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Created December 6, 2016 00:39
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Advent Of Code 2016 - Day 5
module Day5
open System
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Text
let input = @"reyedfim"
let bytes (s:string) = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s)
let md5 (data : byte array) : string =
use md5 = MD5.Create()
(StringBuilder(), md5.ComputeHash(data))
||> Array.fold (fun sb b -> sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")))
|> string
let rec decode (s:string) (n:int) acc =
if (Seq.length acc) = 8 then acc
let candidate = s + n.ToString()
let hash = bytes candidate |> md5
if hash.StartsWith("00000") then decode s (n + 1) (acc @ [hash.Substring(5,1)])
else decode s (n + 1) acc
let position c =
match c with
| "0" -> Some 0
| "1" -> Some 1
| "2" -> Some 2
| "3" -> Some 3
| "4" -> Some 4
| "5" -> Some 5
| "6" -> Some 6
| "7" -> Some 7
| _ -> None
let rec decode2' (s:string) (n:int) acc =
if (Seq.length acc) = 8 then acc
let candidate = s + n.ToString()
let hash = bytes candidate |> md5
if hash.StartsWith("00000") then
let pos = position ( hash.Substring(5 , 1) )
match pos with
| Some p ->
if (Seq.exists (fun t -> (fst t) = p) acc) then decode2' s (n + 1) acc
else decode2' s (n + 1) (acc @ [(p, hash.Substring(6,1))])
| _ -> decode2' s (n + 1) acc
else decode2' s (n + 1) acc
let decode2 s = decode2' s 0 [] |> Seq.sort |> ( snd) |> String.Concat
let day5 =
printfn "\n\nDay 5\n"
printfn "Part 1: %A" (decode input 0 [])
printfn "Part 2: %A" (decode2 input)
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