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Created April 30, 2017 19:28
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#Define FTP USername and Pasword
#Define FTP Server
#Define how many files you want to keep
#Create zipfile with the contents you want to backup
zip -r /data/backup/ /data/svn/data
#Upload the zipfile with a timestamp in its name
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`
curl -T /data/backup/ ftp://$SERVER/backup-$ --user $USERPW
#Delete old backup files
#List all files from server | sort the names alphabetically | select all but the last x of them (the last are the newer files) | delete the selected files
curl -l ftp://$SERVER/ --user $USERPW | sort | head -n -$KEEPFILES | while read line ; do
curl ftp://$SERVER/ -Q "DELE $line" --user $USERPW

Simple FTP based backup of a zip file

This script creates a zipfile and uploads it to an FTP server. You can define how many backups should be stored on the server. Older files will be deleted.

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