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Created December 27, 2017 17:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto3
import argparse
def list_private_zones(parsed_args):
route53_client = boto3.client('route53')
zones = route53_client.list_hosted_zones()
for i in range(len(zones['HostedZones'])):
z = zones['HostedZones'][i]
if z['Config']['PrivateZone'] is True:
print "Name: %s" % z['Name']
print "Comment: %s" % z['Config']['Comment']
print "HostedZoneId: %s\n" % z['Id']
def create_peering_connection(parsed_args):
vpc_id = parsed_args.vpc_id
target_vpc_id = parsed_args.target_vpc_id
region = parsed_args.region
peered_account_number = parsed_args.peered_account_number
dryrun_set = parsed_args.dryrun_set
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)
if vpc_id and target_vpc_id and peered_account_number:
response = ec2_client.create_vpc_peering_connection(DryRun=dryrun_set, VpcId=vpc_id, PeerVpcId=target_vpc_id, PeerOwnerId=peered_account_number)
print response
print "The owner of vpc %s must accept this request" % target_vpc_id
print "Missing one ore more of required arguments --vpc-id, --target-vpc-id"
def create_private_zone_authorization(parsed_args):
hosted_zone_id = parsed_args.hosted_zone_id
region = parsed_args.region
target_vpc_id = parsed_args.target_vpc_id
route53_client = boto3.client('route53')
if hosted_zone_id and target_vpc_id:
response = route53_client.create_vpc_association_authorization(HostedZoneId=hosted_zone_id, VPC={'VPCRegion': region,'VPCId': target_vpc_id})
print response
print "Please have the owner of vpc %s run the following command: " % target_vpc_id
print "aws route53 associate-vpc-with-hosted-zone --hosted-zone-id %s \
--vpc VPCRegion=%s,VPCId=%s" % (hosted_zone_id, region, target_vpc_id)
print "After they run that command, run this script with --delete-private-zone-authorization"
print "Missing one ore more of required arguments --hosted-zone-id, --target-vpc-id"
def delete_private_zone_authorization(parsed_args):
hosted_zone_id = parsed_args.hosted_zone_id
region = parsed_args.region
target_vpc_id = parsed_args.target_vpc_id
route53_client = boto3.client('route53')
if hosted_zone_id and target_vpc_id:
response = route53_client.delete_vpc_association_authorization(HostedZoneId=hosted_zone_id, VPC={'VPCRegion': region,'VPCId': target_vpc_id})
print response
print "Missing one ore more of required arguments --hosted-zone-id, --target-vpc-id"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--list-private-zones', dest='action', action='store_const',
const=list_private_zones, help='Lists Private Route53 Zones')
group.add_argument('--create-peering-connection', dest='action', action='store_const',
help='Initiates the peering request from one VPC to another')
dest='action', action='store_const', const=create_private_zone_authorization,
help='Create the authorization to associate a Private Route53 zone with a peered VPC')
dest='action', action='store_const', const=delete_private_zone_authorization,
help='Deletes the authorization request to associate a Private Route53 zone with a peered VPC')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', default='us-east-1')
parser.add_argument('-vid', '--vpc-id', help='VPC Id of the Requesting VPC')
parser.add_argument('-tvid', '--target-vpc-id', help='VPC Id of the Target VPC')
parser.add_argument('-pan', '--peered-account-number', help='AWS Account number of the account you want to peer with')
parser.add_argument('-hzid', '--hosted-zone-id', help='HostZone ID of the Private Zone you want to associate to the peered VPC')
parser.add_argument('-dr', '--dryrun-set', default=False, type=bool, help='Set Dryrun flag for create peering connection')
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
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