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Created March 10, 2021 19:18
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A script to visualize data collected with Stray Scanner
import os
import open3d as o3d
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from PIL import Image
description = """
This script visualizes datasets collected using the Stray Scanner app.
usage = """
Basic usage: python <path-to-dataset-folder>
def read_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=description, usage=usage)
parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help="Path to StrayScanner dataset to process.")
parser.add_argument('--trajectory', action='store_true', help="Visualize the trajectory of the camera as a line.")
parser.add_argument('--frames', action='store_true', help="Visualize camera coordinate frames from the odometry file.")
parser.add_argument('--point-clouds', action='store_true', help="Show concatenated point clouds.")
parser.add_argument('--integrate', action='store_true', help="Integrate point clouds using the Open3D RGB-D integration pipeline, and visualize it.")
parser.add_argument('--every', type=int, default=60, help="Show only every nth point cloud and coordinate frames. Only used for point cloud and odometry visualization.")
parser.add_argument('--voxel-size', type=float, default=0.015, help="Voxel size in meters to use in RGB-D integration.")
return parser.parse_args()
def _resize_camera_matrix(camera_matrix, scale_x, scale_y):
fx = camera_matrix[0, 0]
fy = camera_matrix[1, 1]
cx = camera_matrix[0, 2]
cy = camera_matrix[1, 2]
return np.array([[fx * scale_x, 0.0, cx * scale_x],
[0., fy * scale_y, cy * scale_y],
[0., 0., 1.0]])
def read_data(flags):
intrinsics = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(flags.path, 'camera_matrix.csv'), delimiter=',')
odometry = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(flags.path, 'odometry.csv'), delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
poses = []
for line in odometry:
# x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw
position = line[:3]
quaternion = line[3:]
T_WC = np.eye(4)
T_WC[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_quat(quaternion).as_matrix()
T_WC[:3, 3] = position
return { 'poses': poses, 'intrinsics': intrinsics }
def load_depth(path):
depth_mm = np.load(path)
depth_m = depth_mm.astype(np.float32) / 1000.0
return o3d.geometry.Image(depth_m)
def get_intrinsics(intrinsics):
Scales the intrinsics matrix to be of the appropriate scale for the depth maps.
intrinsics_scaled = _resize_camera_matrix(intrinsics, DEPTH_WIDTH / 1920, DEPTH_HEIGHT / 1280)
return, height=DEPTH_HEIGHT, fx=intrinsics_scaled[0, 0],
fy=intrinsics_scaled[1, 1], cx=intrinsics_scaled[0, 2], cy=intrinsics_scaled[1, 2])
def trajectory(flags, data):
Returns a set of lines connecting each camera poses world frame position.
returns: [open3d.geometry.LineSet]
line_sets = []
previous_pose = None
for i, T_WC in enumerate(data['poses']):
if previous_pose is not None:
points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector([previous_pose[:3, 3], T_WC[:3, 3]])
lines = o3d.utility.Vector2iVector([[0, 1]])
line = o3d.geometry.LineSet(points=points, lines=lines)
previous_pose = T_WC
return line_sets
def show_frames(flags, data):
Returns a list of meshes of coordinate axes that have been transformed to represent the camera matrix
at each --every:th frame.
flags: Command line arguments
data: dict with keys ['poses', 'intrinsics']
returns: [open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh]
frames = [o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame().scale(0.25, np.zeros(3))]
for i, T_WC in enumerate(data['poses']):
if not i % flags.every == 0:
print(f"Frame {i}", end="\r")
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame().scale(0.1, np.zeros(3))
return frames
def point_clouds(flags, data):
Converts depth maps to point clouds and merges them all into one global point cloud.
flags: command line arguments
data: dict with keys ['intrinsics', 'poses']
returns: [open3d.geometry.PointCloud]
pcs = []
intrinsics = get_intrinsics(data['intrinsics'])
pc = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
meshes = []
for i, T_WC in enumerate(data['poses']):
if i % flags.every != 0:
print(f"Point cloud {i}", end="\r")
T_CW = np.linalg.inv(T_WC)
depth = load_depth(os.path.join(flags.path, 'depth', f'{i:06}.npy'))
X = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_depth_image(depth, intrinsics, extrinsic=T_CW, depth_scale=1.0)
pc += X.uniform_down_sample(every_k_points=5)
return [pc]
def integrate(flags, data):
Integrates collected RGB-D maps using the Open3D integration pipeline.
flags: command line arguments
data: dict with keys ['intrinsics', 'poses']
Returns: [open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh]
volume = o3d.pipelines.integration.ScalableTSDFVolume(
intrinsics = get_intrinsics(data['intrinsics'])
rgb_path = os.path.join(flags.path, 'rgb.mp4')
video =
for i, (T_WC, rgb) in enumerate(zip(data['poses'], video)):
print(f"Integrating frame {i:06}", end='\r')
depth_path = os.path.join(flags.path, 'depth', f'{i:06}.npy')
depth = load_depth(depth_path)
rgb = Image.fromarray(rgb)
rgb = rgb.resize((DEPTH_WIDTH, DEPTH_HEIGHT))
rgb = np.array(rgb)
rgbd = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(
o3d.geometry.Image(rgb), depth,
depth_scale=1.0, depth_trunc=4.0, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False)
volume.integrate(rgbd, intrinsics, np.linalg.inv(T_WC))
mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh()
return [mesh]
def validate(flags):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(flags.path, 'rgb.mp4')):
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(flags.path)
print(f"The directory {absolute_path} does not appear to be a directory created by the Stray Scanner app.")
return False
return True
def main():
flags = read_args()
if not validate(flags):
if not flags.frames and not flags.point_clouds and not flags.integrate:
flags.frames = True
flags.point_clouds = True
flags.trajectory = True
data = read_data(flags)
geometries = []
if flags.trajectory:
geometries += trajectory(flags, data)
if flags.frames:
geometries += show_frames(flags, data)
if flags.point_clouds:
geometries += point_clouds(flags, data)
if flags.integrate:
geometries += integrate(flags, data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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