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Created May 10, 2017 23:49
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require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
def perform_graphql_query(query, variables)
# This is our Buildkite GraphQL Endpoint.
uri = URI.parse("")
# Create an instance of the HTTP class so we can make a HTTP request.
https =, uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
# Setup our actual request. Authentication is done via a Buildkite API key with
# the GraphQL scope enabled.
req =, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{GRAPHQL_API_KEY}" })
req.body = JSON.generate(query: query, variables: variables)
# Perform the request and return the response.
query = <<~GRAPHQL
query GetPipelines($organizationSlug: ID!, $after: String, $pageSize: Int) {
organization(slug: $organizationSlug) {
pipelines(first: $pageSize, after: $after) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
builds(first: 1, branch:"%default") {
edges {
node {
# Get the organization slug from an environment variable
org_slug = ENV.fetch("ORGANIZATION_SLUG")
# Setup the first set of variables we'll send to GraphQL
variables = { organizationSlug: org_slug, pageSize: 5 }
# `has_next_page` will stay true as long as the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` variable is
# true in the GraphQL response
has_next_page = true
while has_next_page
response = perform_graphql_query(query, variables)
# Make sure the GraphQL response is all good
if response.code.to_i != 200
raise "GraphQL query failed: #{response.code} #{response.message} #{response.body}"
# Parse the JSON from the GraphQL query
json = JSON.parse(response.body)
# Figure out if there's another page of info. If this is false, the
# `has_next_page` will become false and the loop will stop
has_next_page = json["data"]["organization"]["pipelines"]["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"]
# If there's still another page, grab the last cursor in the list, and add it
# to the variables that we'll send in the next iteration
if has_next_page
variables[:after] = json["data"]["organization"]["pipelines"]["edges"].last["cursor"]
# Just show the output
puts response.body
puts "-------------------------"
puts "\nAll done! No more pipelines to paginate through!"
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