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Created December 30, 2022 19:39
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let printf = Format.printf
let fprintf = Format.fprintf
let dprintf = Format.dprintf
let pp_list ~sep pp =
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf sep) pp
let pp_string ppf string = fprintf ppf "%S" string
let many = [
"one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five"; "six"; "seven";
"eight"; "nine"; "ten"; "eleven"; "twelve"; "thirteen";
"fourteen"; (* "fifteen"; "seventeen"; "nineteen"; "twenty";*)
let few = [
"one"; "two"; "three"; (*"four"; "five"; "six"; "seven";*)
let empty = []
let lists = [many; few; empty]
let test f =
[many; few; empty] |> List.iter (fun list ->
f list;
printf "@."
printf "@."
let () =
Format.set_margin 60;
printf "Hi@.";
let pp_sep ppf () = fprintf ppf ",@;<1 2>" in
let pp_list pp_item ppf list =
fprintf ppf "@[<hv>[@;<0 2>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_item) list
printf "%a" (pp_list (pp_list pp_string)) lists
printf "@.No boxes or break hints:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "[%a]"
(pp_list ~sep:", " pp_string) list
printf "Horizontal-xor-vertical 'hv' box:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<hv>[%a]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "Horizontal-xor-vertical 'hv' box with break hints near brackets:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<hv>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "Horizontal 'h' box with break hints near brackets:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<h>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "Vertical 'v' box with break hints near brackets:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<v>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "Compacting 'b' box with break hints near brackets:@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "Compacting 'b' box without last break hint@.";
test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
(* test begin fun list ->
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]"
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) list
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]@."
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) many;
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]@."
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) few;
printf "@[<b>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 0>]@]@."
(pp_list ~sep:",@;<1 1>" pp_string) empty
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