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Elasticsearch for Java API Simple Example
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/** | |
* Elasticsearch Java API Example | |
*/ | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequestBuilder; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.delete.DeleteMappingResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.put.PutMappingResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.settings.put.UpdateSettingsResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkProcessor; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse; | |
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest; | |
import; | |
import; | |
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; | |
import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient; | |
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState; | |
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeUnit; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue; | |
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue; | |
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; | |
import; | |
import; | |
import org.slf4j.Logger; | |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; | |
import; | |
import java.util.*; | |
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; | |
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; | |
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; | |
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.*; | |
/** | |
* Created by SteveShin on 2015-05-08. | |
*/ | |
public class EsSample { | |
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EsSample.class); | |
static final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(); | |
static final int bytes = 1000; | |
static String indexName = "size_sample"; | |
static String indexType = "sample"; | |
static int amount = 1000000; | |
static final Map<String, Object> beforeSet = new HashMap<String, Object>(){ | |
{ | |
put("index.refresh_interval",-1); | |
put("index.number_of_replicas",0); | |
} | |
}; | |
static final Map<String, Object> afterSet = new HashMap<String, Object>(){ | |
{ | |
put("index.refresh_interval","10s"); | |
put("index.number_of_replicas",0); | |
} | |
}; | |
//create Index(schema) | |
public static void createIndex(Client client, String indexName) { | |
System.out.println(indexName); | |
IndicesExistsResponse res = client.admin().indices().prepareExists(indexName).execute().actionGet(); | |
if (!res.isExists()) { | |
CreateIndexRequestBuilder createIndexRequestBuilder = client.admin().indices().prepareCreate(indexName); | |
createIndexRequestBuilder.setSettings(beforeSet); | |
CreateIndexResponse response = createIndexRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); | |
if(response.isAcknowledged()) { | |
String mappingJson = "{" + | |
"\"_all\":{\"enabled\":false}" + | |
",\"_source\":{\"enabled\":false}" + | |
",\"properties\":{" + | |
"\"body\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"store\":true}" + | |
",\"head\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"store\":false}" + | |
"}}"; | |
PutMappingResponse mappingResponse = client.admin().indices() | |
.preparePutMapping(indexName) | |
.setType(indexType) | |
.setSource(mappingJson) | |
.execute().actionGet(); | |
System.out.println("mapping... " + mappingResponse.isAcknowledged()); | |
} | |
System.out.println("CREATE index: " + response.isAcknowledged()); | |
} | |
} | |
//delete document | |
public static void deleteDocument(Client client, String indexName, String typeName, String documentId) { | |
DeleteResponse response = client.prepareDelete(indexName, typeName, documentId) | |
.execute()//.setOperationThreades(false)//run on this thread | |
.actionGet(); | |
} | |
//delete type | |
public static void deleteType(Client client, String indexName, String typeName) { | |
DeleteMappingResponse response = client.admin().indices().prepareDeleteMapping(indexName).setType(typeName).execute().actionGet(); | |
} | |
public static List<String> pumpup(List<String> logs, int loop) { | |
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); | |
System.out.println("Loop:" + loop + ", total size: " + logs.size() * loop); | |
for (int i = 0; i < loop; i++) { | |
result.addAll(logs); | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
public static void putTest(Client client) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { | |
//prepare Bulk Processor | |
BulkProcessor bulkProcessor = BulkProcessor.builder(client, | |
new BulkProcessor.Listener() { | |
@Override | |
public void beforeBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request) { | |
//System.out.println("Bulk process ready... : { id:" + executionId + ", size:" + request.requests().size() + "}\t"); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, BulkResponse response) { | |
System.out.println(" done... { id:" + executionId + ", time:" + response.getTookInMillis() | |
+ ", size:" + response.getItems().length + "}"); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, Throwable fail) { | |
fail.printStackTrace(); | |
System.out.println(" fail... { id:" + executionId + ", error:" + fail.getMessage() + "}"); | |
} | |
}) | |
.setBulkActions(10000) | |
.setBulkSize(new ByteSizeValue(200, ByteSizeUnit.MB)) | |
.setFlushInterval(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(10)) | |
.setConcurrentRequests(10) | |
.build(); | |
} | |
public static void indexSetting(Client client, Map<String, Object> settings){ | |
UpdateSettingsResponse response = client.admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(indexName).setSettings(settings).execute().actionGet(); | |
System.out.println("update set:" + response.isAcknowledged()); | |
} | |
public static void put(Client client) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { | |
/* //get indice(schema) | |
GetMappingsResponse res = client.admin().indices().getMappings(new GetMappingsRequest().indices(indexName)).actionGet(); | |
ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData> mapping = res.mappings().get(indexName); | |
for (ObjectObjectCursor<String, MappingMetaData> c : mapping) { | |
System.out.println("index find: " + c.key + " = " + c.value.source()); | |
}*/ | |
// indexSetting(client, beforeSet); | |
//indexSetting(client, beforeSet); | |
//CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse = client.admin().indices().create(new CreateIndexRequestBuilder. .createIndexRequest()).actionGet(); | |
//prepare Bulk Processor | |
BulkProcessor bulkProcessor = BulkProcessor.builder(client, | |
new BulkProcessor.Listener() { | |
@Override | |
public void beforeBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request) { | |
//System.out.println("Bulk process ready... : { id:" + executionId + ", size:" + request.requests().size() + "}\t"); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, BulkResponse response) { | |
System.out.println(" done... { id:" + executionId + ", time:" + response.getTookInMillis() | |
+ ", size:" + response.getItems().length + "}"); | |
} | |
@Override | |
public void afterBulk(long executionId, BulkRequest request, Throwable fail) { | |
fail.printStackTrace(); | |
System.out.println(" fail... { id:" + executionId + ", error:" + fail.getMessage() + "}"); | |
} | |
}) | |
.setBulkActions(10000) | |
.setBulkSize(new ByteSizeValue(150, ByteSizeUnit.MB)) | |
//.setFlushInterval(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(120)) | |
.setConcurrentRequests(3) | |
.build(); | |
//get sample logs | |
List<String> message = pumpup(, 1); | |
TtRvMsgParser parser = new TtRvMsgParser(); | |
List<Map<String, Object>> listMapList = new ArrayList<>(); | |
for (String msg : message) { | |
parser.init(msg);//.println(); | |
Map<String, Object> listMap = parser.result(); | |
listMapList.add(listMap); | |
} | |
int loop = 1; | |
long start = new Date().getTime(); | |
while (loop <= amount) { | |
//use not parsed | |
// for(final String msg : message){ | |
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") | |
// Map<String, String> fullMsg = new HashMap<String, String>(){{ | |
// put("body", TtDummyRvMsgGenerate.increaseByte(msg, 1000)); | |
// }}; | |
// bulkProcessor.add(new IndexRequest(indexName, indexType).source(fullMsg)); | |
// loop++; | |
// } | |
//use parsed | |
for (Map<String, Object> listMap : listMapList) { | |
//String a = (String)listMap.get("body"); | |
//System.out.println(a); | |
//listMap.put("body", ((String) listMap.get("body")).concat(TtDummyRvMsgGenerate.getSampleWords(15))); | |
//listMap.put("body", ((String) listMap.get("body")).concat(TtDummyRvMsgGenerate.randomKey(15))); | |
//listMap.put("body", TtDummyRvMsgGenerate.increaseByte((String) listMap.get("body"), 500)); | |
//listMap.put("loop", loop); | |
bulkProcessor.add(new IndexRequest(indexName, indexType, loop+"").source(listMap)); | |
loop++; | |
} | |
//System.exit(0); | |
} | |
long end = new Date().getTime(); | |
System.out.println("-------------------- ELAPSED:" + (end - start) + " millis"); | |
indexSetting(client, afterSet); | |
//Bulk Process close | |
bulkProcessor.awaitClose(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); | |
} | |
public static void getDocument(Client client, String indexName, String typeName, String documentId) { | |
GetResponse getResponse = client.prepareGet(indexName, typeName, documentId).execute().actionGet(); | |
Map<String, Object> source = getResponse.getSource(); | |
System.out.println("------------------------------"); | |
System.out.println("Index: " + getResponse.getIndex()); | |
System.out.println("Type: " + getResponse.getType()); | |
System.out.println("Id: " + getResponse.getId()); | |
System.out.println("Version: " + getResponse.getVersion()); | |
System.out.println(source); | |
System.out.println("------------------------------"); | |
} | |
public static void fullTextSearchCount(Client client, String IndexName, String typeName, String value, String... field) { | |
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = | |
//moreLikeThisQuery(field).likeText(value).minTermFreq(1).maxQueryTerms(1000); | |
//wildcardQuery(field[0], value); | |
queryStringQuery(field[0] + ":" + value); | |
CountResponse response = client.prepareCount(IndexName).setTypes(typeName) | |
.setQuery(queryBuilder) | |
.execute().actionGet(); | |
System.out.println("\tCurrent More Like This count: " + response.getCount() + ""); | |
} | |
public static void fullTextSearchDocument(Client client, String indexName, String typeName, String value, String... field) { | |
QueryBuilder fieldQueryBuilder = | |
//termQuery(field[0], value); | |
matchQuery(field[0], value); | |
//new WildcardQueryBuilder(field[0], value); | |
//moreLikeThisQuery(field).likeText(value).minTermFreq(1).maxQueryTerms(25); | |
//wildcardQuery(field[0], value); | |
//queryStringQuery(field[0] + ":" + value); | |
//multiMatchQuery(value, field); | |
//SortBuilder sortBuilder = SortBuilders.fieldSort(field[0]); | |
SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch(indexName).setTypes(typeName).addFields(field[0]) | |
.setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH)//.addSort(sortBuilder) | |
.setQuery(fieldQueryBuilder)//.addSort(SortBuilders.fieldSort("loop").order(SortOrder.DESC)) | |
.setFrom(0).setSize(1000).setExplain(false).execute().actionGet(); | |
SearchHit[] result = searchResponse.getHits().getHits(); | |
System.out.println(searchResponse.getHits().getTotalHits() + " total count"); | |
//get result & print | |
System.out.println("\tCurrent More Like This results: " + result.length + ""); | |
for (SearchHit hit : result) { | |
Set<String> keys = hit.fields().keySet(); | |
Iterator<String> keyItr = keys.iterator(); | |
while(keyItr.hasNext()){ | |
SearchHitField hitField = hit.field(; | |
System.out.println(hitField.getValue().toString()); | |
} | |
// Map<String, Object> r = hit.getSource(); | |
// System.out.println(r); | |
} | |
} | |
public static boolean isOpen(Client client, String indexName){ | |
ClusterState clusterState = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setIndices(indexName).get().getState(); | |
IndexMetaData metaData = clusterState.getMetaData().index(indexName); | |
final String open = "OPEN"; | |
return metaData.getState() != null && metaData.getState().toString().equals(open); | |
} | |
public static void searchDocument(Client client, String indexName, String typeName, String value, String... field) { | |
//query using query builder | |
QueryBuilder matchQuery = matchQuery(field[0], value); | |
//System.out.println(matchQuery.toString()); //query json println | |
QueryBuilder multiMatchQuery = multiMatchQuery(value, field); | |
QueryBuilder stringQuery = queryStringQuery(field[0] + ":" + value); | |
//search query execution | |
SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch(indexName) | |
.setTypes(typeName) | |
.setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH) //search type. hold | |
.setQuery(stringQuery) | |
.setFrom(0).setSize(1000) //limit | |
.setExplain(false) //query explain | |
.execute().actionGet(); //execute | |
SearchHit[] result = searchResponse.getHits().getHits(); | |
//get result & print | |
System.out.println("Current Match results: " + result.length + "--------------------"); | |
for (SearchHit hit : result) { | |
Map<String, Object> r = hit.getSource(); | |
//System.out.println(r); | |
} | |
} | |
public static void count(Client client, String index, String type) { | |
CountResponse response = client.prepareCount(index) | |
.setQuery(termQuery("_type", type)) | |
.execute().actionGet(); | |
System.out.println("type:" + type + "`s total count: " + response.getCount()); | |
} | |
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { | |
//ES connection set | |
Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() | |
.put("action.auto_create_index", true) | |
.put("client.transport.sniff", true) | |
.put("client.transport.ping_timeout", "60s") | |
.put("network.tcp.block", true) | |
//.put("", "ES3") | |
.put("", "elasticsearch").build(); | |
//ES client | |
//default native transport : 9300 | |
//default web/rest port : 9200 | |
Client client = new TransportClient(settings) | |
.addTransportAddresses( | |
// new InetSocketTransportAddress("", 9300) | |
new InetSocketTransportAddress("", 9300) | |
, new InetSocketTransportAddress("", 9300) | |
, new InetSocketTransportAddress("", 9300) | |
); | |
// try { | |
// ClusterStatsResponse res = client.admin().cluster().prepareClusterStats().execute().actionGet(); | |
// | |
// PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository("hdfs_repo1") | |
// .setType("hdfs") | |
// .setSettings( | |
// ImmutableSettings.builder() | |
// .put("uri", "hdfs://") | |
// .put("path", "es/snapshot") | |
// .put("concurrent_streams", 4) | |
// .put("compress", true) | |
// .put("chunk_size", "40mb")).get(); | |
// System.out.println("repository put response:" + putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged()); | |
// | |
// CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("hdfs_repo1", "map1_2million") | |
// .setIncludeGlobalState(false) | |
// .setIndices("map1") | |
// .setRepository("hdfs_repo1") | |
// .setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put("compress", true)) | |
// .setWaitForCompletion(true) | |
// .get(); | |
// System.out.println("success:" + createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards()); | |
// | |
// GetSnapshotsResponse getSnapshotsResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots("hdfs_repo1").get(); | |
// ImmutableList<SnapshotInfo> snapshotInfos = getSnapshotsResponse.getSnapshots(); | |
// for(SnapshotInfo info : snapshotInfos){ | |
// System.out.println(; | |
// } | |
// | |
// RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot("hdfs_repo1", "map1_2million") | |
// .setIndexSettings( | |
// ImmutableSettings.builder().put("index.number_of_replicas", 0)) | |
// .setIndices("map1") | |
// .setWaitForCompletion(true) | |
// .setRenamePattern("map[.*]") | |
// .setRenameReplacement("restore_map$1") | |
// .setIgnoreIndexSettings("index.refresh_interval", "") | |
// .get(); | |
// | |
// | |
// System.out.println(res.getClusterNameAsString()); | |
indexName = "disable_source"; | |
indexType = "test"; | |
amount = 10000; | |
fullTextSearchDocument(client, indexName, indexType, "tmtm", "body"); | |
System.exit(0); | |
//indexType = "test"; | |
createIndex(client, indexName); | |
//Thread.sleep(1000); | |
put(client); | |
//System.out.println("loop : " + i); | |
String repoName = "hdfs-repo"; | |
System.out.println("PUT END"); | |
// long start_ = new Date().getTime(); | |
// count(client, indexName, indexType); | |
// long end_ = new Date().getTime(); | |
// System.out.println("--------------------------\nEnd count : " + (end_ - start_) + " time elapsed"); | |
// //getDocument(client, indexName, indexType, "1000"); | |
// //searchDocument(client, indexName, indexType, "155431.679016", "TXN_TIME", "TXN_KEY"); | |
List<String> query = Arrays.asList( | |
"*ASDF1186*" | |
, "*QLEGASD1800*" | |
, "*WEFLKJASLD118*" | |
, "*JGKLJDLSF1006*" | |
, "*SLD2186*" | |
, "*DLFKJQWEF1686*" | |
, "*LKJFASD2718*" | |
, "*LKJGQLEGASD235*" | |
, "*KJQWEF1361*" | |
, "*QWEFLKJASLD2*" | |
); | |
String index = "test3"; | |
String type = "rv_10000"; | |
//deleteType(client, "test", "ex_1000"); | |
// deleteType(client, "test2", "ex_10000_3"); | |
// System.out.println("delete complete"); | |
// System.exit(0); | |
System.out.println(type + " full text search start"); | |
System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); | |
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { | |
System.out.println("LOOP" + i + "test start"); | |
for (String q : query) { | |
long start = new Date().getTime(); | |
String mergeQuery = q; | |
//fullTextSearchCount(client, index, type, mergeQuery, "body"); | |
fullTextSearchDocument(client, index, type, mergeQuery, "body"); | |
long end = new Date().getTime(); | |
System.out.println("\t--------------End search : " + "query:" + mergeQuery + ", " + (end - start) + " time elapsed"); | |
} | |
System.out.println("end of test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); | |
// Thread.sleep(5000); | |
} | |
// long start1 = new Date().getTime(); | |
// fullTextSearchCount(client, indexName, indexType, " tmtm", "body"); | |
// long end2 = new Date().getTime(); | |
// System.out.println("--------------------------\nEnd count : " + (end2 - start1) + " time elapsed"); | |
// } catch (IOException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { | |
// e.printStackTrace(); | |
// } | |
//Connection close | |
client.close(); | |
} | |
} |
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