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Last active September 16, 2022 18:01
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The classic dictionary
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as assert from "assert";
type DictionaryEntry<K, V> = [key: K, value: V];
const DICT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75;
class Dictionary<V> implements Iterable<[string, V]> {
private _entries = 0;
loadFactor = 0;
buckets: DictionaryEntry<string, V>[][] = Array(DICT_INITIAL_SIZE);
get(key: string) {
const i = this.hash(key) % this.buckets.length;
const slots = this.buckets[i] || [];
const [_, result] = slots.find(([_key, _]) => _key === key) || [key, null];
return result;
put(key: string, value: V) {
this.loadFactor = this.length / this.buckets.length;
if (this.loadFactor >= DICT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR) {
this.buckets = this.rehash(this.buckets);
const i = this.hash(key) % this.buckets.length;
const slots = this.buckets[i] || [];
slots.push([key, value]);
this.buckets[i] = slots;
remove(key: string) {
const i = this.hash(key) % this.buckets.length;
const slots = this.buckets[i] || [];
this.buckets[i] = slots.filter(([_key]) => _key !== key);
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.buckets.flat()[Symbol.iterator]();
get length() {
return this._entries;
private rehash(buckets: DictionaryEntry<string, V>[][]) {
const s = this.nextSize(buckets.length);
const newBuckets = Array(s);
for (const [key, value] of buckets.flat()) {
const i = this.hash(key) % newBuckets.length;
const slots = newBuckets[i] || [];
slots.push([key, value]);
newBuckets[i] = slots;
return newBuckets;
private nextSize(size: number) {
return 2 * size;
private hash(key: string) {
const bytes = [...Buffer.from(key)];
let hash = 5381;
for (const byte of bytes) {
hash = (33 * hash + byte) >>> 0;
return hash;
function randomPick(array: string[], amount: number) {
const result: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
return result;
function main(fname: string) {
const words = fs.readFileSync(fname).toString().split("\n").filter(Boolean);
const dict = new Dictionary<string>();
assert([...dict].length === 0);
for (const word of words) {
dict.put(word, word.toUpperCase());
assert.equal([...dict].length, words.length);
assert.equal(dict.length, words.length);
for (const word of randomPick(words, 50)) {
const upperCased = dict.get(word);
console.log(`Random pick: ${word}, Dictionary value: ${upperCased}`);
assert.deepEqual(word.toUpperCase(), upperCased);
for (const [key, _] of dict) {
assert.equal([...dict].length, 0);
assert.equal(dict.length, 0);
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