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Go 实现常见数据结构
// Package binarysearchtree creates a ItemBinarySearchTree data structure for the Item type
package binarysearchtree
import (
// Item the type of the binary search tree
type Item generic.Type
// Node a single node that composes the tree
type Node struct {
key int
value Item
left *Node //left
right *Node //right
// ItemBinarySearchTree the binary search tree of Items
type ItemBinarySearchTree struct {
root *Node
lock sync.RWMutex
// Insert inserts the Item t in the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) Insert(key int, value Item) {
defer bst.lock.Unlock()
n := &Node{key, value, nil, nil}
if bst.root == nil {
bst.root = n
} else {
insertNode(bst.root, n)
// internal function to find the correct place for a node in a tree
func insertNode(node, newNode *Node) {
if newNode.key < node.key {
if node.left == nil {
node.left = newNode
} else {
insertNode(node.left, newNode)
} else {
if node.right == nil {
node.right = newNode
} else {
insertNode(node.right, newNode)
// InOrderTraverse visits all nodes with in-order traversing
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) InOrderTraverse(f func(Item)) {
defer bst.lock.RUnlock()
inOrderTraverse(bst.root, f)
// internal recursive function to traverse in order
func inOrderTraverse(n *Node, f func(Item)) {
if n != nil {
inOrderTraverse(n.left, f)
inOrderTraverse(n.right, f)
// PreOrderTraverse visits all nodes with pre-order traversing
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) PreOrderTraverse(f func(Item)) {
defer bst.lock.Unlock()
preOrderTraverse(bst.root, f)
// internal recursive function to traverse pre order
func preOrderTraverse(n *Node, f func(Item)) {
if n != nil {
preOrderTraverse(n.left, f)
preOrderTraverse(n.right, f)
// PostOrderTraverse visits all nodes with post-order traversing
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) PostOrderTraverse(f func(Item)) {
defer bst.lock.Unlock()
postOrderTraverse(bst.root, f)
// internal recursive function to traverse post order
func postOrderTraverse(n *Node, f func(Item)) {
if n != nil {
postOrderTraverse(n.left, f)
postOrderTraverse(n.right, f)
// Min returns the Item with min value stored in the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) Min() *Item {
defer bst.lock.RUnlock()
n := bst.root
if n == nil {
return nil
for {
if n.left == nil {
return &n.value
n = n.left
// Max returns the Item with max value stored in the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) Max() *Item {
defer bst.lock.RUnlock()
n := bst.root
if n == nil {
return nil
for {
if n.right == nil {
return &n.value
n = n.right
// Search returns true if the Item t exists in the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) Search(key int) bool {
defer bst.lock.RUnlock()
return search(bst.root, key)
// internal recursive function to search an item in the tree
func search(n *Node, key int) bool {
if n == nil {
return false
if key < n.key {
return search(n.left, key)
if key > n.key {
return search(n.right, key)
return true
// Remove removes the Item with key `key` from the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) Remove(key int) {
defer bst.lock.Unlock()
remove(bst.root, key)
// internal recursive function to remove an item
func remove(node *Node, key int) *Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
if key < node.key {
node.left = remove(node.left, key)
return node
if key > node.key {
node.right = remove(node.right, key)
return node
// key == node.key
if node.left == nil && node.right == nil {
node = nil
return nil
if node.left == nil {
node = node.right
return node
if node.right == nil {
node = node.left
return node
leftmostrightside := node.right
for {
//find smallest value on the right side
if leftmostrightside != nil && leftmostrightside.left != nil {
leftmostrightside = leftmostrightside.left
} else {
node.key, node.value = leftmostrightside.key, leftmostrightside.value
node.right = remove(node.right, node.key)
return node
// String prints a visual representation of the tree
func (bst *ItemBinarySearchTree) String() {
defer bst.lock.Unlock()
stringify(bst.root, 0)
// internal recursive function to print a tree
func stringify(n *Node, level int) {
if n != nil {
format := ""
for i := 0; i < level; i++ {
format += " "
format += "---[ "
stringify(n.left, level)
fmt.Printf(format+"%d\n", n.key)
stringify(n.right, level)
// Package dictionary creates a ValueDictionary data structure for the Item type
package dictionary
import (
// Key the key of the dictionary
type Key generic.Type
// Value the content of the dictionary
type Value generic.Type
// ValueDictionary the set of Items
type ValueDictionary struct {
items map[Key]Value
lock sync.RWMutex
// Set adds a new item to the dictionary
func (d *ValueDictionary) Set(k Key, v Value) {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
if d.items == nil {
d.items = make(map[Key]Value)
d.items[k] = v
// Delete removes a value from the dictionary, given its key
func (d *ValueDictionary) Delete(k Key) bool {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
_, ok := d.items[k]
if ok {
delete(d.items, k)
return ok
// Has returns true if the key exists in the dictionary
func (d *ValueDictionary) Has(k Key) bool {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
_, ok := d.items[k]
return ok
// Get returns the value associated with the key
func (d *ValueDictionary) Get(k Key) Value {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
return d.items[k]
// Clear removes all the items from the dictionary
func (d *ValueDictionary) Clear() {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
d.items = make(map[Key]Value)
// Size returns the amount of elements in the dictionary
func (d *ValueDictionary) Size() int {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
return len(d.items)
// Keys returns a slice of all the keys present
func (d *ValueDictionary) Keys() []Key {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
keys := []Key{}
for i := range d.items {
keys = append(keys, i)
return keys
// Values returns a slice of all the values present
func (d *ValueDictionary) Values() []Value {
defer d.lock.RUnlock()
values := []Value{}
for i := range d.items {
values = append(values, d.items[i])
return values
// Package graph creates a ItemGraph data structure for the Item type
package graph
import (
// Item the type of the binary search tree
type Item generic.Type
// Node a single node that composes the tree
type Node struct {
value Item
func (n *Node) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.value)
// ItemGraph the Items graph
type ItemGraph struct {
nodes []*Node
edges map[Node][]*Node
lock sync.RWMutex
// AddNode adds a node to the graph
func (g *ItemGraph) AddNode(n *Node) {
g.nodes = append(g.nodes, n)
// AddEdge adds an edge to the graph
func (g *ItemGraph) AddEdge(n1, n2 *Node) {
if g.edges == nil {
g.edges = make(map[Node][]*Node)
g.edges[*n1] = append(g.edges[*n1], n2)
g.edges[*n2] = append(g.edges[*n2], n1)
// AddEdge adds an edge to the graph
func (g *ItemGraph) String() {
s := ""
for i := 0; i < len(g.nodes); i++ {
s += g.nodes[i].String() + " -> "
near := g.edges[*g.nodes[i]]
for j := 0; j < len(near); j++ {
s += near[j].String() + " "
s += "\n"
// Package hashtable creates a ValueHashtable data structure for the Item type
package hashtable
import (
// Key the key of the dictionary
type Key generic.Type
// Value the content of the dictionary
type Value generic.Type
// ValueHashtable the set of Items
type ValueHashtable struct {
items map[int]Value
lock sync.RWMutex
// the hash() private function uses the famous Horner's method
// to generate a hash of a string with O(n) complexity
func hash(k Key) int {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s", k)
h := 0
for i := 0; i < len(key); i++ {
h = 31*h + int(key[i])
return h
// Put item with value v and key k into the hashtable
func (ht *ValueHashtable) Put(k Key, v Value) {
defer ht.lock.Unlock()
i := hash(k)
if ht.items == nil {
ht.items = make(map[int]Value)
ht.items[i] = v
// Remove item with key k from hashtable
func (ht *ValueHashtable) Remove(k Key) {
defer ht.lock.Unlock()
i := hash(k)
delete(ht.items, i)
// Get item with key k from the hashtable
func (ht *ValueHashtable) Get(k Key) Value {
defer ht.lock.RUnlock()
i := hash(k)
return ht.items[i]
// Size returns the number of the hashtable elements
func (ht *ValueHashtable) Size() int {
defer ht.lock.RUnlock()
return len(ht.items)
// Package linkedlist creates a ItemLinkedList data structure for the Item type
package linkedlist
import (
// Item the type of the linked list
type Item generic.Type
// Node a single node that composes the list
type Node struct {
content Item
next *Node
// ItemLinkedList the linked list of Items
type ItemLinkedList struct {
head *Node
size int
lock sync.RWMutex
// Append adds an Item to the end of the linked list
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) Append(t Item) {
node := Node{t, nil}
if ll.head == nil {
ll.head = &node
} else {
last := ll.head
for {
if == nil {
last =
} = &node
// Insert adds an Item at position i
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) Insert(i int, t Item) error {
defer ll.lock.Unlock()
if i < 0 || i > ll.size {
return fmt.Errorf("Index out of bounds")
addNode := Node{t, nil}
if i == 0 { = ll.head
ll.head = &addNode
return nil
node := ll.head
j := 0
for j < i-2 {
node =
} = = &addNode
return nil
// RemoveAt removes a node at position i
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) RemoveAt(i int) (*Item, error) {
defer ll.lock.Unlock()
if i < 0 || i > ll.size {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Index out of bounds")
node := ll.head
j := 0
for j < i-1 {
node =
remove := =
return &remove.content, nil
// IndexOf returns the position of the Item t
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) IndexOf(t Item) int {
defer ll.lock.RUnlock()
node := ll.head
j := 0
for {
if node.content == t {
return j
if == nil {
return -1
node =
// IsEmpty returns true if the list is empty
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) IsEmpty() bool {
defer ll.lock.RUnlock()
if ll.head == nil {
return true
return false
// Size returns the linked list size
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) Size() int {
defer ll.lock.RUnlock()
size := 1
last := ll.head
for {
if last == nil || == nil {
last =
return size
// Insert adds an Item at position i
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) String() {
defer ll.lock.RUnlock()
node := ll.head
j := 0
for {
if node == nil {
fmt.Print(" ")
node =
// Head returns a pointer to the first node of the list
func (ll *ItemLinkedList) Head() *Node {
defer ll.lock.RUnlock()
return ll.head
// Package queue creates a ItemQueue data structure for the Item type
package queue
import (
// Item the type of the queue
type Item generic.Type
// ItemQueue the queue of Items
type ItemQueue struct {
items []Item
lock sync.RWMutex
// New creates a new ItemQueue
func (s *ItemQueue) New() *ItemQueue {
s.items = []Item{}
return s
// Enqueue adds an Item to the end of the queue
func (s *ItemQueue) Enqueue(t Item) {
s.items = append(s.items, t)
// Dequeue removes an Item from the start of the queue
func (s *ItemQueue) Dequeue() *Item {
item := s.items[0]
s.items = s.items[1:len(s.items)]
return &item
// Front returns the item next in the queue, without removing it
func (s *ItemQueue) Front() *Item {
item := s.items[0]
return &item
// IsEmpty returns true if the queue is empty
func (s *ItemQueue) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(s.items) == 0
// Size returns the number of Items in the queue
func (s *ItemQueue) Size() int {
return len(s.items)
// Package set creates a ItemSet data structure for the Item type
package set
import ""
// Item the type of the Set
type Item generic.Type
// ItemSet the set of Items
type ItemSet struct {
items map[Item]bool
// Add adds a new element to the Set. Returns a pointer to the Set.
func (s *ItemSet) Add(t Item) *ItemSet {
if s.items == nil {
s.items = make(map[Item]bool)
_, ok := s.items[t]
if !ok {
s.items[t] = true
return s
// Clear removes all elements from the Set
func (s *ItemSet) Clear() {
s.items = make(map[Item]bool)
// Delete removes the Item from the Set and returns Has(Item)
func (s *ItemSet) Delete(item Item) bool {
_, ok := s.items[item]
if ok {
delete(s.items, item)
return ok
// Has returns true if the Set contains the Item
func (s *ItemSet) Has(item Item) bool {
_, ok := s.items[item]
return ok
// Items returns the Item(s) stored
func (s *ItemSet) Items() []Item {
items := []Item{}
for i := range s.items {
items = append(items, i)
return items
// Size returns the size of the set
func (s *ItemSet) Size() int {
return len(s.items)
// Package stack creates a ItemStack data structure for the Item type
package stack
import (
// Item the type of the stack
type Item generic.Type
// ItemStack the stack of Items
type ItemStack struct {
items []Item
lock sync.RWMutex
// New creates a new ItemStack
func (s *ItemStack) New() *ItemStack {
s.items = []Item{}
return s
// Push adds an Item to the top of the stack
func (s *ItemStack) Push(t Item) {
s.items = append(s.items, t)
// Pop removes an Item from the top of the stack
func (s *ItemStack) Pop() *Item {
item := s.items[len(s.items)-1]
s.items = s.items[0 : len(s.items)-1]
return &item
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