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Last active September 22, 2022 17:09
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IT OEM Bypass script
Bypass file for OEM OOBE Setup.
Called from within Audit Mode.
[int] $TargetDisk = 0,
[string] $NewBootWim = "$PSScriptRoot\Generic_x64.wim",
[string] $UserName = 'MDTServer\MDTNonInteractive',
[string] $Password = 'UnSecurePassword1234',
[string] $BootType = 'x64',
[string] $Target = 'h:'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
#region Find the largest on-disk partition
$TargetDrive = get-disk -Number $TargetDisk |
Get-partition |
Sort -Descending -Property Size |
Select-Object -First 1 |
Get-Volume |
foreach-object { $_.DriveLetter + ':' }
# get a drive letter for the system partition
get-disk -Number $TargetDisk |
get-partition |
where-object { -not $_.DriveLetter } |
Where-Object Type -eq System |
Add-PartitionAccessPath -AccessPath $Target
#region Connect to a network share if Source is over the network...
if ( -not ( test-path $NewBootWim ) ) {
if ( $newBootWim.StartsWith('\\') -and $UserName -and $Password ) {
# COnnect to the network share.
net use "$(split-path $NewBootWim)" /user:$UserName "$Password"
#region Copy the Boot WIM
new-item -ItemType directory -path $TargetDrive\Sources -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
copy-item $NewBootWim $TargetDrive\Sources\Boot.wim
robocopy /e $PSScriptRoot\x64 $Target\ /xf bcd bcd.log
#region Create a BCD entry
Bcdedit /create "{ramdiskoptions}" /d "Ramdisk options"
Bcdedit /set "{ramdiskoptions}" ramdisksdidevice boot
Bcdedit /set "{ramdiskoptions}" ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
$Output = bcdedit -create /d "MYIT_OEMHack" /application OSLOADER
$GUID = $output | %{ $_.split(' ')[2] }
bcdedit /set $Guid device "ramdisk=[$TargetDrive]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}"
bcdedit /set $Guid osdevice "ramdisk=[$TargetDrive]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}"
bcdedit /set $Guid path \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi
bcdedit /set $Guid systemroot \windows
bcdedit /set $Guid detecthal yes
bcdedit /set $Guid winpe yes
bcdedit /set $Guid ems no
bcdedit /set $Guid isolatedcontext yes
Bcdedit /displayorder $Guid -addfirst
Bcdedit /default $Guid
Bcdedit /timeout 10
#region Reboot
write-host "DONE"
shutdown -r -f -t 0
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