSettings.ini file.
Update CustomSettings.ini file.
Updates one or more CUstomSettings.ini files with a common value.
Calling powershell.exe instance must have read/write privelages to the share.
.PARAMETER DeployShares
The full path to the share. Can be input from the pipeline
The section name to update.
THe name to update
The value to write
C:\PS> .\Update-INIFiles -DeployShares c:\DeploymentShare -Section Default -Name AdminPassword -value 'P@ssw0rd'
set a new password in an MDT deployment share
C:\PS> "\\localhost\DeploymentShare$" | .\Update-INIFiles -Section Default -Name AdminPassword -value 'P@ssw0rd'
set a new password in an MDT deployment share, get the file from the pipeline.
C:\PS> type .\MyMDTServerList.txt | .\Update-INIFiles -Section Default -Name AdminPassword -value 'P@ssw0rd'
set a new password in an MDT deployment share, get the list of files from a list of servers passed in through the cmdline.
C:\PS> [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | out-null
C:\PS> $NewPassword = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(10,2)
C:\PS> "The new password will be: $NewPassword"
The new password will be: F{nK:*[L}H
C:\PS> type .\MyMDTServerList.txt | .\Update-INIFiles -Section Default -Name AdminPassword -value $NewPassword
Generate a new random password with powershell, then update all Cs.ini files from a list of servers passed in through the command line.
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string] $Section,
[string] $Name,
[string] $Value
begin {
## The signature of the Windows API that retrieves INI settings
$signature = @'
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError=true)]
public static extern bool WritePrivateProfileString(
string lpAppName,
string lpKeyName,
string lpString,
string lpFileName);
public static extern uint GetLastError();
## Create a new type that lets us access the Windows API function
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name API -Namespace Win32 -PassThru
process {
foreach ( $DPShare in $DeployShares ) {
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DPShare", "CustomSettings.ini write")){
$result = [Win32.API]::WritePrivateProfileString($Section, $Name, $Value, "$DPShare\control\customsettings.ini")
if ( -not $result ) {
$err = [Win32.API]::GetLastError()
throw ( New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception ($err -as [int]) )
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