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Created June 17, 2012 19:34
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Reads RSS feeds from Adobe kuler site and extracts the hexadecimal representation of each five element theme, writing those values to a file.
* Reads RSS feeds from kuler and extracts the hexadecimal representation of each five element theme, writing those
* values to a file.
def feeds = [
new URL(""),
new URL("")
def mappedThemes = [:]
def slurp = {rssXML, themes ->
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(rssXML) { theme ->
println theme.title
def desc = theme.description.toString().split('\n')
def hex = desc[-1]
hex = hex.replaceAll('\t', '')
hex = hex.replaceAll(' ', '')
themes.put(theme.title.toString().replaceAll('Theme Title:', '').trim().replaceAll(' ', '_').replaceAll('\'',
'_').toLowerCase(), hex.split(','))
feeds.each { URL url ->
slurp(url.text, mappedThemes)
println mappedThemes.keySet().size()
def themeMapFile = new File("kulerThemeMap-${new Date().format('yyMMddHHmmss')}.groovy")
themeMapFile << "themeMap = ${mappedThemes.inspect()}"
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