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Last active August 12, 2021 08:00
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* This file can be executed by running:
* $ ocaml -rectypes
open Printf
e -> ()
| (e)
| true | false
| 0 | 1 | 2 | …
| id
| e / e
| e; e
| let e = e in e
| if e then e else e
(* 1. Naive recursion *)
module Syntax = struct
type t =
| Unit
| Boolean of bool
| Number of int
| Id of string
| Divide of t * t
| Sequence of t * t
| Let of {id: string; value: t; body: t}
| If of {conditional: t; consequence: t; alternative: t}
open Syntax
module Dead_code_elimination = struct
let rec pass = function
| Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t ->
| Divide (left, right) ->
Divide (pass left, pass right)
| Sequence (left, right) ->
Sequence (pass left, pass right)
| Let {id; value; body} ->
Let {id; value=pass value; body=pass body}
| If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} ->
pass consequence
| If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} ->
pass alternative
| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} ->
let conditional = pass conditional in
let consequence = pass consequence in
let alternative = pass alternative in
If {conditional; consequence; alternative}
(* 2. Factored recursion *)
let map f = function
| Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t ->
| Divide (left, right) ->
Divide (f left, f right)
| Sequence (left, right) ->
Sequence (f left, f right)
| Let {id; value; body} ->
Let {id; value=f value; body=f body}
| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} ->
let conditional = f conditional in
let consequence = f consequence in
let alternative = f alternative in
If {conditional; consequence; alternative}
module Dead_code_elimination_2 = struct
let rec pass = function
| If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} ->
pass consequence
| If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} ->
pass alternative
| other -> map pass other
(* 3. Factored recursion for free *)
module Syntax2 = struct
module Open = struct
type 'a t =
| Unit
| Boolean of bool
| Number of int
| Id of string
| Divide of 'a * 'a
| Sequence of 'a * 'a
| Let of {id: string; value: 'a; body: 'a}
| If of {conditional: 'a; consequence: 'a; alternative: 'a}
[@@deriving map]
let map f = function
| Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t ->
| Divide (left, right) ->
Divide (f left, f right)
| Sequence (left, right) ->
Sequence (f left, f right)
| Let {id; value; body} ->
Let {id; value=f value; body=f body}
| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} ->
let conditional = f conditional in
let consequence = f consequence in
let alternative = f alternative in
If {conditional; consequence; alternative}
type t = t Open.t
let map: (t -> t) -> t -> t =
open Syntax2.Open
module Dead_code_elimination_3 = struct
let rec pass = function
| If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} ->
pass consequence
| If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} ->
pass alternative
| other -> map pass other
(* 4. Monadic passes *)
module Identity = struct
let return x = x
let (>>=) t f = f t
module Result = struct
let return x = Ok x
let (>>=) = function
| Ok ok -> fun f -> f ok
| error -> fun _ -> error
open Result
module Check_literal_division_by_zero = struct
let rec pass = function
| Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t ->
return t
| Divide (_, Number 0) ->
Error `Literal_division_by_zero
| Divide (left, right) ->
pass left >>= fun left ->
pass right >>= fun right ->
return (Divide (left, right))
| Sequence (left, right) ->
pass left >>= fun left ->
pass right >>= fun right ->
return (Sequence (left, right))
| Let {id; value; body} ->
pass value >>= fun value ->
pass body >>= fun body ->
return (Let {id; value; body})
| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} ->
pass conditional >>= fun conditional ->
pass consequence >>= fun consequence ->
pass alternative >>= fun alternative ->
return (If {conditional; consequence; alternative})
module Syntax3 = struct
module Open = struct
type 'a t =
| Unit
| Boolean of bool
| Number of int
| Id of string
| Divide of 'a * 'a
| Sequence of 'a * 'a
| Let of {id: string; value: 'a; body: 'a}
| If of {conditional: 'a; consequence: 'a; alternative: 'a}
let map_monad ~return ~bind:(>>=) f = function
| Unit | Boolean _ | Number _ | Id _ as t ->
return t
| Divide (left, right) ->
f left >>= fun left ->
f right >>= fun right ->
return (Divide (left, right))
| Sequence (left, right) ->
f left >>= fun left ->
f right >>= fun right ->
return (Sequence (left, right))
| Let {id; value; body} ->
f value >>= fun value ->
f body >>= fun body ->
return (Let {id; value; body})
| If {conditional; consequence; alternative} ->
f conditional >>= fun conditional ->
f consequence >>= fun consequence ->
f alternative >>= fun alternative ->
return (If {conditional; consequence; alternative})
type t = t Open.t
(* open Syntax *)
open Syntax3.Open
let map = map_monad ~return:Identity.return ~bind:Identity.(>>=)
module Dead_code_elimination_4 = struct
let rec pass = function
| If {conditional=Boolean true; consequence; _} ->
pass consequence
| If {conditional=Boolean false; alternative; _} ->
pass alternative
| other -> map pass other
let map_result = map_monad ~return:Result.return ~bind:Result.(>>=)
module Check_literal_division_by_zero_2 = struct
let rec pass = function
| Divide (_, Number 0) -> Error "`Literal_division_by_zero"
| other -> map_result pass other
module Environment = struct
type t = {defined: string list; undefined: string list}
let initial = {defined=[]; undefined=[]}
let print {defined; undefined} =
let list = String.concat "; " in
printf "{defined=[%s]; undefined=[%s]}\n" (list defined) (list undefined)
open Environment
module Monad = struct
type env = t
type 'a t = env -> 'a * env
let return a env = a, env
let (>>=) t callback env =
let a, env = t env in
(* print env; *)
callback a env
let with_defined id t {defined; undefined} =
let a, env = t {undefined; defined=id :: defined} in
a, {env with defined}
let check_id id env =
if List.mem id env.defined then
(), env
(), {env with undefined=id :: env.undefined}
let undefined t = (snd (t initial)).undefined
let map_environment =
map_monad ~return:Monad.return ~bind:Monad.(>>=)
open Monad
module Collect_undefined_variables = struct
let rec pass = function
| Let {id; value; body} ->
pass value >>= fun value ->
with_defined id (pass body) >>= fun body ->
return (Let {id; value; body})
| Id id as t ->
check_id id >>= fun () ->
return t
| other -> map_environment pass other
module Test = struct
let data = (* let hai = bye in hai *)
Let {id="hai"; value=Id "bye"; body=Id "hai"}
let () = printf "1.\n"; assert (undefined (pass data) = ["bye"])
let data = (* (let hai = () in ()); hai *)
Sequence (
Let {id="hai"; value=Unit; body=Unit},
Id "hai"
let () = printf "2.\n"; assert (undefined (pass data) = ["hai"])
let data = (* let hai = () in
let bye = yyy in
xxx / hai *)
Let {id="hai"; value=Unit; body=
Let {id="bye"; value=Id "yyy"; body=Divide (Id "xxx", Id "hai")}}
let () = printf "3.\n"; assert (undefined (pass data) = ["xxx"; "yyy"])
let data = (* let hai = () in
bye; let bye = () in
hai *)
Let {id="hai"; value=Unit; body=
Sequence (
Id "bye",
Let {id="bye"; value=Unit; body=Id "hai"}
let () = printf "4.\n"; assert (undefined (pass data) = ["bye"])
let foo = () in
let bar = bar in
foo; bar; baz;
(let baz = () in ()); baz
let tree =
let (%) left right = Sequence (left, right) in
Id "foo" %
Let {id="foo"; value=Unit; body=
Let {id="bar"; value=Id "bar"; body=
Id "foo" % Id "bar" % Id "baz" %
Let {id="baz"; value=Unit; body=Unit} % Id "baz"}}
let () = printf "5.\n";
assert (undefined (pass tree) = ["baz"; "baz"; "bar"; "foo"])
let x = () in
let a = () in
let b = a in
let y = y in
(let z = () in ());
a; b; z
let tree =
let (%) left right = Sequence (left, right) in
Id "x" %
Let {id="x"; value=Unit; body=
Let {id="a"; value=Unit; body=
Id "a" %
Let {id="b"; value=Id "a"; body=
Let {id="y"; value=Id "y"; body=
Let {id="z"; value=Unit; body=Unit} %
Id "a" % Id "b" % Id "z"}}}}
let () = printf "6.\n";
assert (undefined (pass tree) = ["z"; "y"; "x"])
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