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Last active May 28, 2017 19:10
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Matlab code for setting up Simulink Control. Observe only X and Theta
% Declare Constant Values
% Taken from Beaker2 (the robot)
mp=1.793; % Mass of the pendulum (kg)
mw=0.156; % Mass of the wheel (kg)
Len=0.209; % Length to Center of Gravity(meters)
r=0.042; % Radius of the wheel (meters)
ip=0.07832; % inertia of the pendulum around the wheel axis
iw=0.000172125; % inertia of the wheel around the wheel axis
% Taken from ( motor suppliers )
Rs=0.0024; % The resistance of the DC Motor
ke=0.0342857; % Voltage constant for the DC Motor
km=0.017; % Motor Torque Constant of the DC Motor
% Taken from Nature
g=9.81; % Gravity
% Declare additional constants to avoid repeated calculation
beta = 2*mw+((2*iw)/(r*r))+mp;
alpha = (ip*beta)+(2*mp*Len*Len*(mw+(iw/(r*r))));
% State-Space 'A' & 'B' Matrix Indices
% Construct Continuous Time State-Space Matrices (x'=Ax+Bu , y=Cx+Du)
a=[0 1 0 0; 0 a22 a23 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 a42 a43 0];
b=[0; b21; 0; b24];
c=[1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0]; % only observe x and theta
% Name States, Inputs, and Outputs
states = {'xDot' 'xDDot' 'PhiDot' 'PhiDDot'};
inputs = ('Va');
outputs= {'x' 'Theta'};
% Construct continuous State-Space System
sys_cont = ss(a,b,c,d,'statename',states,'inputname',inputs,'outputname',outputs);
%% Discrete Time State-Space with LQR Modeling
% Set timestep value in seconds
% Convert Continous Time Model to Discrete Time Model
sys_d = c2d(sys_cont,Ts,'zoh');
% Extract Discrete Time State-Space Matrices
A = sys_d.a;
B = sys_d.b;
C = sys_d.c;
D = sys_d.d;
% State Weights for Q weight matrix
w = 1; % x (position) state variable weight
x = 1; % xDot state variable weight
y = 10; % theta (angle) state variable weight
z = 100; % thetaDot state variable weight
% Construct Q matrix (symmetric diagonal)
Q = [w 0 0 0;
0 x 0 0;
0 0 y 0;
0 0 0 z];
% Assign R value for LQR input weight
R = 1;
% Find LQR gain Matrix K
[K,S,e] = dlqr(A,B,Q,R);
%% Prepare and Create Kalman Filter
% Process Noise Measurement Covariance Matrix sometimes called `Q`
% Expect uniform measurement noise.
% v close w 0.0001
% even closer w 0.001
% 0.01 was good too.
% 1 was much worse
ProcessNoise = .01;
% Measurement Noise Covariance Matrix sometimes called 'R'.
% Expect very little noise with X, and a lot of noise with Theta.
% There should be little to no correlation between the two noises.
xMeasurementNoise = 0.000001;
thetaMeasurementNoise = 0.0001;
MeasurementNoise = diag([xMeasurementNoise thetaMeasurementNoise]);
% Use Kalman to estimate full system given only sensors of x and theta.
% Double up B because the filter has two inputs, X and Theta.
sys_kalman = ss(A, [B B], C, 0, Ts);
sensors = [1 2];
known = 1;
[kest,L,P] = kalman(sys_kalman,ProcessNoise,MeasurementNoise,[],sensors,known);
%% Form the LQG Regulator.
lqg_reg = lqgreg(kest, K);
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