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Created February 10, 2019 14:43
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Self experiment implementation for the setjmp/longjmp at the x86-64 and masm platform.
; struct
; {
; uint64_t Frame;
; uint64_t Rbx;
; uint64_t Rsp;
; uint64_t Rbp;
; uint64_t Rsi;
; uint64_t Rdi;
; uint64_t R12;
; uint64_t R13;
; uint64_t R14;
; uint64_t R15;
; uint64_t Rip;
; uint32_t MxCsr;
; uint16_t FpCsr;
; uint16_t Spare;
; uint128_t Xmm6;
; uint128_t Xmm7;
; uint128_t Xmm8;
; uint128_t Xmm9;
; uint128_t Xmm10;
; uint128_t Xmm11;
; uint128_t Xmm12;
; uint128_t Xmm13;
; uint128_t Xmm14;
; uint128_t Xmm15;
; } *jmp_buf;
; int setjmp(jmp_buf env); // setjmp(rcx)
mysetjmp proc
mov [rcx], rdx ; Frame
mov [rcx+8], rbx
lea r8, [rsp+8]
mov [rcx+10h], r8 ; Rsp
mov [rcx+18h], rbp
mov [rcx+20h], rsi
mov [rcx+28h], rdi
mov [rcx+30h], r12
mov [rcx+38h], r13
mov [rcx+40h], r14
mov [rcx+48h], r15
mov r8, [rsp]
mov [rcx+50h], r8 ; Rip (return address)
stmxcsr dword ptr [rcx+58h] ; MxCsr
fnstcw word ptr [rcx+5ch] ; FpCsr
movdqa [rcx+60h], xmm6
movdqa [rcx+70h], xmm7
movdqa [rcx+80h], xmm8
movdqa [rcx+90h], xmm9
movdqa [rcx+0a0h], xmm10
movdqa [rcx+0b0h], xmm11
movdqa [rcx+0c0h], xmm12
movdqa [rcx+0d0h], xmm13
movdqa [rcx+0e0h], xmm14
movdqa [rcx+0f0h], xmm15
xor eax, eax ; first phase: 0
mysetjmp endp
; void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int retval); // longjmp(rcx, edx)
mylongjmp proc
mov eax, edx
mov rdx, [rcx] ; Frame
mov rbx, [rcx+8]
mov rsp, [rcx+10h] ; Rsp
mov rbp, [rcx+18h]
mov rsi, [rcx+20h]
mov rdi, [rcx+28h]
mov r12, [rcx+30h]
mov r13, [rcx+38h]
mov r14, [rcx+40h]
mov r15, [rcx+48h]
mov r8, [rcx+50h] ; Rip (return address)
movdqa xmm6, [rcx+60h]
movdqa xmm7, [rcx+70h]
movdqa xmm8, [rcx+80h]
movdqa xmm9, [rcx+90h]
movdqa xmm10, [rcx+0a0h]
movdqa xmm11, [rcx+0b0h]
movdqa xmm12, [rcx+0c0h]
movdqa xmm13, [rcx+0d0h]
movdqa xmm14, [rcx+0e0h]
movdqa xmm15, [rcx+0f0h]
jmp r8
mylongjmp endp
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