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Last active December 8, 2018 05:53
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nodejs 代码抓取 dota2 实时数据
// Configure and rename to "config.js"
// Create an empty file called "sentry" in same directory
// Have steamguard code = "" to start
// Fill in the steamguard code after receiving it
// After successfully logging in, return steamguard code to ""
var config = {};
config.steam_name = ""; // KelbyLee
config.steam_user = ""; // KelbyLee
config.steam_pass = ""; // ...
config.steam_guard_code = "";
module.exports = config;
var steam = require("steam"),
util = require("util"),
fs = require("fs"),
crypto = require("crypto"),
dota2 = require("../"),
steamClient = new steam.SteamClient(),
steamUser = new steam.SteamUser(steamClient),
steamFriends = new steam.SteamFriends(steamClient),
Dota2 = new dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, true);
// Load config
global.config = require("./config");
// Load in server list if we've saved one before
if (fs.existsSync('servers')) {
steam.servers = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('servers'));
/* Steam logic */
var onSteamLogOn = function onSteamLogOn(logonResp) {
if (logonResp.eresult == steam.EResult.OK) {
steamFriends.setPersonaState(steam.EPersonaState.Busy); // to display your steamClient's status as "Online"
steamFriends.setPersonaName(global.config.steam_name); // to change its nickname
util.log("Logged on.");
util.log("Skip Dota2.launch");
Dota2.on("ready", function() {
console.log("Node-dota2 ready.");
/* Note: Should not declare new event listeners nested inside of
'ready', else you could end up with duplicated handlers if 'ready'
is fired multiple times. Exception is made within this test file
for the same of keeping relevant samples together. */
// Dota2.setItemPositions([[ITEM ID, POSITION]]);
// Dota2.deleteItem(ITEM ID);
// Event based
// Dota2.requestMatchDetails(246546269);
// Dota2.on("matchDetailsData", function (matchId, matchData) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(matchData, null, 2));
// });
// Dota2.requestMatchmakingStats();
// Dota2.on("matchmakingStatsData", function(searchingPlayersByGroup, disabledGroups, matchmakingStatsResponse) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(matchmakingStatsResponse, null, 2));
// });
// Callback based
// Dota2.requestMatchDetails(246546269, function(err, body) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Event based
// Dota2.requestProfileCard(28956443);
// Dota2.on("profileCardData", function (accountId, profileData) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(profileData, null, 2));
// });
// Dota2.requestPassportData(28956443);
// Dota2.on("passportData", function (accountId, passportData) {
// console.log(passportData.league_guesses.stamped_players);
// });
// Dota2.requestHallOfFame();
// Dota2.on("hallOfFameData", function(week, featuredPlayers, featuredFarmer, hallOfFameResponse) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(hallOfFameResponse, null, 2));
// });
// Dota2.requestPlayerInfo(28956443);
// Dota2.on("playerInfoData", function (playerInfo) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(playerInfo, null, 2));
// });
// Callback based
// Dota2.requestProfileCard(28956443, function(err, body) {
// if (err) throw err;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Dota2.requestPassportData(28956443, function(err, body) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Dota2.requestHallOfFame(null, function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
/* CHAT */
// Event based
// Dota2.joinChat("rj");
// setTimeout(function(){ Dota2.sendMessage("wowoeagnaeigniaeg", "rj"); }, 5000);
// setTimeout(function(){ Dota2.leaveChat("rj"); }, 10000);
/* GUILD */
// Dota2.requestGuildData();
// Dota2.on("guildOpenPartyData", function(guildId, openParties){
// Event based
// Dota2.inviteToGuild(guildId, 28956443);
// Dota2.setGuildAccountRole(guildId, 28956443, 2);
// Dota2.cancelInviteToGuild(guildId, 75028261);
// Callback based
// Dota2.inviteToGuild(guildId, 28956443, function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Dota2.cancelInviteToGuild(guildId, 75028261, function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Dota2.setGuildAccountRole(guildId, 28956443, 2, function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// Doing chat stuffs.
// var guildChannelName = util.format("Guild_%s", guildId);
// Dota2.joinChat(guildChannelName, Dota2.schema.DOTAChatChannelType_t.DOTAChannelType_Guild);
// setTimeout(function(){ Dota2.sendMessage("wowoeagnaeigniaeg", guildChannelName); }, 5000);
// setTimeout(function(){ Dota2.leaveChat(guildChannelName); }, 10000);
// });
// Dota2.createPracticeLobby({"game_name": "node-dota2",
// "server_region": dota2.ServerRegion.PERFECTWORLDTELECOM,
// "game_mode": dota2.schema.lookupEnum('DOTA_GameMode').values.DOTA_GAMEMODE_AR,
// "series_type": 2,
// "game_version": 1,
// "allow_cheats": false,
// "fill_with_bots": false,
// "allow_spectating": true,
// "pass_key": "password",
// "radiant_series_wins": 0,
// "dire_series_wins": 0,
// "allchat": true
// },
// function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// setTimeout(function(){
// Dota2.leavePracticeLobby(function(err, body){
// console.log(JSON.stringify(body));
// });
// }, 60000);
// Dota2.requestLeaguesInMonth(10, 2013, 0, function(err, data) { // November 2013
// console.log('Found ' + data.leagues.length + ' leagues full of schedule data :D');
// });
Dota2.on("sourceTVGamesData", function(data) { // May 2015
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames search_key: ' + data.search_key);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames league_id: ' + data.league_id);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames hero_id: ' + data.hero_id);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames start_game: ' + data.start_game);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames num_games: ' + data.num_games);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames game_list_index: ' + data.game_list_index);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames specific_games: ' + data.specific_games);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames bot_game: ' + data.bot_game);
console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames game_list: ' + data.game_list);
// console.log('Successfully received SourceTVGames game_list: ' + data.game_list.each());
data.game_list.forEach(function(element) {
Dota2.on("unready", function onUnready() {
console.log("Node-dota2 unready.");
Dota2.on("chatMessage", function(channel, personaName, message) {
util.log([channel, personaName, message].join(", "));
Dota2.on("guildInvite", function(guildId, guildName, inviter) {
Dota2.setGuildAccountRole(guildId, 75028261, 3);
Dota2.on("unhandled", function(kMsg) {
util.log("UNHANDLED MESSAGE " + dota2._getMessageName(kMsg));
setTimeout(function(){ Dota2.exit(); }, 50000);
onSteamServers = function onSteamServers(servers) {
util.log("Received servers.");
fs.writeFile('servers', JSON.stringify(servers), (err)=>{
if (err) {if (this.debug) util.log("Error writing ");}
else {if (this.debug) util.log("");}
onSteamLogOff = function onSteamLogOff(eresult) {
util.log("Logged off from Steam.");
onSteamError = function onSteamError(error) {
util.log("Connection closed by server: "+error);
steamUser.on('updateMachineAuth', function(sentry, callback) {
var hashedSentry = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(sentry.bytes).digest();
fs.writeFileSync('sentry', hashedSentry)
util.log("sentryfile saved");
sha_file: hashedSentry
// Login, only passing authCode if it exists
var logOnDetails = {
"account_name": global.config.steam_user,
"password": global.config.steam_pass,
if (global.config.steam_guard_code) logOnDetails.auth_code = global.config.steam_guard_code;
if (global.config.two_factor_code) logOnDetails.two_factor_code = global.config.two_factor_code;
try {
var sentry = fs.readFileSync('sentry');
if (sentry.length) logOnDetails.sha_sentryfile = sentry;
} catch (beef) {
util.log("Cannae load the sentry. " + beef);
if (steamClient.connected) {
console.log("steamClient.connected succ")
} else {
console.log("steamClient.connected fail")
steamClient.on('connected', function() {
if (steamClient.connected) {
console.log("steamClient.connected succ!")
} else {
console.log("steamClient.connected fail!")
steamClient.on('logOnResponse', onSteamLogOn);
steamClient.on('loggedOff', onSteamLogOff);
steamClient.on('error', onSteamError);
steamClient.on('servers', onSteamServers);
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