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Created August 30, 2023 03:58
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Create VM with Custom AssetTag
function new-MyVM {
$Switch = ( Get-VMSwitch -SwitchType External | Select-object -first 1 -ExpandProperty Name ),
$DVDPath = 'C:\iso\ipxe\IPXE.NET.23.03.07.iso'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
# Generate a Unique "Name"
for ( $i = '' ; get-VM "$($name)$($i)" -EA SilentlyContinue ; $i = "." + ( 1 + $i.trim('.') ) ) { }
$Path = join-path ( (get-vmhost).VirtualHardDiskPath ) "$($name)$($i)-$( [guid]::newguid() ).vhdx"
write-verbose "Create VM: $($name)$($i) $AssetTag $path"
$VM = new-vm -name "$($name)$($i)" -SwitchName $Switch -Generation 2 -NewVHDSizeBytes 120gb -NewVHDPath $path
set-vm -VM $VM -ProcessorCount 4 -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $False
Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -EnableSecureBoot Off
Set-VMMemory -VM $VM -DynamicMemoryEnabled $True -MinimumBytes 1gb -MaximumBytes 8gb -StartupBytes 2GB
Set-VMKeyProtector -VM $VM -NewLocalKeyProtector
Enable-VMTPM -vm $VM
if ( $AssetTag ) {
$VSGSD = get-wmiobject -Namespace "Root\virtualization\v2" -class Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData |
Where-Object { ( $_.VirtualSystemType -eq 'Microsoft:Hyper-V:System:Realized' ) -and ( $_.VirtualSystemIdentifier -eq $VM.Id ) }
$VSGSD.ChassisAssetTag = $AssetTag
$arguments = @($VM , $VSGSD.psbase.GetText([System.Management.TextFormat]::WmiDtd20),$null,$null)
$VSMgtSvc = Get-WmiObject -NameSpace "root\virtualization\v2" -Class "MsVM_virtualSystemManagementService"
$VSMgtSvc.psbase.InvokeMethod("ModifySystemSettings", $arguments) | out-null
if ( $DVDPath ) { Add-VMDvdDrive -VM $VM -path $DVDPath }
# Set boot order Disk, DVD, Network,
Set-VMFirmware -VM $VM -BootOrder (Get-VMFirmware -vm $VM | % BootOrder | Sort-Object Device -Descending | sort-Object boottype)
# snapshot for repeated installs.
Checkpoint-VM -vm $VM -SnapshotName "Clean"
Start-VM -VM $VM
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$VerbosePreference = 'continue'
[pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'iPXE-Win10-Prod'; AssetTag = '3992-462b-f644-8b6a-835b-ba6c-01' }
[pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'iPXE-Win10-PreProd'; AssetTag = '3992-462b-f644-8b6a-835b-ba6c-02' }
[pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'iPXE-Win11-Prod'; AssetTag = '3992-462b-f644-8b6a-835b-ba6c-03' }
[pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'iPXE-Win11-PreProd'; AssetTag = '3992-462b-f644-8b6a-835b-ba6c-04' }
) | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple | new-MyVM
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