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kellyi/demo.cljs Secret

Created December 28, 2018 04:57
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(ns cljs-rn-sandbox.views
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[cljs-rn-sandbox.actions :as actions]
[ :as store]))
(def ReactNative (js/require "react-native"))
(def expo (js/require "expo"))
(def AtExpo (js/require "@expo/vector-icons"))
(def ionicons (.-Ionicons AtExpo))
(def ic (r/adapt-react-class ionicons))
(def ReactNativeElements (js/require "react-native-elements"))
(def ReactNavigation (js/require "react-navigation"))
(def text (r/adapt-react-class (.-Text ReactNative)))
(def view (r/adapt-react-class (.-View ReactNative)))
(def image (r/adapt-react-class (.-Image ReactNative)))
(def button (r/adapt-react-class (.-Button ReactNativeElements)))
(def create-tab-navigator (.-createBottomTabNavigator ReactNavigation))
(def main-view-style {:flex 1
:flex-direction "column"
:align-items "center"
:justify-content "center"})
(def text-style {:font-size 30
:font-weight "100"
:margin-bottom 20
:text-align "center"})
(defn counter
[view {:style main-view-style}
[image {:source (js/require "./assets/images/cljs.png")
:style {:width 200
:height 200}}]
[text {:style text-style} (str "Counter -> " @store/counter-cursor)]
[ic {:name "ios-arrow-down" :size 60 :color "green"}]
[button {:title "Increment" :on-press actions/increment-counter}]])
(defn greeter
[view {:style main-view-style}
[text {:style text-style} "Hello!"]])
(defn counter-icon
[ic {:name "counter"}])
(defn greeter-icon
(fn []
[ic {:name "smile-o"}]))
(defn home
(clj->js {"Counter" {"screen" (r/reactify-component counter)}
"Greeter" {"screen" (r/reactify-component greeter)
"navigationOptions" (fn []
(clj->js {"title" "Hello!"
"tabBarIcon" (r/reactify-component greeter-icon)}))}})))
(defn main
[(r/adapt-react-class (home))])
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