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Last active November 25, 2020 22:27
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open Printf
module CLI = struct
type t = {
verbose: bool;
max_files: int;
dir_to_list: string;
sort_order: [`alpha | `chrono | `owner] option;
args: string list;
let default = {
let sort_order_of_string = function
| "alpha" -> Some `alpha
| "chrono" -> Some `chrono
| "owner" -> Some `owner
| _ -> None
let usage = sprintf {|MyLs2000 is a revolutionary file listing tool
cli [-v] [-n] [-d <dir>] [-s {alpha|chrono|owner}] [--] [args...]
let parse argv =
let t = ref default in
let specs = Arg.align Arg.[
"-v", Unit (fun () -> t := {!t with verbose=true}),
" Enable verbose mode";
"-n", Int (fun n -> t := {!t with max_files=n}),
sprintf "<n> Sets maximum number of files to list (default: %d)"
"-d", String (fun s -> t := {!t with dir_to_list=s}),
"<dir> Names directory to list files";
"-s", Symbol (["alpha"; "chrono"; "owner"],
fun s -> t := {!t with sort_order=sort_order_of_string s}),
" Allows to sort files alphabetically, chronologically, or by owner";
"--", Rest (fun arg -> t := {!t with args=(!t.args @ [arg])}),
" Stop interpreting keywords and print the rest";
] in
let f arg = t := {!t with args=(!t.args @ [arg])} in
match Arg.parse_argv argv specs f usage with
| () -> !t
| exception Arg.Bad message -> eprintf "%s" message; exit 2
| exception Arg.Help message -> printf "%s" message; exit 0
let main =
let result = CLI.parse Sys.argv in
match result with {
} ->
printf "-v %b\n-n %d\n-d %S\n" verbose max_files dir_to_list;
List.iter print_endline args
(* Original from
let verbose = ref false
let max_files_to_list = ref 1
let dir_to_list = ref "."
let time_hours = ref 0
let time_minutes = ref 0
let sort_files = function
"alpha" -> print_endline "Alpha sort"
| "chrono" -> print_endline "Chrono sort"
| "owner" -> print_endline "Owner sort"
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad("Shouldn't happen"))
let main =
let speclist = [("-v", Arg.Set verbose, "Enables verbose mode");
("-n", Arg.Set_int max_files_to_list, "Sets maximum number of files to list");
("-d", Arg.Set_string dir_to_list, "Names directory to list files");
("-t", Arg.Tuple ([Arg.Set_int time_hours ; Arg.Set_int time_minutes]), "Sets creation hours and minutes listed files have to match");
("-s", Arg.Symbol (["alpha"; "chrono"; "owner"], sort_files), " Allows to sort listed files alphabetically, chronologically, or by owner");
("--", Arg.Rest (fun arg -> print_endline ("The rest contains: " ^ arg)), "Stop interpreting keywords and prints the rest");
in let usage_msg = "MyLs2000 is a revolutionary file listing tool. Options available:"
in Arg.parse speclist (fun anon -> print_endline ("Anonymous argument: " ^ anon)) usage_msg;
print_endline ("Verbose mode: " ^ string_of_bool !verbose);
print_endline ("Max files to list: " ^ string_of_int !max_files_to_list);
print_endline ("Directory to list files: " ^ !dir_to_list);
print_endline ("Time of files to list: " ^ string_of_int(!time_hours) ^ ":" ^ string_of_int(!time_minutes));
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