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Last active March 11, 2024 18:11
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TypeScript-typed generateQuery for creating single-SQL nested queries for a certain schema
select json_build_object('__table', 'user', 'firstName', e."first_name", 'lastName', e."last_name", 'managedResources', coalesce("t_managedResources"."data", '[]'), 'ratings', coalesce("t_ratings"."data", '[]')) as "data"
from "user" as "e"
left join (
select "manager_id" as "fkey", json_agg(json_build_object('__table', 'resource', 'ratingTotals', "t_ratingTotals"."data")) as "data"
from "resource" as "e"
left join (
select "resource_id" as "fkey", json_build_object('__table', 'rating_totals', 'avgSatisfaction', e."avg_satisfaction") as "data"
from "rating_totals" as "e"
) as "t_ratingTotals" on "t_ratingTotals"."fkey" = "e"."id"
group by "manager_id"
) as "t_managedResources" on "t_managedResources"."fkey" = "e"."id"
left join (
select "sender_id" as "fkey", json_agg(json_build_object('__table', 'rating', 'satisfaction', e."satisfaction", 'resource', "t_resource"."data")) as "data"
from "rating" as "e"
left join (
select "e"."id", json_build_object('__table', 'resource', 'latitude', e."latitude", 'ratingTotals', "t_ratingTotals"."data") as "data"
from "resource" as "e"
left join (
select "resource_id" as "fkey", json_build_object('__table', 'rating_totals', 'avgSatisfaction', e."avg_satisfaction", 'numRatings', e."num_ratings") as "data"
from "rating_totals" as "e"
) as "t_ratingTotals" on "t_ratingTotals"."fkey" = "e"."id"
) as "t_resource" on "t_resource"."id" = "e".resource_id
group by "sender_id"
) as "t_ratings" on "t_ratings"."fkey" = "e"."id"
const { data: users, count } = await executeQuery(client, UserSchema, {
include: {
firstName: true,
lastName: true,
managedResources: {
include: {
ratingTotals: {
include: {
avgSatisfaction: true,
ratings: {
include: {
satisfaction: true,
resource: {
include: {
latitude: true,
ratingTotals: {
include: {
avgSatisfaction: true,
numRatings: true,
// Now, `users` is fully typed, e.g.
const a: number = users[0].managedResources[0].ratingTotals.avgSatisfaction;
type User = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
fullName: string;
age: number;
password: string;
ratings: Rating[];
managedResources: Resource[];
export const UserSchema: EntitySchema<User> = {
tableName: "user",
columns: {
firstName: "first_name",
lastName: "last_name",
age: "age",
relations: {
ratings: {
type: "hasMany",
foreignKey: "sender_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return RatingSchema;
managedResources: {
type: "hasMany",
foreignKey: "manager_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return ResourceSchema;
type Rating = {
satisfaction: number;
review: number;
sender: User;
resource: Resource;
export const RatingSchema: EntitySchema<Rating> = {
tableName: "rating",
columns: {
satisfaction: "satisfaction",
review: "review",
relations: {
sender: {
type: "belongsTo",
foreignKey: "sender_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return UserSchema;
resource: {
type: "belongsTo",
foreignKey: "resource_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return ResourceSchema;
type Resource = {
location: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
manager: User;
ratingTotals: RatingTotals;
ratings: Rating[];
export const ResourceSchema: EntitySchema<Resource> = {
tableName: "resource",
columns: {
location: "location",
latitude: "latitude",
longitude: "longitude",
relations: {
manager: {
type: "belongsTo",
foreignKey: "manager_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return UserSchema;
ratingTotals: {
type: "hasOne",
foreignKey: "resource_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return RatingTotalsSchema;
ratings: {
type: "hasMany",
foreignKey: "resource_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return RatingSchema;
type RatingTotals = {
avgSatisfaction: number;
numRatings: number;
resource: Resource;
export const RatingTotalsSchema: EntitySchema<RatingTotals> = {
tableName: "rating_totals",
columns: {
avgSatisfaction: "avg_satisfaction",
numRatings: "num_ratings",
relations: {
resource: {
type: "belongsTo",
foreignKey: "resource_id",
getRelatedEntitySchema() {
return ResourceSchema;
import { Query, EntitySchema } from "./types.ts";
import { Client } from "pg";
export async function executeQuery<E, Q extends Query<E>>(
client: Client,
schema: EntitySchema<E>,
query: Q
): Promise<{
count: number;
data: Array<ResultT<E, Q>>;
}> {
const sql = generateQuery(schema, query);
const { rows, rowCount } = await client.query(sql);
return {
count: rowCount,
data: (rows as any).map((r: any) =>,
import { Query, EntitySchema, RelationSpec } from "./types.ts";
export function generateQuery<E, Q extends Query<E>>(
schema: EntitySchema<E>,
query: Q,
asRelated?: RelationSpec<any>
): string {
const data = `json_build_object(${[
`'__table', '${schema.tableName}'`,
...Object.entries(query.include).map(([propertyKey, q]: any) => {
if (typeof q === "boolean") {
return `'${propertyKey}', e."${(schema.columns as any)[propertyKey]}"`;
} else {
const spec: RelationSpec<any> = (schema.relations as any)[propertyKey];
const sub = `"t_${propertyKey}"`;
if (spec.type === "hasMany") {
return `'${propertyKey}', coalesce(${sub}."data", '[]')`;
} else {
return `'${propertyKey}', ${sub}."data"`;
].join(", ")})`;
const select = !asRelated
? `${data} as "data"`
: asRelated.type === "hasMany"
? `"${asRelated.foreignKey}" as "fkey", json_agg(${data}) as "data"`
: asRelated.type === "hasOne"
? `"${asRelated.foreignKey}" as "fkey", ${data} as "data"`
: `"e"."id", ${data} as "data"`;
return [
`select ${select}`,
`from "${schema.tableName}" as "e"`,
.filter((p) => typeof p[1] === "object")
.flatMap(([propertyKey, q]: any) => {
const spec: RelationSpec<any> = (schema.relations as any)[propertyKey];
const sub = `"t_${propertyKey}"`;
if (spec.type === "hasMany" || spec.type === "hasOne") {
return [
"left join (",
indent(generateQuery(spec.getRelatedEntitySchema(), q, spec)),
`) as ${sub} on ${sub}."fkey" = "e"."id"`,
} else {
return [
"left join (",
indent(generateQuery(spec.getRelatedEntitySchema(), q, spec)),
`) as ${sub} on ${sub}."id" = "e".${spec.foreignKey}`,
asRelated?.type === "hasMany" ? `group by "${asRelated.foreignKey}"` : ``,
function indent(str: string) {
return " " + str.replace(/\n/g, "\n ");
// Schema specification
// ===
export type EntitySchema<E> = {
tableName: string;
// mapping of entity properties to table field names
columns: Partial<Record<keyof E, string>>;
// mapping of entity properties to relationship specifications;
// the conditional type is added to map
// properties of type E[] to RelationSpec<E>
relations: Partial<{
[K in keyof E]: RelationSpec<E[K] extends Array<infer E> ? E : E[K]>;
export type HasManySpec<E> = {
type: "hasMany";
foreignKey: string;
getRelatedEntitySchema(): EntitySchema<E>;
export type HasOneSpec<E> = {
type: "hasOne";
foreignKey: string;
getRelatedEntitySchema(): EntitySchema<E>;
export type BelongsToSpec<E> = {
type: "belongsTo";
foreignKey: string;
getRelatedEntitySchema(): EntitySchema<E>;
export type RelationSpec<E> = HasManySpec<E> | HasOneSpec<E> | BelongsToSpec<E>;
// Queries & results
type Prim<T> = T extends number | string | boolean ? T : never;
export type Query<E> = {
include: Partial<{
[K in keyof E]: E[K] extends Prim<E[K]>
? true
: E[K] extends Array<infer IE>
? Query<IE>
: Query<E[K]>;
export type ResultT<E, Q extends Query<E>> = {
[K in keyof Q["include"]]: Q["include"][K] extends true
? E[K]
: E[K] extends Array<infer IE>
// The ignore annotations seem to be necessary because of the
// `Partial<...>` in the `Query<...>`, and I'm not really sure
// how to get rid of them...
? // @ts-expect-error
Array<ResultT<IE, Q["include"][K]>>
: // @ts-expect-error
ResultT<E[K], Q["include"][K]>;
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