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Last active April 3, 2018 12:48
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open Printf
let (=>) left right = printf "%c" (if left = right then '.' else 'F')
module CharString = struct
type t = Empty | Char of char * t
let rec fold ~empty ~char = function
| Empty -> empty
| Char (c, rest) -> char c (fold ~empty ~char rest)
let to_char_list =
fold ~empty:[] ~char:(fun char rest -> char :: rest)
module String = struct
type t = string
module Slice = struct
type t = {index: int; string: string}
let rec fold ~empty ~char {index; string} =
if index = String.length string then
char (String.get string index)
(fold ~empty ~char {index=index + 1; string})
let fold ~empty ~char string =
Slice.fold ~empty ~char Slice.{index=0; string}
let fold ~empty ~char string =
let length = String.length string in
let rec go index =
if index = length then empty
else char (String.get string index) (go (index + 1))
go 0
let to_char_list =
fold ~empty:[] ~char:List.cons
module Test = struct
to_char_list "abcd" => ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd']
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