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Created March 16, 2018 20:01
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(* type 'a succ *)
module Slit = struct
type zero
type 'a succ = X
type (_, _) t =
| [] : ('a, zero) t
| (::) : 'a * ('a, 'length) t -> ('a, 'length succ) t
type ('a, 'length) non_empty = ('a, 'length succ) t
let head (head :: tail) = head
let tail (head :: tail) = tail
let x = [1;2;3]
let rec zip : type a b length. (a, length) t -> (b, length) t -> (a * b, length) t = fun left right ->
match left, right with
| [], [] -> []
| left_head :: left_tail, right_head :: right_tail ->
(left_head, right_head) :: zip left_tail right_tail
let rec map : type a b length. (a -> b) -> (a, length) t -> (b, length) t = fun f -> function
| [] -> []
| head :: tail -> f head :: map f tail
type _ tulip =
| [] : unit tulip
| (::) : 'a * 'b tulip -> ('a * 'b) tulip
module type TULIP = sig
type _ t
val first : ('a * 'b) t -> 'a
val second : ('a * ('b * 'c)) t -> 'b
val third : ('a * ('b * ('c * 'd))) t -> 'c
val unit : unit t
val pair : 'a -> 'b -> ('a * ('b * unit)) t
val triple : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> ('a * ('b * ('c * unit))) t
val prepend : 'a -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
module Tulip : TULIP with type 'a t = 'a tulip = struct
type 'a t = 'a tulip
let first (x :: _) = x
let second (_ :: x :: _) = x
let third (_ :: _ :: x :: _) = x
let unit = []
let pair a b = [a; b]
let triple a b c = [a; b; c]
let prepend head tail = head :: tail
let () =
(* equality *)
assert (Tulip.[1; "a"; `b] = Tulip.[1; "a"; `b]);
assert (Tulip.[9; "x"; `z] <> Tulip.[1; "a"; `b]);
assert (Tulip.[9.0; "x"; `z] <> Tulip.[1.0; "a"; `b]);
(* pattern-matching *)
assert begin
match Tulip.[true; "a"; `b] with
| Tulip.[true; _; _] -> true
| Tulip.(false :: _) -> false
(* first/second *)
assert (Tulip.(first [`a; `b]) = `a);
assert (Tulip.(second [1; 2]) = 2);
(* prepend *)
assert (Tulip.(`a :: [`b]) = Tulip.[`a; `b]);
print_endline " -- ok -- "
module Flat_tulip : TULIP = struct
type _ t = int array
let first t = Obj.magic (Array.unsafe_get t 0)
let second t = Obj.magic (Array.unsafe_get t 1)
let third t = Obj.magic (Array.unsafe_get t 2)
let unit = [||]
let pair a b = [|Obj.magic a; Obj.magic b|]
let triple a b c = [|Obj.magic a; Obj.magic b; Obj.magic c|]
let prepend head tail = Array.append [|Obj.magic head|] tail
let () =
(* equality *)
let open Flat_tulip in
let (^) = prepend in
assert ((1 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit) = (1 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit));
assert ((9 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit) <> (1 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit));
(* assert ((1.0 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit) = (1.0 ^ "a" ^ `b ^ unit)); *)
(* first/second *)
assert (first (pair `a `b) = `a);
assert (second (pair 1 2) = 2);
(* prepend *)
assert (`a ^ `b ^ unit = pair `a `b);
print_endline " -- ok -- "
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