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Created November 13, 2011 20:38
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<script type="text/javascript">
var mpq = [];
mpq.push(["init", "1c8c35d989982401990706fce6659790"]);
(function(){var b,a,e,d,c;b=document.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=true;b.src=(document.location.protocol==="https:"?"https:":"http:")+"//";a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(b,a);e=function(f){return function(){mpq.push([f].concat(,0)))}};d=["init","track","track_links","track_forms","register","register_once","identify","name_tag","set_config"];for(c=0;c<d.length;c++){mpq[d[c]]=e(d[c])}})();
<script type="text/javascript">
var MixPanelHelp = function() {
return {
// augments an event with basic info such as current user
// then fires the event off
track : function(eventName, moreProperties, callback) {
var properties = new Array();
if (typeof optionalArg != "undefined"){
properties = $.extend(moreProperties);
properties["url"] = document.URL;
// add in the current user if there is one
properties["username"] = current_user.hash.username;
properties["gender"] = current_user.hash.gender;
properties["zipcode"] = current_user.hash.zipcode;
// make the callback
if (typeof callback == "undefined"){
mpq.track(eventName,properties, callback);
// fires our track wrapper, protected by a delay
delayed_track : function(eventName, moreProperties, callback){
var t = window.setTimeout(callback,300);
// make the callback
if (typeof callback == "undefined"){
mpq.track(eventName,properties, callback);
$(function() {
// MixPanelHelp ephemeral link tracker
// Used on links that would otherwise
// not give the event enough time to fire.
// NOTE: Requires data-trackname to be set
// ex: <a href="" class="track_link", data-trackname="to Google">go to google</a>
$('.track_link').click(function(e) {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var t = window.setTimeout("window.location = href",300);
window.location = href;
// MixPanelHelp ephemeral button tracker
// Used on buttons that would otherwise
// not give the event enough time to fire
// (Such as form submission buttons)
// NOTE: Requires data-trackname to be set
$('.track_button').click(function(e) {
var form = $(this).parents("form")[0];
var t = window.setTimeout("form.submit()",300);
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