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Created July 22, 2017 07:59
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* iQuue Access Control
* Copyright 2016 iQuue
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
include 'asynchttp_v1';
def getAPIURL() {
return ""
name: "iQuue",
namespace: "iquue",
author: "iQuue",
description: "Smart Multi-Family Properties",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "",
oauth: [displayName: "iQuue", displayLink: ""])
preferences {
section("Send SMS Notifications?") {
input "sendPush", "bool", required: false,
title: "Send SMS iQuue Notifications?"
section("Send SMS messages to this number (optional)") {
input "phone", "phone", required: false
section("iQuue Enabled Hubs") {
input "hub", "hub", multiple: true, title: "Select a hub"
section("Front Door Lock") {
input "frontDoor", "capability.lock", multiple: false, required: true
section("all devices") {
input "actuators", "capability.actuator", multiple: true, required: true
input "sensors", "capability.sensor", multiple: true, required: false
mappings {
path("/hub") {
action: [
GET: "getHubData"
path("/devices") {
action: [
GET: "listDevices"
path("/locks/:deviceId/codes") {
action: [
POST: "setCode",
DELETE: "deleteAllCodes"
path("/locks/:deviceId/codes/:slot") {
action: [
POST: "setCode",
DELETE: "deleteCode"
path("/devices/:deviceID") {
action: [
POST: "runCommands"
path("/auth") {
action: [
POST: "iqAuthKeys"
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}";
def initialize() {
subscribe(hub, "hubStatus", hubHandler, [filterEvents: false]);
subscribe(locks, "codeReportAll", codeReportHandler);
runIn(5, fetchLockCodes)
state.transactions = [:]
def registerAll() {
subscribe(locks, "allCodesDeleted", allCodesDeletedHandler);
(actuators + (sensors?:[])).each { device ->
def attributes = device.capabilities.collectMany { capability ->
return capability.attributes.collect {
attributes.each { attribute ->
log.debug "Registering ${device.displayName}.${attribute}"
subscribe(device, attribute, changeHandler, [filterEvents: false])
def getHubData() {
def response = [:]
def attrs = hub[0].properties
def hub = hub[0]
response << [name:, locationId:, status: hub.status.toLowerCase()]
response.devices = listDevices()
def json = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(response)
render contentType: "application/json", data: json
def listDevices() {
locks.each {lock ->
def allDevices = []
(actuators + (sensors?:[])).each {
device ->
def out = [name: device.displayName, id:, deviceType: device.typeName, status: device.status.toLowerCase(), manufacturer: device.manufacturerName]
out.capabilities = device.capabilities.collect{}
def attributes = device.capabilities.collectMany {
capability ->
return capability.attributes.collect {
if (device.capabilities.collect {
}.indexOf('Lock') > -1) {
out.isFrontDoor = == frontDoor[0].id
def allAttributes = device.supportedAttributes.collect({}) + attributes
out << allAttributes.collectEntries {
attribute ->
log.debug("try ${attribute}")
try {
(attribute): device.currentValue(attribute)
} catch (e) {
(attribute): null
allDevices << out
return allDevices
/** Lock related functions **/
def getLocks() {
return actuators.findAll{device ->
return device.capabilities.collect { }.indexOf('Lock') > -1
def fetchLockCodes() {
state.requestingAllCodes = true
locks.each {lock ->
def deleteCode() {
def slot = params.slot "delete ${slot} for ${params.deviceId}"
locks.each { lock ->
def setCode() {
def body = request.JSON
log.debug("set code ${body}")
def codes = [:]
// set code on all locks
locks.each { lock ->
lock.setCode(body.slot, body.code)
def deleteAllCodes() {
locks.each{ lock ->
def pollLocks() {
locks.each { it.poll() }
/** END Lock related functions **/
* Provides an interface to call any commands exposed via any of the registered devices
* API route: POST /devices/:deviceID
* the post body should contain a Map of the commands and arguments to execute
* e.g.:
* POST {"on": [], "setLevel": [100], "setColor": [{"hue": 99, "saturation": 100}]}
* when called on a device with switch and color control capabilities would turn the switch on and set color to hsl(99, 100, 100)
def runCommands() {
def command = params.command
def deviceID = params.deviceID
def body = request.JSON
def transactionID = params.transactionID
def theDevice = actuators.find { == deviceID
def capabilities = theDevice.capabilities
def attributes = capabilities.collectMany {
capability ->
return capability.attributes.collect {
def commands = capabilities.collectMany {
capability ->
return capability.commands.collect {
body.each {method, args ->
if (commands.indexOf(method) > -1) {
if (transactionID) {
def anticipatedChanges = mapCommandToValueChanges(theDevice, method, *args);
anticipatedChanges.each{ change ->
queueTransaction(transactionID, deviceID, change[0], change[1])
Event Handlers
void hubHandler(evt) {
log.debug "HUB HANDLER @ $ $evt.value"
def jsonParams = [
uri: "${APIURL}/api",
body: [
token: state.iquueToken,
action: [
payload: [
id: evt.locationId,
status: ["active", "zb_radio_on", "zw_radio_on"].indexOf(evt.value) > -1 ? "online" : "offline"
try {
httpPostJson(jsonParams) {
resp ->
resp.headers.each {
log.debug "${} : ${it.value}"
log.debug "response contentType: ${resp.contentType}"
} catch (e) {
log.debug "something went wrong: $e"
* On initialize we register subscribers for all attributes of all devices
* any change that happens will end up triggering a call to this function
* whose sole responsibility is to post the change back to the iQuue API
def changeHandler(evt) {
// Change Handler [device:fc25273e-68e1-4099-bd0d-6e8c8ce89fbf, attribute:switch, value:on, date:Thu Jun 08 19:14:02 UTC 2017]
// when requesting all codes we will receive a `codeReport` event for each slot
// we want to avoid sending this event back to iQuue in this case and avoid a "Too Many Requests" error from ST
log.debug("GOT EVENT ${evt}")
def deviceData = [deviceId: evt.deviceId, attribute:, value: evt.value, date:"yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ssZ", TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT'))]
if ( { = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(
// for lock events eventType indicates the method by which the lock was locked or unlocked
if (evt.eventType && evt.eventType.isInteger()) {
deviceData.eventType = evt.eventType as Integer
def optionalTransaction = dequeueTransaction(deviceData.deviceId,, evt.value)
if (optionalTransaction) {
deviceData.transaction = optionalTransaction
def params = [
uri: "${APIURL}/api",
body: [
token: state.iquueToken,
action: [
payload: deviceData
if ( != "codeReport" || !state.requestingAllCodes) {
def codeReportHandler(evt) {
log.debug "IN CODE REPORT ALL ${} ${evt.value}"
state.requestingAllCodes = false
try {
def jsonParams = [
uri: "${APIURL}/api",
body: [
token: state.iquueToken,
action: [
payload: [
deviceId: evt.deviceId,
codes: new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(evt.value)
} catch (e) {
log.error "error here ${e}"
def allCodesDeletedHandler(evt) {
log.debug("DELETED ALL CODES")
* This gets called when a new hub is authenticated. iQuue generates a key (a hash of the authenticated unit) and
* sends it to the SmartApp to be attached to any ST -> iQuue requests as a means of basic authentication for iQuue API endpoints
void iqAuthKeys() {
def params = request.JSON
state.iquueToken = params.token
Transactions handle tying requests received from iQuue to events posted from device handlers.
for example, iQuue initiates an "addLockCode" with a transactionID. The transactionID gets stored
in state in this way:
[addLockCode]: [transactionID]
so that later when we receive a "codeReport" event from the device handler, we can look up any pending transactions in state for
that device and action, and re-attach the transactionID in our notification back to iQuue, closing the loop on the initial request.
def queueTransaction(id, deviceID, attribute, value) {
if (!state.transactions) {
state.transactions = [:]
if (!state.transactions[deviceID]) {
state.transactions[deviceID] = [:]
if (!state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"]) {
state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"] = []
state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"] << id
def dequeueTransaction(deviceID, attribute, value) {
if (state.transactions[deviceID] && state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"] && state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"] instanceof Collection) {
return state.transactions[deviceID]["${attribute}.${value}"].remove(0)
def mapCommandToValueChanges(device, command, args = []) {
def lock = [
'lock': ['lock', 'locked'],
'unlock': ['lock', 'unlocked']
def light = [
'on': ['switch', 'on'],
'off': ['switch', 'off']
def thermostat = [
'auto': ['thermostatMode', 'auto'],
'cool': ['thermostatMode', 'cool'],
'heat': ['thermostatMode', 'heat'],
'off': ['thermostatMode', 'off'],
'fanAuto': ['thermostatFanMode', 'auto'],
'fanCirculate': ['thermostatFanMode', 'circulate'],
'fanOn': ['thermostatFanMode', 'on']
def genericType = genericDeviceType(device)
switch(genericType) {
case 'light':
if (light[command]) {
return [light[command]];
case 'lock':
if (lock[command]) {
return [lock[command]];
case 'thermostat':
if (thermostat[command]) {
return [thermostat[command]];
def name = (command - ~/^set/)
name = name[0].toLowerCase() + name.substring(1)
def out = []
// e.g. setTemperature, [77]
if (args instanceof List) {
out << [name, args[0]]
// e.g. setColor [hue: 55, saturation: 90]
else if(args instanceof Map) {
args.each{attr, value ->
out << [attr, value]
return out
def genericDeviceType(device) {
def capabilities = device.capabilities.collect{}
if(capabilities.indexOf('Light') > -1) {
return 'light'
if(capabilities.indexOf('Thermostat') > -1) {
return 'thermostat'
if(capabilities.indexOf('Lock') > -1) {
return 'lock'
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