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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Deriving Real Integers From Speech
* Fun Fact: when working in the realm of real, integer numbers,the English
* language follows a curious pattern:
* For each word in a scalar as spoken, such as 'three hundred thousand
* two hundred forty five', a real value can be derived by considering each
* number successively and applying the following formula:
* phrase.split(' ') => array with length l
* for i in phrase:
* if the integer value of phrase[i] > integer value of phrase[i+1] =>
* reduce((a, b) => a * b)
* if the integer value of phrase[i] < integer value of phrase[i+1] =>
* reduce((a, b) => a + b)
* Considering this, it's trivial to convert something like
* 'two hundred thousand three hundred forty five' into an integer
* (2 * 100 * 1000) + (3 * 100) + 40 + 5 == 200345
* An edge case is found when irregular forms of speech occur, such as
* 'one million million'. This can be accounted for by reducing
* as a product when the first term is greater or equal to the second
* (1 * 1000000 * 1000000)
* To deal with hyphenations, it is important to first split on a space
* then reduce each term to an integer before reducing the terms as a whole
* "twenty-six hundred" =>
* ["twenty-six", "hundred"] =>
* [["twenty", "six"], ["hundred"]] =>
* [26, 100] =>
* 2600
* As it turns out, there are only so many discreet words that are used
* when discussing real integers, and for the purposes of my implementation,
* I've chosen to stop counting at quadrillion, since that is what I'm
* considering to be near or at the upper-limit of common speech in English.
* Obviously more terms could be added if this were to be applied in
* case-specific situations.
* Below is an ES 6 implementation I'm using for a project.
const _ = require('lodash')
function resolveScalar(rawText){
let text = rawText.split(' ')
let numberWords = {
zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6, seven: 7, eight: 8,
nine: 9, ten: 10, eleven: 11, twelve: 12, thirteen: 13, fourteen: 14,
fifteen: 15, sixteen: 16, seventeen: 17, eighteen: 18, nineteen: 19,
twenty: 20, thirty: 30, forty: 40, fifty: 50, sixty: 60, seventy: 70,
eighty: 80, ninety: 90, hundred: 100, thousand: 1000, million: 1000000,
billion: 1000000000, trillion: 1000000000000, quadrillion: 1000000000000000
let reduceScalars = (m, n) => {
if(m.length === 0)
return n
if(n.length === 0)
return reduceScalars(, [_.first(m)])
if(_.first(m) > _.last(n)){
return reduceScalars(m.slice(1),
_.union(_.initial(n), [_.first(m) * _.last(n)]))
return reduceScalars(m.slice(1), _.union(n, [m[0]]))
let m = _.flatten(text.split(' ').map(w => {
let breakDown = w.replace(/[_\.-]/g, ' ').split(' ')
.map(m => numberWords[m])
.filter(m => m !== undefined)
return reduceScalars(breakDown, []).reduce((a, b) => a + b)
return []}))
if(!m.length) return null
return reduceScalars(m, [])
.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
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