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Created June 12, 2015 08:47
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module Interval = struct
type 'a t = {start: 'a; finish: 'a}
module Position = struct
type t = {line: int; column: int}
module Location = struct
type t = {
file_name: string option;
source: string;
interval: Position.t Interval.t;
let create source char_start char_finish =
(* TODO compute line/column correctly from char *)
start=Position.({line=0; column=char_start});
finish=Position.({line=0; column=char_finish});
module Tree = struct
type t = {name: string option; children: t list; location: Location.t}
let create ?name ?(children=[]) location =
{name; children; location}
module CodePoint = struct
type t = int
module Pattern = struct
module CharacterClassItem = struct
type t =
| Character of CodePoint.t
| CharacterRange of CodePoint.t Interval.t
type t =
| CharacterRange of CodePoint.t Interval.t
| Sequence of t list
| Repetition of t * int Interval.t
| PrioritizedChoice of t list
| NotPredicate of t
| Reference of string
type t =
| Character of CodePoint.t
| Sequence of t list
| ZeroOrMore of t
| PrioritizedChoice of t list
| NotPredicate of t
| Reference of string
type t =
| AnyCharacter
| LiteralString of string
| CharacterClass of CharacterClassItem.t list
| Repetition of t * int option Interval.t
(*| ZeroOrMore of t x{0,} *)
(*| OneOrMore of t x{1,} *)
(*| Optional of t x{0,1} *)
| Sequence of t list
| PrioritizedChoice of t list
| NotPredicate of t
(*| AndPredicate of t *)
| Reference of string
let parse pattern source = match pattern with
| LiteralString string ->
Tree.create (Location.create source 0 3)
| _ -> assert false
module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
module Grammar = struct
type t = Pattern.t StringMap.t
module Language = struct
module SemanticAction = struct
type 'a t = Tree.t -> 'a
type 'a t = (Pattern.t * 'a SemanticAction.t) StringMap.t
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