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Last active December 2, 2016 12:02
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Advent Of Code 2016 - Day 1
type Direction = North | South | East | West
type Position = { x: int; y: int }
type Walker = { facing: Direction; location: Position; history: Position list}
let rotateRight (d:Direction) =
match d with
| North -> East
| East -> South
| South -> West
| West -> North
let rotateLeft (d:Direction) = d |> rotateRight |> rotateRight |> rotateRight
let changeY n (l:Position) = {l with y = l.y + n }
let changeX n (l:Position) = {l with x = l.x + n }
let track (w:Walker) = { w with history = w.history @ [w.location] }
let step (w:Walker) =
match w.facing with
| North -> { w with location = changeY 1 w.location }
| East -> { w with location = changeX 1 w.location }
| South -> { w with location = changeY -1 w.location }
| West -> { w with location = changeX -1 w.location }
let rec move n (w:Walker) =
if n = 0 then w
else move (n-1) (step w |> track)
let L n (w:Walker) = move n {w with facing = rotateLeft w.facing}
let R n (w:Walker) = move n {w with facing = rotateRight w.facing}
let rec firstRepeat' (been : Position list) (positions : Position list) : Position option =
let head = positions.Head
if (List.isEmpty positions) then None
elif (List.exists ((=) head) been) then Some head
else firstRepeat' (been @ [head]) positions.Tail
let firstRepeat (l : Position list) = firstRepeat' [] l
let distanceFrom (p : Position) = abs p.x + abs p.y
let main argv =
let start = { facing=North; location = { x=0; y=0 }; history = [] }
let finish = start |> (R 8) |> (R 4) |> (R 4) |> (R 8)
let finish = start |> (R 3) |> (L 2) |> (L 2) |> (R 4) |> (L 1) |> (R 2) |> (R 3) |> (R 4) |> (L 2) |> (R 4) |> (L 2) |> (L 5) |> (L 1) |> (R 5) |> (R 2) |> (R 2) |> (L 1) |> (R 4) |> (R 1) |> (L 5) |> (L 3) |> (R 4) |> (R 3) |> (R 1) |> (L 1) |> (L 5) |> (L 4) |> (L 2) |> (R 5) |> (L 3) |> (L 4) |> (R 3) |> (R 1) |> (L 3) |> (R 1) |> (L 3) |> (R 3) |> (L 4) |> (R 2) |> (R 5) |> (L 190) |> (R 2) |> (L 3) |> (R 47) |> (R 4) |> (L 3) |> (R 78) |> (L 1) |> (R 3) |> (R 190) |> (R 4) |> (L 3) |> (R 4) |> (R 2) |> (R 5) |> (R 3) |> (R 4) |> (R 3) |> (L 1) |> (L 4) |> (R 3) |> (L 4) |> (R 1) |> (L 4) |> (L 5) |> (R 3) |> (L 3) |> (L 4) |> (R 1) |> (R 2) |> (L 4) |> (L 3) |> (R 3) |> (R 3) |> (L 2) |> (L 5) |> (R 1) |> (L 4) |> (L 1) |> (R 5) |> (L 5) |> (R 1) |> (R 5) |> (L 4) |> (R 2) |> (L 2) |> (R 1) |> (L 5) |> (L 4) |> (R 4) |> (R 4) |> (R 3) |> (R 2) |> (R 3) |> (L 1) |> (R 4) |> (R 5) |> (L 2) |> (L 5) |> (L 4) |> (L 1) |> (R 4) |> (L 4) |> (R 4) |> (L 4) |> (R 1) |> (R 5) |> (L 1) |> (R 1) |> (L 5) |> (R 5) |> (R 1) |> (R 1) |> (L 3) |> (L 1) |> (R 4) |> (L 1) |> (L 4) |> (L 4) |> (L 3) |> (R 1) |> (R 4) |> (R 1) |> (R 1) |> (R 2) |> (L 5) |> (L 2) |> (R 4) |> (L 1) |> (R 3) |> (L 5) |> (L 2) |> (R 5) |> (L 4) |> (R 5) |> (L 5) |> (R 3) |> (R 4) |> (L 3) |> (L 3) |> (L 2) |> (R 2) |> (L 5) |> (L 5) |> (R 3) |> (R 4) |> (R 3) |> (R 4) |> (R 3) |> (R 1)
printfn "%d" (distanceFrom finish.location)
match (firstRepeat finish.history) with
| Some p -> printfn "%d" (distanceFrom p)
| None -> printfn "Couldn't find it"
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