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Last active May 25, 2017 03:02
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const f = require('f');
const fs = require('fs');
const async = require('async');
const Nt = require('ntseq');
// Get first 1,000,000 nt of E. coli K12 genome
const K12 = fs.readFileSync('./seq/ecolik12.txt').toString().substr(0, 1000000);
module.exports = (params, callback) => {
let q = (params.kwargs.q || '') + '';
let seq = (params.kwargs.seq || '') + '';
// Set seq to K12 if none provided
seq = seq || K12;
let count = 'count' in params.kwargs ? parseInt(params.kwargs.count) || 0 : 1;
count = Math.max(0, count);
let repeat = parseInt(params.kwargs.repeat) || 0;
repeat = Math.max(1, repeat);
// show query stats?
let stats = 'stats' in params.kwargs;
// Repeat query if provided
q = q.repeat(repeat);
let size = Math.max(10, 1000000000 / q.length);
let workers = Math.ceil(seq.length / size);
// if workers === 1, no need to parallelize
workers = workers <= 1 ? 0 : workers;
let time = {}; = new Date().valueOf();
time.prepare = new Date().valueOf();
// Load sequences into memory (parses into binary data)
let query = new Nt.Seq().read(q);
let sequence = new Nt.Seq().read(seq);
let map = sequence.mapSequence(query);
time.prepare = new Date().valueOf() - time.prepare; = new Date().valueOf();
// Parallelization (Map) step:
// Use f(`${params.service}/map`) to send remote requests
// to this service and parallelize (make use of server-less architecture!)
// NOTE: `params.service` will be "." when running locally so will run
// serially for testing purposes
Array(workers).fill().map((v, i) => {
return {
q: q,
seq: seq.substr(i * size, size),
offset: i * size
(kwargs, cb) => f(`${params.service}/map`)(kwargs, (err, result) => cb(err, result)),
(err, results) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let meta = [];
// if we have results, it means we parallelized, so we
// need to perform REDUCE step
if (results.length) {
let adjust = q.length - 1; = new Date().valueOf() -;
time.reduce = new Date().valueOf();
// Reduction straightforward --- save all results in their position as
// dictated by `offset`
let reduced = results.reduce((reduced, result, i) => {
let offset = i * size;
reduced.meta = reduced.meta.concat(result.meta);, j) => {
let n = j + offset;
if (![n]) {[n] = r;
} else {[n] += r;
return reduced;
}, {meta: [], data: Array(seq.length + adjust)});
// NtSeq: initialize with preformed data, i.e. don't do map step
time.reduce = new Date().valueOf() - time.reduce;
meta = reduced.meta;
} else {
// If no workers, initialize map with no data --- will perform map step
// here instead, no need for reduce.
map.initialize(); = new Date().valueOf() -;
time.reduce = 0;
time.sort = new Date().valueOf();
// sort results
time.sort = new Date().valueOf() - time.sort;
// format results
let alignResults = => {
return {
position: result.position,
matches: result.matches,
sequence: result.alignment().sequence(),
mask: result.alignmentMask().sequence(),
cover: result.alignmentCover().sequence()
}); = new Date().valueOf() -;
let data = {};
data.results = alignResults;
// show statistics, if asked for them
if (stats) {
data.stats = {
length: {
q: q.length,
seq: seq.length
workers: workers,
time: time
// callback --- end function!
return callback(null, data);
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