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Last active July 18, 2017 04:46
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A tree used to store the conditional probabilities of natural language or anything that follows a power law.
"""class for ngram tree"""
class Node(object):
"""docstring for Node"""
def __init__(self, ngram):
super(Node, self).__init__()
assert ngram.__class__.__name__ == "list"
self.gram = ngram[0]
self.children = []
self.counts = 0
self.parent = None
def get_conditional_probability(self):
"""returns condtional probablities"""
return self.counts / self.parent.counts
def ins(self, nminus1_gram):
"""inserts n-1gram into partial tree and increrases it's counts value"""
assert nminus1_gram.__class__.__name__ == "list"
self.counts += 1
if len(nminus1_gram) > 0:
for i in range(len(self.children)):
if nminus1_gram[0] == self.children[i].gram:
self.children[-1].parent = self
def _sort(self, i):
"""sorts tree to keep computational complexity down"""
while i > 0:
if self.children[i-1].counts < self.children[i].counts:
self.children[i-1], self.children[i] = self.children[i], self.children[i-1]
i -= 1
class NgramTree(object):
"""docstring for NgramTree"""
def __init__(self, gram):
super(NgramTree, self).__init__()
self.gram = gram
self.children = []
self.counts = 0
def ins(self, ngram):
"""inserts n-1gram into partial tree and increrases it's counts value"""
assert ngram.__class__.__name__ == "list"
if len(ngram) > 0:
self.counts += 1
for i in range(len(self.children)):
if ngram[0] == self.children[i].gram:
self.children[-1].parent = self
def _sort(self, i):
"""sorts tree to keep computational complexity down"""
while i > 0:
if self.children[i-1].counts < self.children[i].counts:
self.children[i-1], self.children[i] = self.children[i], self.children[i-1]
i -= 1
def treePrint(w, n):
"""print out the tree structure"""
print("\t"*n + str(w.gram))
for i in w.children:
treePrint(i, n+1)
def get_titles(tree):
"""gather lists of titles using pre-order traversal"""
titles = []
for child in tree.children:
get_titles_aux(child, 0, tree.gram, titles)
return titles
def get_titles_aux(node, depth, previous_string, titles):
"""auxiliary function to get_titles"""
while len(titles) < depth + 1:
name = previous_string + " " + node.gram
for child in node.children:
get_titles_aux(child, depth + 1, name, titles)
def get_dictionaries(tree):
dictionaries = [{j:0 for j in i} for i in get_titles(tree)]
for child in tree.children:
get_dictionaries_aux(child, 0, tree.gram, dictionaries)
return dictionaries
def get_dictionaries_aux(node, depth, previous_string, dictionaries):
"""auxiliary function to get_dictionaries"""
name = previous_string + " " + node.gram
dictionaries[depth][name] = node.get_conditional_probability()
for child in node.children:
get_dictionaries_aux(child, depth + 1, name, dictionaries)
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