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Last active February 13, 2022 02:39
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  • Save keithshep/dd86358eed8ef40a9857 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save keithshep/dd86358eed8ef40a9857 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bash shell cheats
# exit on error and don't allow the use of unset variables
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
#NOTE: you can find a list of special variables at
# quietly execute GUI applications
function quietly() {
nohup "$@" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo function firefox() {
quietly firefox "$@"
function suquietly() {
sudo -b "$@" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# iterate over find results:
find . -name '*remove*' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file; do echo "$file"; head "$file"; done
# run a command as the wwwrun user
sudo -u wwwrun /bin/bash -c 'ls /'
# recursive get without going into parent dirs
wget --recursive --no-parent ''
# rsync with many excludes
rsync -a --progress --exclude='releases' --exclude='wh-env' --exclude='wormhole.db*' --exclude='non-canonical*.txt' --exclude='temp' wormhole/ 'donkey:/userdata/kss/wormhole'
# rsync with filtering and compression
rsync -avz --prune-empty-dirs --include='*.npz' --exclude='*.*' 'cadillac:/hpcdata/cgd/DO_Liver/analysis/alignment/8-way/' 8-way
# rsync with checksum confirmation and progress
rsync -a --checksum --progress --exclude='releases' wormhole/ 'donkey:/userdata/kss/wormhole'
# rsync recursively including files based on extension:
rsync -a '--include=*/' '--include=*.h5' '--exclude=*' --prune-empty-dirs 'winter:/fastscratch/sheppk/gait-mutants-2019-02-25' .
# syncing local dir to remote dir
rsync -az 2010-12-02-genotype-for-gary kss@truda:projects
# recursively copy text files from src to dest
rsync -r --include '*/' --include '*.txt' --exclude '*' src/ dest/
# using relative option to control which dirs are created for destination
rsync -avR "${share_root}/./NV9-CBAX2/2019-08-02"
rsync -v '--include=*/' '--include=*.avi' '--exclude=*' -aR "${share_root}/./NV6-CBAX2/2019-10-11"
rsync -v '--include=*/' '--include=*_pose_est_v3.h5' '--exclude=*' -aR /media/sheppk/TOSHIBA\ EXT/B2B_MISSING_3M_stranger_4day-2020-11-12-pose
# from a newline separated list of files
rsync -av --files-from=./networkPointNotFoundBXD.txt "${share_root}"
# rclone example
rclone copy --exclude Thumbs.db --transfers 8 --dropbox-chunk-size 150M --progress '/home/vivek/labshare/VideoData/MDS_Tests/exp_name' 'labdropbox:/VideoData/MDS_Tests/exp_name'
rclone check --exclude Thumbs.db --size-only '/home/vivek/labshare/VideoData/MDS_Tests/exp_name' 'labdropbox:/VideoData/MDS_Tests/exp_name'
rclone lsf --recursive --include '*_pose_est_v3.h5' --files-only "labdropbox:/VideoData/MDS_Tests/AD_4M_PS19_4day"
rclone copy --include '{AD_4B_PS19_4day,AD_4M_PS19_4day}/**.h5' --transfers 4 --progress "labdropbox:/VideoData/MDS_Tests" AD-models-PS19-poses
rclone copy --transfers 4 --progress --include-from ./missing-poses-2021-02-25.txt --ignore-checksum "labdropbox:/VideoData/MDS_Tests/AD_4B_PS19_4day" ~/sshfs/winterfastscratch/missing-poses-2021-02-25
# to synch back pose files
rclone copy --size-only --exclude '*.avi' --transfers 6 --dropbox-chunk-size 150M --progress "labdropbox:/VideoData" "${share_root}/VideoData"
# using curl to fetch multiple permutations of PNG file names
curl --fail '{HH,Hh,hH,hh},SS,{WW,Ww,wW,ww},{LL,Ll,lL,ll},{TT,Tt,tT,tt},pp,{FF,Ff,fF,ff},{AA,Aa,aA,aa},{BB,Bb,bB,bb}.png' -o '#1,SS,#2,#3,#4,pp,#5,#6,#7.png'
# port forwarding for postgres and mongo respectively
ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432
ssh -L 27017:localhost:27017
# compress and "scp" at the same time
tar cz dir | ssh name@host 'cat >/some-path/dir.tgz'
# cut the first column from a tab delimited text file
cut -f 1 -d $'\t' grouped-intens.txt | uniq
# find and replace (-i '.tmp' means edit in-place)
sed -i '.tmp' 's/cuscus/triok/g' favorite-marsupial.txt
# a simple integer for loop
for((i=0; i<100; i++)); do echo "$i"; done
# looping and using printf to pad with zeros. See more examples of string manipulation at:
for i in `"ls"`; do mv "$i" "$(printf %04d $ITERNUM)-$i"; export ITERNUM=$((ITERNUM + 1)); done
# removes all of the -3.3.3 before the .jar extension
for i in lucene-*.jar; do mv $i "${i:0:(${#i} - 10)}.jar"; done
# change "syntactic_inference" suffix to "_pose_est"
for i in $(find . -name '*syntactic_inference.h5'); do mv $i "${i:0:(${#i} - 22)}_pose_est.h5"; done
# which *.avi files don't have corresponding *.h5 pose est files
for i in $(find * -name '*.avi'); do if [[ ! -f "${i:0:(${#i} - 4)}_pose_est.h5" ]]; then echo $i; fi; done
# loop through tab delimited files and select one of the columns
for i in `tabtocsv goodstrain.txt | tssql -table input - 'select V1 from input' | sed '1d'`
ls -l all-cel-files/$i
# file tests (from
if [ -e somefile.txt ]
echo "somefile.txt exists\n"
# find files and execute command
find zip_files/ -name '*.zip' -exec echo \{\} \;
# nohup with specified redirect
nohup ./run-musdiv.R 2>&1 > run-musdiv.out &
# for loops with index and calling functions
downloadInParanoid () {
echo "Downloading InParanoid"
inparSpecies=("C.elegans" "H.sapiens" "M.musculus" "S.cerevisiae")
for (( i=0; i<${#inparSpecies[*]}; i++ ))
for (( j=i+1; j<${#inparSpecies[*]}; j++ ))
wget "$currFile"
# grep-like functionality with perl one-liner
for i in *.txt; do perl -ne $'print if /canonical[12] = \\[[^\\]]+\\,/' $i > "mult-hits-only-${i}"; done
# replace regex group with perl. In this case everything to the right of and including '.' is removed
perl -pe 's/(.*)\..*/$1/g' CHARGE/ENSG.ids > CHARGE/ENSG-no-versions.ids
# (on osx) who is using port 25672?
lsof -i :25672
# (on linux) whois using port 80?
fuser -v -n tcp 80
# use imagemagick to resize a whole directory of images
cp -a Hqsegment Hqsegment_512
mogrify -resize 512x512 Hqsegment_512/*/*/*.png
mogrify -threshold 50% Hqsegment_bw/*/Seg/*.png
# use imagemagick to gamma adjust (improves contrast on mouse images)
mogrify -gamma 1.5 *.png
# use xmodmap to rebind capslock to ctrl
# enter: `xmodmap -pke > ~/.xmodmap`
# now change
keycode 66 = Caps_Lock NoSymbol Caps_Lock
# ... to ...
keycode 66 = Control_L NoSymbol Control_L
# `xev | grep key` will help you find a keycode if you don't know it
# OR you can do
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
# NOTE: the above didn't work for me with Gnome but GNOME Tweak Tool worked great
renice -n 15 -p 23312 23407 23422 23435 23409 23402
# 23312 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# 23407 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# 23422 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# 23435 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# 23409 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# 23402 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 15
# here is some cool command substitution stuff
> Y=35
> echo "$Y"
> RAND=$(python -c "import random; print(random.random() * "$Y")")
> echo $RAND
# Find ubuntu package that executable belongs to
apt-file search h5dump
# for ubuntu install from deb package
sudo apt install -f rstudio-1.2.1335-amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
# extract an 8sec clip from video starting at the 188th second
ffmpeg -i LL5-1_M2FNLN_009_M0_F2-synth_out3.mp4 -ss 188 -t 8 LL5-1_M2FNLN_009_M0_F2-synth_out3_188_8.mp4
# conversions
ffmpeg -i 031309_A29_Block15_BCma1_s.seq -qscale 0 031309_A29_Block15_BCma1_s.avi
ffmpeg -i input.png -f mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 30 output.mp4
for f in *.avi
echo "converting ${f}"; [[ -f "${f:0:(${#f} - 4)}.mp4" ]] || ffmpeg -i "${f}" -vcodec libx264 "${f:0:(${#f} - 4)}.mp4"
# raspberry pi vid to mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i tempvid-hirez1.h264 -c copy tempvid-hirez1.mp4
# play videos side by side starting at 28 min:
ffplay \
-ss 00:28:00 \
-i LL5-4_SJL_ControlFemale-10-PSY_pose_est.avi \
-vf 'pad=2*iw:ih [top]; movie=LL5-4_SJL_ControlFemale-10-PSY_pose_est_v3.avi [bottom]; [top][bottom] overlay=main_h:0'
# save side by side videos:
while read -r f
ffmpeg \
-i "${f:0:(${#f} - 4)}_pose_est.avi" \
-vf "pad=2*iw:ih [top]; movie=${f:0:(${#f} - 4)}_pose_est_v2.avi [bottom]; [top][bottom] overlay=main_h:0" \
-threads 12 -crf 18 "${f:0:(${#f} - 4)}_pose_est_combined.avi"
done <spot-check-batch.txt
# play videos stacked:
ffplay \
-i LL5-4_SJL_ControlFemale-10-PSY_pose_est.avi \
-vf 'pad=iw:2*ih [top]; movie=LL5-4_SJL_ControlFemale-10-PSY_pose_est_v3.avi [bottom]; [top][bottom] overlay=0:main_h/2'
for i in *t.seq; do echo "converting ${i} to AVI"; ffmpeg -i "${i}" -qscale 0 "${i:0:(${#i} - 4)}.avi"; done
# convert raspberry pi vids to mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i 2020-11-03_16-32-57_v2_000000005e8d2ebf.h264 -c copy 2020-11-03_16-32-57_v2_000000005e8d2ebf.mp4
for f in */*.h264; do echo "converting ${f}"; [[ -f "${f%.*}.mp4" ]] || ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i "${f}" -c copy "${f%.*}.mp4"; done
# transcode and pad non-standard aspect ratio video
ffmpeg -i VideoS2_vidplot-app.mp4 -f mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -profile:v main -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 30 -vf 'pad=iw:862:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2' Transcoded_VideoS2_vidplot-app.mp4
# bulk rename
find gait-mutants-2018-10-10 -name '*syntactic_inference.h5' -exec rename -v 's/syntactic_inference/_pose_est/' '{}' ';'
# splitting (chunking) a batch file
split --suffix-length=1 --additional-suffix=.txt -l 500 strain-survey-batch-2019-01-24.txt strain-survey-batch-2019-01-24-
scontrol update ArrayTaskThrottle=<count> JobId=<jobID>
sacct -a --format="Start,User,JobName,JobID,NodeList,AllocGRES" | less
sacct -S 2019-06-24 -a --format="JobName%25,JobID%20,User%15,Elapsed,start,ReqTres%40,ReqGRES"
squeue --partition=gpu --Format='UserName:10,Name,JobArrayID:22,State:10,TimeUsed:14,TimeLimit:14,tres-per-node:8,tres-alloc:20'
squeue --Format='UserName:10,Name:45,JobArrayID:22,State:10,TimeUsed:14,TimeLimit:14,tres-per-node:8,nodelist:11,tres-alloc:50'
# get filenames as a sorted array
xs=( $("ls" | "sort") )
unset IFS
echo "${xs[2]}"
# mounting an external USB drive in Ubuntu:
udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/disk/by-id/usb-TOSHIBA_External_USB_3.0_20180112013821F-0:0-part2
# mounting the lab share
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=sheppk,gid=1003,uid=1002 // /home/sheppk/smb/labshare # for personal workstation
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=sheppk,gid=1000,uid=1000,ro // /home/vivek/labshare # for lab workstation
# on newer ubuntu (see
gio mount smb://
gio mount --unmount smb://
sshfs -o volname=ldg-bh001 ~/sshfs/ldg-bh001
sudo diskutil unmount force ~/sshfs/ldg-bh001
# stop warning message from appearing for unsigned apps like VNC in OS X
sudo xattr -d -r /Applications/
# my backup process
split -b 10G ../2020-10-29-archive.tgz
rclone copy --transfers 6 --progress 2020-10-29-archive_tgz "labdropbox:/People/KeithSheppard/archives/2020-10-29-archive_tgz"
rm -rf 2020-10-29-archive_tgz 2020-10-29-archive.tgz
# figuring out which files have corresponding metadata files:
find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*_pose_est_v3.h5' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" \
| perl -pe 's/(.*)_pose_est_v3.h5/$1.avi/g' \
| head
# which video files are missing pose?
comm -23 <(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*.avi' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | sort) \
<(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*_pose_est_v3.h5' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | perl -pe 's/(.*)_pose_est_v3.h5/$1.avi/g' | sort)
# which pose files are missing video?
comm -13 <(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*.avi' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | sort) \
<(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*_pose_est_v3.h5' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | perl -pe 's/(.*)_pose_est_v3.h5/$1.avi/g' | sort)
# Note that the -printf option requires GNU find. For OS X you can get this with:
brew install findutils
PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
while read -r subfolder
comm -23 <(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*.avi' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | sort) \
<(find "${share_root}/${subfolder}" -name '*_pose_est_v3.h5' -printf "${subfolder}/%P\n" | perl -pe 's/(.*)_pose_est_v3.h5/$1.avi/g' | sort)
done < ~/temp/Metadatasheet_BXD_intraline-folders.txt
# fixing nvidia "Driver/library version mismatch" on ubuntu
sudo rmmod nvidia_drm
sudo rmmod nvidia_modeset
sudo rmmod nvidia_uvm
sudo rmmod nvidia
# turning youtube music into a desktop app that doesn't abuse the SSD
# --portable forces app to use it's own subdir as cache and then we
# remove write perms from that dir
nativefier --disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure --portable ''
chmod -R a-w /Applications/YouTube\
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