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Last active May 3, 2018 16:41
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A little chunk of code to cheat in a counting Whatsapp group
// config
var only_respond = true; // if false, responds to own messages as well
// state
var lastno = 34350; // the last known posted number
var mine = true; // was this last number my own post?
// The complication here, is that
// Whatsapp removes/replaces elements on-the-fly
// sometimes; e.g. when messages have been deleted, etc.
// And of course, number posts are intersperced with
// regular conversation.
// The most robust method to check for new numbers, then,
// is to just check a reasonable backlog of messages for
// new numbers, and to this often enough.
function get_most_recent () {
// var wrap = document.querySelector('._9tCEa');
var wrap = document.querySelector('#main header').nextSibling.lastChild.lastChild.lastChild;
for (var i = Math.max(0, wrap.children.length - 20); i < wrap.children.length; i++) {
var msg = wrap.children[i];
var el = msg.querySelector('._3zb-j.ZhF0n');
if (el) {
var text = el.innerText;
// Check for correct number formatting
// so as not to get tricked again. (Stijn !)
var m = text.match(/^([0-9]\.|[0-9]{2}\.)([0-9]{3}\.)*[0-9]{3}$/);
if (m) {
var n = parseInt(text.replace(/\./g, ''));
if (n == lastno + 1) {
lastno = n;
maybe_congratulate(lastno, true);
mine = !!msg.querySelector('.message-out');
console.log(`Found: ${lastno} ${mine ? ' (mine)' : ''}`);
// Enter number, and simulate an "input" event to
// get Whatsapp to show the "post message" icon
function enter (str) {
var input = document.querySelector('[contenteditable]');
input.innerText = str;
var e = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
// Simulate button press
function post () {
var button = document.querySelector('button [data-icon="send"]').parentElement;
var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null);
var waiting_time = () => 2 + 8 * Math.random();
function waiting_time (n1) {
if (n1 % 100 == 0) {
console.log(` >> multiple of 100 ! (I'll respond immediately)`);
return 0;
if ((n1+'') == (n1+'').split('').reverse().join('')) {
console.log(` >> palindrome ! (I'll respond immediately)`);
return 0;
var rand = Math.random();
if (rand <= .05) {
console.log(` >> very long wait (5 min, 5% chance)`);
return 5 * 60;
if (rand <= .1) {
console.log(` >> long wait (1 min, 5% chance)`);
return 60;
if (rand <= .8) {
console.log(` >> regular wait (±9s, 70% chance)`);
return 7 + 4 * Math.random();
console.log(` >> short wait (±2s, 20% chance)`);
return 1 + 2 * Math.random();
var r;
function maybe_respond () {
var n = lastno;
console.log(`I may respond to: ${n}`);
var formatted = ((n+1)+'').split('').reduceRight((str, c) => c+(str.replace(/\./, '').length % 3 == 0 ? '.' : '')+str);
var wait = waiting_time(n+1);
console.log(`=> Waiting ${wait}s ...`);
r = {
responding_to: n,
h: setTimeout(() => {
if (n != lastno) {
console.log(`=> No longer timely! ${n} != ${lastno} (current)`);
} else {
maybe_congratulate(lastno = n+1, false);
mine = true;
console.log(`=> Just responded ${formatted}`);
}, wait*1000),
function maybe_congratulate (n, other) {
if (n % 1000 == 0) {
enter(`🦑🦐🦀 Een duizendtal! ${other ? 'Gefeliciteerd!' : ''}`);
if (n % 100 == 0) {
enter(`☘🍀 Een honderdtal! ${other ? 'Gefeliciteerd!' : ''}`);
if ((n+'') == (n+'').split('').reverse().join('')) {
enter(`🐛🦋 Een palindroom! ${other ? 'Gefeliciteerd!' : ''}`);
function loop () {
// spin off a helper function that may respond to this number (after some artifical delay)
if (!mine) {
if (!r || r.responding_to != lastno) {
if (r) clearTimeout(r.h);
// ...but keep this loop running fast in order to keep track of the counting
1. open web whatsapp and go to the group in question (don't navigate afterwards, because then the `wrap` element changes)
2. copy code into Firefox' (Chrome's?) devtools
3. set `lastno` and `mine` accordingly
4. call `loop()`
5. sit back and enjoy :)
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