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Created June 14, 2010 19:54
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Cheat-sheet for R
# attach and detach a package:
# start in 64 bit mode:
R --arch x86_64
# Stack-trace in R:
# Break on error in R:
options(error = recover)
# Turn warnings into errors
options(warn = 2)
# Acts as a code break-point so you can inspect vars
# trim off the 1st and last chars of a string:
substr("hello", start=2, stop=nchar("hello") - 1)
# the apply most similar to haskell's (map f [1..20])
mapply(f, 1:20)
# if you would rather have a vector than a list you can do
sapply(f, 1:20)
# Here is the R version of haskell's zipWith
mapply(get("+"), as.list(1 : 10), as.list(31: 40), SIMPLIFY = F)
# apply a function to matrix margins first by row then by column
apply(matrix(1:12, nrow = 3), 1, sum)
apply(matrix(1:12, nrow = 3), 2, sum)
# find difference between neighboring values
diff(1:10) # returns nine 1s
# Run Length Encoding
# replace file extension with empty string
sub("\\..*$", "", "helloworld.exe")
# find string manipulation functions"character")
# Find all installed packages matching a substring
grep("MouseDivGeno",rownames(installed.packages()), value = T)
# file stuff
myPath <- file.path(baseDir, "tmp.txt")
con <- file(description = myPath, open = "rt") # open can be: rt, wt, rb, rb, at ...
... do something ...
# Setting and getting using character names
assign("varname", matrix(1 : 10))
# setting terminal width
# shuffle a vector
sample(1 : 30)
# machine specific info like maximum integer
# For using optional packages:
# if package is missing use _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false
# In code you can do something like
# pkg <- "somePkg"
# pkgAvail <- require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
# if (pkgAvail)
# ...
# else
# ...
# to quickly test out what a color looks like:
image(matrix(1), col= "grey")
Creating binary packages on windows:
* Install latest version of R (choosing non-default install location is OK)
* Install latest version of Rtools (refer to
* make sure that the R and Rtools bin dirs are on your %PATH%
* If you have your R code in a tarball or zip file you need to unzip it.
* Enter: "Rcmd check <package_src_dir>" to check on any package errors or warnings
* Enter: "Rcmd build --binary <package_src_dir>" on the command line
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