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Created September 14, 2018 06:44
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Schnorr Signatures in Go
package main
import (
var curve = edwards25519.NewBlakeSHA256Ed25519()
var sha256 = curve.Hash()
type Signature struct {
r kyber.Point
s kyber.Scalar
func Hash(s string) kyber.Scalar {
return curve.Scalar().SetBytes(sha256.Sum(nil))
// m: Message
// x: Private key
func Sign(m string, x kyber.Scalar) Signature {
// Get the base of the curve.
g := curve.Point().Base()
// Pick a random k from allowed set.
k := curve.Scalar().Pick(curve.RandomStream())
// r = k * G (a.k.a the same operation as r = g^k)
r := curve.Point().Mul(k, g)
// Hash(m || r)
e := Hash(m + r.String())
// s = k - e * x
s := curve.Scalar().Sub(k, curve.Scalar().Mul(e, x))
return Signature{r: r, s: s}
// m: Message
// S: Signature
func PublicKey(m string, S Signature) kyber.Point {
// Create a generator.
g := curve.Point().Base()
// e = Hash(m || r)
e := Hash(m + S.r.String())
// y = (r - s * G) * (1 / e)
y := curve.Point().Sub(S.r, curve.Point().Mul(S.s, g))
y = curve.Point().Mul(curve.Scalar().Div(curve.Scalar().One(), e), y)
return y
// m: Message
// s: Signature
// y: Public key
func Verify(m string, S Signature, y kyber.Point) bool {
// Create a generator.
g := curve.Point().Base()
// e = Hash(m || r)
e := Hash(m + S.r.String())
// Attempt to reconstruct 's * G' with a provided signature; s * G = r - e * y
sGv := curve.Point().Sub(S.r, curve.Point().Mul(e, y))
// Construct the actual 's * G'
sG := curve.Point().Mul(S.s, g)
// Equality check; ensure signature and public key outputs to s * G.
return sG.Equal(sGv)
func (S Signature) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(r=%s, s=%s)", S.r, S.s)
func KeyPair() (privateKey kyber.Scalar, publicKey kyber.Point) {
privateKey = curve.Scalar().Pick(curve.RandomStream())
publicKey = curve.Point().Mul(privateKey, curve.Point().Base())
//return privateKey, publicKey
func main() {
//privateKey := curve.Scalar().Pick(curve.RandomStream())
//publicKey := curve.Point().Mul(privateKey, curve.Point().Base())
privateKey, publicKey := KeyPair()
fmt.Printf("Generated private key: %s\n", privateKey)
fmt.Printf("Derived public key: %s\n\n", publicKey)
message := "We're gonna be signing this!"
signature := Sign(message, privateKey)
fmt.Printf("Signature %s\n\n", signature)
derivedPublicKey := PublicKey(message, signature)
fmt.Printf("Derived public key: %s\n", derivedPublicKey)
fmt.Printf("Are the original and derived public keys the same? %t\n", publicKey.Equal(derivedPublicKey))
fmt.Printf("Is the signature legit w.r.t the original public key? %t\n\n", Verify(message, signature, publicKey))
fakePublicKey := curve.Point().Mul(curve.Scalar().Neg(curve.Scalar().One()), publicKey)
fmt.Printf("Fake public key: %s\n", fakePublicKey)
fmt.Printf("Is the signature legit w.r.t a fake public key? %t\n", Verify(message, signature, fakePublicKey))
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