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Last active September 1, 2023 09:59
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Set up Yubikey (5C NFC) for SSH authentication

Set up Yubikey (5C NFC) for SSH authentication

  • yubikey 5C NFC
  • macOS Monterey 12.2.1

For in depth details on how to set up a Yubikey for SSH on a mac, check out the following:

  1. Install gnupg via homebrew.
  2. Update yubikey settings and generate a key pair:
# use gpg to edit the yubikey
gpg --card-edit

# enter the admin mode
> admin

# change the default (insecure) PIN code
> passwd

# follow the instructions to change the main PIN
# the default value is 123456
> 1

# after the main PIN has been changed, change the admin PIN
# the default value is 12345678
> 3

# then quit
> Q

# update the key attributes from the default values
> key-attr

# for each key, select "1" for RSA and 4096 for key size

# finally, generate a new key
> generate

# follow the instructions to generate a new key

# then quit
> quit
  1. Add the following lines to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:
default-cache-ttl 60
max-cache-ttl 120
  1. Add the following lines to ~/.zprofile:
export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
  1. Run ssh-add -L to export the public key.

  2. To enable requiring touch to use yubikey for SSH auth, you must first install the yubikey manager cli: brew install ykman

  3. To require touch to use yubikey for SSH auth:

ykman openpgp touch aut on
ykman openpgp touch enc on
ykman openpgp touch sig on
  1. Add the following aliases:
alias ssh="gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null; ssh"
alias scp="gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null; scp"
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kellydavid commented Mar 10, 2023

To renew keys:

# generate and follow instructions

# export new ssh public key
ssh-add -L

# export new gpg signature
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
# Use the following value:
# sec>  rsa4096/<key-id>

#export public gpg key for github:
gpg --armor --export <key-id>

# set touch as required
ykman openpgp keys set-touch AUT on
ykman openpgp keys set-touch ENC on
ykman openpgp keys set-touch SIG on
ykman openpgp keys set-touch ATT on

Remember to update ~/.gitconfig with the new gpg signing key.

        name = ...
        email = ...
        signingKey = <key-id>

        program = gpg
        gpgsign = true

Contents of ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:

default-cache-ttl 60
max-cache-ttl 120
pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac

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