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Forked from DrewBradley/
Last active March 4, 2021 01:39
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NAME: Mary LeWellin
Age: 52
Location: Boise, Idaho
Occupation: was an English teacher, transitioning careers to become backend developer, learning python
Time spent using the app/week: 1 hour
Comfort with technology: very comfortable navigating the web; doesn't spend very much time on phone
Personality (place an X): Introverted ----x------------ Extroverted

Important relationships: Dog Georgia Son James Bootcamp classmates

More personality details:

  • quite uncomfortable not knowing an answer
  • prioritizes efficiency: doesn't like to waste time
  • tends to ask questions first and act after
  • doesn't like to express her feelings
  • works best between 11am and 2pm

Adventurousness (place an X): Prefers routine --------x-------- Prefers exploration Motivation/goal in using the app:

  • learn how to react productively to sticking points
  • have fun
  • become a better developer Needs:
  • self-awareness about her problem solving habits
  • better ways to research solutions to errors
  • feeling that she's not alone when she's having trouble
  • laughter


  • doesn't seem to remember + learn from sticking points she's overcome in the past
  • doesn't know how to make problem solving advice she's gotten concrete
  • always runs into problems right when she's most tired/her day is most hectic

Desired platforms/access (add Xs):

  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Mobile
  • Screen reader
  • Large font size
  • High contrast
  • Other language options
  • Other


NAME: Jon Rojas
Age: 17
Location: Sante Fe, NM
Occupation: high school student, self-teaching frontend development with javascript
Time spent using the app/week: 30min
Comfort with technology: very comfortable, digital native
Personality (place an X): Introverted -----------x----- Extroverted

Important relationships: Parents Sister Best friend who is also learning to code

More personality details:

  • has anxiety issues that emerge when he's feeling inadequate or uncertain
  • cares a lot about the opinions of his peers
  • highly emotionally intelligent when it comes to others needs
  • gives advice more than he asks for it
  • skeptical of authority/boring adult priorities

Adventurousness (place an X): Prefers routine ----------x------ Prefers exploration Motivation/goal in using the app: his sister heard about it and sent it to him. he's running into lots of bugs with an app he's making with React hooks, so he's hoping to get some kind of insight. he's trying to build a portfolio to get a coding job instead of going to college.


  • to make his app work
  • juggle programming with schoolwork (he tends to procrastinate on the latter with the former) and family obligations
  • get better at explaining/reflecting on his work for the interview process


  • more comfortable with coding than reading documentation (he speaks spanish at home and has never loved writing/reading in english)
  • frustration often leads to anxiety, and when he's anxious he can't seem to think

Desired platforms/access (add Xs):

  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Mobile
  • Screen reader
  • Large font size
  • High contrast
  • Other language options (maybe)
  • Other
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