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Created May 20, 2023 15:02
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  • Save kejadlen/606a4e63ba46367b55359b10ea2dcfec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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pbpaste | from json
pbpaste | save environment.json
# jq '.availableEnvironments|length' environments.json
open environment.json | get availableEnvironments | length
# jq -r '.[].name' offerings.json
open offerings.json | get name | to text
# jq 'map({(.name): .roleReferences|length})|add' collections.json
open collections.json | reduce -f {} {|it,acc| $acc | merge {$ ($it.roleReferences | length)}}
# jq '.datacenters[]|select(.iaasProvider == "AZURE").displayName' regions.json
open regions.json | get datacenters | where iaasProvider == AZURE | get displayName
# jiq
echo '' | fzf-tmux -p 80% --preview 'nu -c "open regions.json | $(echo {q})"'
# cat threestrings.dat | jq '.'
open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json}
# cat threestrings.dat | jq 'length'
open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json | size | get chars}
# cat threestrings.dat | jq -s '.'
open threestrings.dat | lines
# cat threestrings.dat | jq -s 'length'
open threestrings.dat | lines | length
# cat threestrings.dat | jq 'select(startswith("s"))|ascii_upcase'
open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json} | where {|| str starts-with s} | str upcase
# cat threestrings.dat | jq -r -s '@csv'
open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json} | wrap x | transpose -i | to csv -n
# cat threestrings.dat | jq -s '{words:., chars:map(length)|add}'
open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json} | {words: $in, chars: ($in | size | get chars | math sum)}
# jq '.sessions[].speaker' btpcon.json
open btpcon.json | get sessions.speaker
# jq '.sessions | last | [.title, .starttime[:2]]' btpcon.json
open btpcon.json | get sessions | last | select title starttime | update starttime {|x| $x.starttime | str substring 0..2}
# def ampm:
# if .starttime[:2] | tonumber < 12
# then "morning"
# else "afternoon"
# end
# ;
def ampm [session] {
if ($session.starttime | str substring 0..2 | into int ) < 12 {
} else {
# jq 'import "lib" as lib; .sessions | map(.when = lib::ampm)' btpcon.json
open btpcon.json | get sessions | each {|x| merge {when: (ampm $x)}}
# cat btpcon.json \
# | jq '
# import "lib" as lib;
# .sessions
# | map(.when = lib::ampm)
# | group_by(.when)
# | reverse
# | map({
# (first.when): map(.title)
# })
# '
# this one returns the same structure as the jq snippet (single-element array)
open btpcon.json | get sessions | each {|x| merge {when: (ampm $x)}} | group-by when | update cells {|| get title}
# to unwrap the array
open btpcon.json | get sessions | each {|x| merge {when: (ampm $x)}} | group-by when | update cells {|| get title} | get 0
# an alternative?
open btpcon.json | get sessions | each {|x| merge {when: (ampm $x)}} | group-by when | transpose key value | each {|| select key value.title } | transpose -r | into record
# cat btpcon.json \
# | jq '
# import "lib" as lib;
# .sessions[]
# | select(.type=="talk" and lib::ampm=="afternoon")
# | .speaker
# | split(" ")
# | [last, first]
# | join(", ")
# '
open btpcon.json | get sessions | where {|x| ($x.type == talk) and ((ampm $x) == afternoon)} | get speaker | each {|| split words | reverse | str join ", "}
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fdncred commented May 24, 2023

I've looked through these and they seem pretty idiomatic to me.

There are some that could be smaller like this

open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json | size | get chars}

could be

open threestrings.dat | lines | each {|| from json | str length}

but generally this is a good port. Nice work!

Another thing that I'd add is that if we're entirely focused on parsing json, there are two plugins that could help and specialize in parsing json.

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You may also be able to use each { ... } instead of each {|| ... } in more recent Nushell versions.

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