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Created October 28, 2015 07:04
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DEBUG = True
PORT = 5000
#MONGO_SERVER = 'localhost'
MONGO_PORT = 27017
# the following values enumerate all possible shapes you can use for 'level_shapes' in
# the WEB_APP_CONF below
CIRCLE = "circle"
SQUARE = "square"
DIAMOND = "diamond"
CROSS = "cross"
X = "x"
STAR = "star"
UP_TRIANGLE = "up-triangle"
DOWN_TRIANGLE = "down-triangle"
# this dictionary is used to configure the user interface of the web application: title,
# point styles, layout ...
# this will be rendered as the page title and header
'title': 'DeSNP Database',
# to arrange plots in a single row set 'plot_arrangement' to 'single-row'
#'plot_arrangement': 'single-row',
# arrange plot with stacked factor plots beside larger scatter plot
'plot_arrangement': 'stack-factor-large-scatter',
# adjust the point size used in plots:
'point_size': 8,
# in this section you will define how each of the factors will be displayed.
# Each factor name comes from the design file that was imported into the database.
# Each factor can have any subset of the following:
# * level_order: this defines the order that the factors will appear on the
# X axis if they are selected in the 'x_axis_factors' section below and
# so this value is required for any factor that appears in x_axis_factors
# * level_styles: this allows per-level CSS styles to be applied to SVG
# data points, allowing you to control point appearance based on the
# factor level of the data point
# * level_shapes: this is similar to level styles but allows you to specify
# a shape per-level. The shape specified must be one of the values enumerated
# above
'factors': {
'treatment': {
'level_order': ['NONE', 'ROS', 'ACT', 'PPAR'],
'level_styles': {
'NONE': {
'fill': 'rgba(218, 165, 32, 0.3)',
'stroke': 'rgba(218, 165, 32, 1)',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
'ROS': {
'fill': 'rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.3)',
'stroke': 'rgba(68, 68, 68, 1)',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
'ACT': {
'fill': 'rgba(255, 136, 136, 0.3)',
'stroke': 'rgba(255, 136, 136, 1)',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
'PPAR': {
'fill': 'rgba(17, 17, 255, 0.3)',
'stroke': 'rgba(17, 17, 255, 1.0)',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
'time': {
'level_order': [' 2 hrs', ' 24 hrs', ' 72 hrs'],
'treatment ros': {
'level_order': [' Rosiglitazone ', ' No Rosiglitazone '],
'level_shapes': {
' Rosiglitazone ': CIRCLE,
' No Rosiglitazone ': DIAMOND,
# in this section you configure which X axis factors are available as selections
# to the user. This is an array of dictionaries where each dictionary in
# the array represents an X axis configuration that the user can choose.
# Each dictionary will have a "label" and a list of "factors". The label is
# what appears to the user in a drop-down box and the list of factors is used for
# the X axis when that label is selected
'x_axis_factors': [
'label': 'Treatment',
'factors': ['treatment']
'label': 'Treatment x Time',
'factors': ['treatment', 'time']
'label': 'Rosiglitazone x Time',
'factors': ['treatment ros', 'time']
# if set to true we will allow the user to switch between the log scale and raw
# data scale. If false (or missing) only the raw data scale will be available.
'include_log_scale': True,
# should we include error bars in the plot?
'render_error_bars': True,
# should we connect the error bars
'render_error_bar_connections': False,
# should we include points in the plot?
'render_points': True,
# should we jitter the points?
'jitter_points': True,
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