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Last active November 28, 2023 23:15
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Some jq examples to remember
# These jq scripts were developed to deal with geojson files generated with
# This adds the filename to the path data and pipes it to less for viewing:
jq '. + {source_data: { features: [.source_data.features[] + {file: input_filename}]}}' some_geojson.json | less
# This pipes it to a new file:
jq '. + {source_data: { features: [.source_data.features[] + {file: input_filename}]}}' some_geojson.json > new_file.json
# To extract just the features while adding the filename:
jq '{features: [.source_data.features[] + {file: input_filename}]}' some_geojson.json > features.json
#To extract tall the other annotations, without the path:
jq 'del(.source_data)' some_geojson.json > annotations.json
# **filtering**
# show only features with a particular name
jq -C '.features[] | select( == "Golden Gate Heights")' sf_neighborhoods.geojson > golden_gate_heights.json
# get the keys
jq 'keys' data.json
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$ jq -s "[.[].out]" telemetry.json | less

take a collection of objects, select the 'out' attribute, return an array of all .out values

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Get the count of items for each key in "dates_data"

% jq '.dates_data | map_values(arrays | length)' response_1689718811520.json
  "market": 1246,
  "MEDIA_SOURCE": 1246,
  "PRODUCT": 1246,
  "PARENT_SOURCE": 1246,
  "FEATURE": 1246,
  "GEO_UNIT": 1246,
  "CHANNEL": 1246,
  "DATE": 1246,
  "METRIC_NAME": 1246,
  "VALUE": 1246,
  "MEDIA_TYPE": 1246

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