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Created July 16, 2023 00:00
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import { Adversary, Bitboard, Board, GameState, Move, MoveGenerator, Piece } from "../index.js";
const PawnValue = 100;
const KnightValue = 300;
const BishopValue = 320;
const RookValue = 500;
const QueenValue = 900;
const squareControlledByOpponentPawnPenalty = 350;
const capturedPieceValueMultiplier = 10;
const immediateMateScore = 100_000;
const PositiveInf = 9_999_999;
const NegativeInf = -PositiveInf;
/** evaluates positions solely based on material, uses alpha-beta pruning and mvv-lva */
export class v01_NaiveMaterialEvaluation extends Adversary {
#bestMove = Move.invalidMove();
#bestEvaluation = NegativeInf;
#generator: MoveGenerator;
constructor (readonly board: Board) {
this.#generator = new MoveGenerator(this.board);
bestMove(): Move {
this.#bestMove = Move.invalidMove();
this.#bestEvaluation = NegativeInf;
this.#search(4, 0);
return this.#bestMove;
#search(depth: number, plyFromRoot: number): number {
this.#generator = new MoveGenerator(this.board);
// if (plyFromRoot > 0) {
// if (this.board.repetitionHistory.includes(this.board.zobristKey)) return 0;
// alpha = Math.max(alpha, -immediateMateScore + plyFromRoot);
// beta = Math.min(beta, immediateMateScore - plyFromRoot);
// if (alpha >= beta) return alpha;
// }
if (depth <= 0) return this.#evaluate(this.board);
const moves = this.#generator.generateMoves()
// .map((move) => [move, this.#orderScore(move)] as const)
// .sort(([, a], [, b]) => a - b)
// .map(([move]) => move);
const gameState = this.board.gameState();
if (GameState.isDraw(gameState)) return 0;
if (moves.length === 0) {
if (this.#generator.inCheck) {
const mateScore = immediateMateScore - plyFromRoot;
return -mateScore;
let bestEvaluationThisIteration = NegativeInf;
for (const move of moves) {
this.board.makeMove(move, true);
const evaluation = -this.#search(depth - 1, plyFromRoot + 1);
if (evaluation > bestEvaluationThisIteration) {
bestEvaluationThisIteration = evaluation;
if (plyFromRoot === 0) {
this.#bestEvaluation = evaluation;
this.#bestMove = move;
this.board.unmakeMove(move, true);
return this.#bestEvaluation;
#orderScore(move: Move) {
let score = 0;
const movedPieceType = Piece.getType(this.board.squares[move.startSquare]);
const capturedPieceType = Piece.getType(this.board.squares[move.targetSquare]);
const flag = move.moveFlag;
if (capturedPieceType !== Piece.None) {
score = capturedPieceValueMultiplier * this.#getPieceValue(capturedPieceType) - this.#getPieceValue(movedPieceType);
if (movedPieceType === Piece.Pawn) {
if (flag === Move.Flag.PromoteToQueen) score += QueenValue;
else if (flag === Move.Flag.PromoteToKnight) score += KnightValue;
else if (flag === Move.Flag.PromoteToRook) score += RookValue;
else if (flag === Move.Flag.PromoteToBishop) score += BishopValue;
} else {
if (Bitboard.containsSquare(this.#generator.opponentPawnAttackMap, move.targetSquare)) {
score -= squareControlledByOpponentPawnPenalty;
return score;
#evaluate(board: Board) {
const whiteMat = this.#countMaterial(board, Board.whiteIndex);
const blackMat = this.#countMaterial(board, Board.blackIndex);
const score = whiteMat - blackMat;
const sign = board.colorToMove === Piece.White ? 1 : -1;
return score * sign;
#countMaterial(board: Board, index: 0 | 1) {
let material = 0;
material += board.pawns[index].count * PawnValue;
material += board.knights[index].count * KnightValue;
material += board.bishops[index].count * BishopValue;
material += board.rooks[index].count * RookValue;
material += board.queens[index].count * QueenValue;
return material;
readonly #pieceValueLookup = [
#getPieceValue(piece: number) {
return this.#pieceValueLookup[piece];
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