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Created December 4, 2011 18:03
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A script to find the source control version of the last successful build on every Jenkins job for a particular server. Outputs whether or not each job is building the expectedVersion.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
assert args && args.size() == 2
def urls = args[0].split(',')
def expectedVersion = args[1]
urls.each { url ->
println "examining url $url"
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(url.toURL().text) {
def job = new JsonSlurper().parseText("${it.url}/api/json?depth=1".toURL().text)
if (!job.builds[0].changeSet.revisions[0].module.endsWith(expectedVersion))
println "$it.url fails!"
println "$it.url passes!"
catch (e)
println "Exception thrown processing $it.url : $e"
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