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Last active June 11, 2024 18:26
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SlottedElement - mimic <slots> in light DOM LitElements
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit';
This mimics the behavior of <slot>s in a light DOM LitElement. It supports both
named slots (`<slot name="foo">`) and anonymous slots (`<slot>`). This has not
been heavily tested yet, but seems to work for most simple use cases using
Lit 3.1.4.
There are a few minor differences between Shadow DOM and this, particularly if:
- you attempt to add content to a named slot but that slot isn't defined in the
component's render()
- you add child content outside the named slots.
In both cases, this content is displayed inside the component, while a Shadow
DOM implementation suppresses them. This could probably be cleaned up with a
little more code, but they're edge cases I can live with.
class SlottedElement extends LitElement {
constructor() {
this.slottedChildren = [...this.childNodes];
this.namedSlotContent = this.querySelectorAll('[slot]');
updated() {
const slots = [...this.querySelectorAll('slot:not([filled])')];
slots.forEach((slot) => {
const name = slot.getAttribute('name');
if (name) {
} else {
_fillNamedSlot(slot) {
const content = [...this.namedSlotContent].find(
(el) => el.getAttribute('slot') === slot.getAttribute('name')
if (content) {
slot.parentElement.replaceChild(content, slot);
slot.setAttribute('filled', '');
_fillAnonSlot(slot) {
this.slottedChildren.forEach((child) => {
if (child === slot) {
slot.parentElement.insertBefore(child, slot);
slot.setAttribute('filled', '');
render() {
return html`<slot></slot>`;
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
export default SlottedElement;
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