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Last active October 3, 2017 05:22
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Download Ignite content
Script to assist finding content to download from MS Ignite 2017
Will use the script Get-IngiteSession.ps1 from:
[string] $URI = '',
[string]$DownloadFolder = "$ENV:SystemDrive\Ignite",
[string[]] $IgniteProperties = @( 'sessionCode', 'title', 'abstract', 'dayOfTheWeek', 'topics', 'format', 'audience', 'levels', 'personas', 'durationInMinutes', 'products', 'tags', 'speakerNames', 'speakerIds', 'slideDeck', 'onDemand', 'downloadVideoLink' )
Function Remove-InvalidFileNameChars {
$invalidChars = [IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''
$re = "[{0}]" -f [RegEx]::Escape($invalidChars)
return ($Name -replace $re)
if ( -not ( test-path $DownloadFolder ) ) {
new-item -ItemType directory -Path $DownloadFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -force | out-null
#region Download and Cache session list
$IgniteCache = join-path $DownloadFolder 'IgniteSessionCache.xml'
if ( -not ( test-path $IgniteCache ) ) {
Write-verbose "Get meta-data on sessions"
$LocalSCript = Join-Path $DownloadFolder (split-path $URI -leaf)
if ( -not ( test-path $LocalScript ) ) {
write-verbose "download Script $URI"
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $URI -OutFile $LocalScript
$IgniteList = & $LocalScript -InfoOnly
remove-item -Path $LocalScript -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
$IgniteList | Export-Clixml -Path $IgniteCache
else {
$IgniteList = Import-Clixml -path $IgniteCache
#region Parse the list and display in out-gridview
$MyList = $igniteList |
# We are only intrested in presentations with content.
where { $_.SlideDeck -or $_.DownloadVideoLink -or $_.OnDemand } |
# Don't display any repeat sessions
where { ! $_.SessionCode.EndsWith('R') } |
select -Property $IgniteProperties |
Out-GridView -Title 'Select Items to download (use ctrl to select more than one)' -OutputMode Multiple
$count = $MyList | measure-object | % Count
write-host "Selected $count Items"
if ( $Count -eq 0 ) { exit }
#region Display OnDemand content
if ( [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Found $Count Items`r`n`r`nOK to generate ONDemand link?",'Ignite Download','YesNo','Info') -eq 'yes' ) {
write-host "List of OnDemand Content: "
$MyList | ? { $_.OnDemand } | ft -Property Title,onDemand | out-string -Width 200 | write-host
$MyList | ? { ! $_.OnDemand -and $_.slideDeck } | ft -Property Title,slideDeck | out-string -Width 200 | write-host
"<html><head><title>OnDemand Ignite Session List</title></head><body>" > $DownloadFolder\OnDemandList.html
$MyList | ? { $_.OnDemand } | % { "<a href=""$($_.onDemand)"">$($_.SessionCode) - $($_.Title)</a></br>" } >> $DownloadFolder\OnDemandList.html
"</br></br>" >> $env:temp\OnDemandList.html
$MyList | ? { ! $_.OnDemand -and $_.slideDeck } | % { "<a href=""https:$($_.slideDeck)"">$($_.SessionCode) - $($_.Title)</a></br>" } >> $DownloadFolder\OnDemandList.html
"</body></html>" >> $DownloadFolder\OnDemandList.html
start $DownloadFolder\OnDemandList.html
#region Download content
if ( [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Found $Count Items`r`n`r`nOK to Download to: $DownloadFolder",'Ignite Download','YesNo','Info') -eq 'yes' ) {
$MyList |
foreach-object {
if ( $_.DownloadVideoLink ) {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Source = $_.DownloadVideoLink; Destination = join-path $DownloadFolder ( Remove-InvalidFileNameChars "$($_.SessionCode) - $($_.Title).mp4" ) }
elseif ( $_.SlideDeck ) {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Source = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode( $_.Slidedeck.replace('//','') ) ;
Destination = join-path $DownloadFolder ( Remove-InvalidFileNameChars "$($_.SessionCode) - $($_.Title).pptx" ) }
} |
where-object { -not ( test-path $_.Destination ) } |
#remove-item -Path $IgniteCache -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null
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