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Last active July 14, 2018 06:18
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Jon & Kelli B&B - Edited July 13 PM

Welcome to Jon & Kelli BnB!


  • Cat food is located in the lower cabinet, beneath the kitchen counter, to the right of the oven/stove.
  • There is a box in this cabinet containing several baggies of dry food, cans of wet food, and dog poop baggies (does not contain dog poop).
  • There is a trash chute in the hallway, near the elevators. If the trash chute is "In Use" just leave what you were going to throw away, on the floor on any corner. (see Trash Chute for more details)

Do Food, Water, and Poop! steps in the morning, and evening.


  • Take out 1 can of wet cat food.
  • In each kitty bowl, use a fork to put 1/2 can of cat food.
  • Then smush it up a bit with the fork so it's not a can shaped chunk of food (cat's don't know how to bite).
  • Rinse out the empty cat food can, then dispose of the can in the blue recycle bin under the kitchen sink.
  • Empty one prepackaged baggy of dry food into the round white bowl next to the kitty dining area.


  • Locate the rectangular water dish.
  • Dump out the water, refill the water dish half way with filtered water from the brita water pitcher in the fridge.
  • Carefully return the rectangular water dish back to the kitty dining area.

There are additional green dog poop baggies under the bathroom sink.

  • Pull out the kitty litter bin next to the toilet, so that it is easier to access.
  • Using the pooper scooper, scoop poops into a green dog poop baggy.
  • Tie off the baggy.
  • Throw away the baggy in the trash chute.
  • (We ran out of kitty litter, so don't worry about refilling it)
  • Return the kitty litter bin to the rear of the toilet so that it touches touches the wall

Apartment Guide

Apartment Lights

Only use these light switch panels:

  • by the main door
  • in the bathroom
  • in the bedroom

If you mess with the light switches in the living room, Kelli will freak out! (seriously, one of them will turn off kelli's monitor!)

There are 4 additional voxel lights in the living room that you must switch on manually, separately, using the toggle switch on the attached cord.

Internet Access

Apartment WiFi

5ghz : NotOnTheList SlowNet : WeDontHaveWiFi

Password for either : Jon & Kelli normal WiFi pw. If you don't know, ask on slack (you may need keybase if we encrypt it)

40th floor WiFi

Use WaveGPublicWifi it's open to public. You can use xfinity if you have an account.

6th floor WiFi

Use WaveGPublicWifi it's open to public. You can use xfinity if you have an account.

There is a Business Center with 2 windows computers with internets and printer


Living Room TV

The TV is controlled by the samsung remote control. You must power on the speakers using the slim black remote control for audio.

The Netflix and Amazon Prime Video accounts are enabled.

The TV also has YouTube, and if you want to get shfancy, there is "Internet" app, and you can use the tiny keyboard+mouse to control the TV (keyboard is on the entertainment center by the Adventure Time swords).

The TV has a chromecast connected named "PixelFloof TV".

Cable TV

If you want to watch cable stuff, you can use one of the 6 televisions upstairs on the 40th floor. There are white control panels that control the screens stuck to the wall.

Video Games and Stuff

There is a semi-hidden hdmi cable on the left of the entertainment center, it has white and orange stripes and very long.

Theater Room

If you want to use the theater room, slack Jon & Kelli, and we'll reserve the room for you. You can bring any hdmi capable device to the theater room.

We also live next to many theaters accessible by going outdoors.


Rule #1 don't drink all our alcohol.
Rule #2 if you do, please replace scotch if it's gone.

There is a water filter thing in the right door of the fridge.
There is ice available in the ice maker upstairs on the 40th floor in the kitchen.
There is free coffee, espresso, mocha, hot chocolate, tea and snacks downstairs on the 6th floor. The free cups for these beverages are available from 9:30am to 5pm. During the off hours, you can use cups from our own stash disposable coffee cups on the kitchen counter by the door. Or just bring a mug.
There is a "dog walk" area on the 6th floor with a vending machine for soft drinks and such.

Any other refreshments can be obtained via Amazon Prime Now, Amazon Fresh, or there are a few convenience stores across the street or within a few blocks: Clay's Market, and NYC.


You can eat any and all the food you can find (except the cat food), we throw most everything away cause Jon never eats anyway.



The tide pods are under the sink in a box in individually wrapped foil wrappers. (don't eat this!)

Insert the pod where it looks like it should be placed, and then close grey the sliding plastic door until it snaps closed.
Always place plastics on the top drawer. Always put chopsticks pointy side up in the utensils area. Make sure tall things on the bottom shelf clear the spinning showerhead that sprays the bottom drawer.

To operate: Ensure that the power is on, push the "Start" button once, close the dish washer, and check that there is a red light on the corner of the floor. If there is no red light, you missed a step.

Washing Machine

The bottom thing is the washer. Insert dirty clothes, toss in a detergent pod, close door.
When the washer plays a melodic chime, it's done.

The bottom thing is the dryer. Transfer in wet clothes, close door, push power button, push play. wait. When the dryer plays a melodic chime, it might be done. Check for done-ness. If it's still wet, close door, turn the knob to 'timed' and set a time, push play, wait again.

A single load takes about 2 hours to wash and dry.

DJ Roomba

This is a very involved process and you probably don't have to do this.

Documenting anyway for completeness.


Before using the vacuum, each of the following must be done!

  • Close the pull-out bed portion of the couch.
  • Place the 4 pieces of the coffee table on either the couch or the bed.
  • Place the 2 desk stool chairs onto the couch.
  • Place the standing mats that are on the floor, onto the couch (or somewhere off the floor).
  • Place the cat food dishes on the windowsill near the couch.
  • Remove any loose items like cat toys and clothes from the floor.
  • Ensure that the bathroom door is open, so the cats can use the bathroom.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY Ensure that there are no wires touching the floor where DJ Roomba can eat them and get stuck

Awakening for work

To turn on DJ Roomba, locate his sleeping quarters under the bathroom sink, on the left corner. Crouch down and push his button in the center on top of his head. Then push it once more. He'll sing when he wakes up to start his workday. You won't understand what he's saying unless you speak robots.

Cats don't mind him, they are not really friends, though they aren't enemies either.

He should return back to his home to sleep after he finishes work.

Notes on Cats


If you are allergic to cats, use benedryl or other allergy control substances.


  • likes to hunt and play!
  • so play with the feather wand thing, she runs around a lot
  • she's fine with being pet, though cares less about your petting, and more about hunting things
  • while you sleep, she may step on you, your chest, and/or your face, with her high heels, and she's actually heavier than floof!
  • she likes to cuddle! only when she's sleepy and she initiates it though


  • likes to chill and usually be left alone
  • she may let you pet her, though it's typical for her to get annoyed by petting and leave to hang out where you cannot pet her
  • she may roughly play with your hand+forearm, or feet, by grabbing it, clawing it, and biting it.
  • if she's comfortable with you, she may sleep right next to your feet while you sleep at night, just watching you, plotting evil things (she never acts on her thoughts though). so be careful not to kick her, or she may actually do sinister things.


  • Do they bite
    • Floof may bite you softly, that's how she shows love. Don't bite her back, she doesn't love that.
  • Do they scratch
    • They may unintentionally scratch you (penetrating skin causing -5 hp) while they are running around the apartment and using you as furniture. They get crazy when they are awake, usually at night.
    • Every other scratch may be during play, where they know not to hurt you.
    • Exposing skin is a good thing, they know it is human flesh and to not play too hard.
    • Covering your skin with cloth may be dangerous both kitties will freak out if they see movement under cloth and hunt it, sometimes deeply clawing through the cloth and badly damaging your skin (causing -10 hp).
    • We typically keep their claws trimmed so they don't cause too much damage anymore (all damage reduced to -0 hp)

Trash Chute

The trash chute is located in the hallway, next to the elevators. The lights turn on automatically.

If the trash chute is broken, it will say "In Use".

To throw away trash, push the "Trash" button, wait for it to beep, then you will be able to open the trash chute and deposit your trash.

To throw away recyclables, push the "Recycle" button, wait for it to beep, then you will be able to open the trash chute and deposit your trash.

If the light indicates that the chute is "In Use", leave what you were going to throw away on the floor in the corner of that trash room.


We don't allow any guests of our guests (that's you!) to enter our apartment, or the common areas of our building, unless explicitly requested, and approved by one of Jon or Kelli.

Our cats will tell us if you break this rule!

Leaving the apartment

Before leaving the apartment for any amount of time, make sure the following are true.

  • The kitchen stoves are off. If they are off, yet still warm, put a pot there so curious kitties don't get burned.
  • The bathroom door is open, kitties need to poop too!
  • The bedroom door is open, otherwise kitties will have to Jackie Chan over the wall
  • The fridge doors are closed
  • The living room closet is closed
  • MOST IMPORTANT Count the kitties! there should be 2 kitties loose in the apartment (sometimes they sneak into the closet and get forgotten, or sneak outside of the apartment)
  • Lock the front door on your way out
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